
Sunday, October 6, 2019

Bulbs and cats and cat trees

My mother always referred to a busy day with a lot accomplished as "breaking eggs with a stick".  I think we did.

But first, many mornings, before the alarm to wake me, I am still treated to the sound of a cat thundering from the far end of the trailer, landing on the bed and walking over my shoulder to get behind the curtain.

I know what he's looking at, but today it all came together for a picture:

She knows Toby is here, but I've never seen her cast a glance.

Yesterday I cleaned out the pots, and today, at the appointed hour, my sister and her husband came. Jan and I sorted the bulbs by depth and pot, and we left Tom to the cat tree and went out.

The anemones called for a three hour soaking before planting. Right! I ignored that at the old house, too, and I had beautiful anemones for several years. They still are there; I'm not. We did work a lot of fertilizer into the soil.

Jan soaked every pot with a bucket of water, and watered the mandevillas for good measure. I came in to see how Tom fared.

The cat tree was in good hands, so I busied myself with cleaning up and breaking boxes down, until it was time to test the result.

Yes, it is the cat tree he always dreamed of, apparently. So after lunch I moved on to the studio.

I hemmed another half dozen towels, which also involved re-threading one thread path of the serger because an effing factory knot jammed on the way through. Grrrrrr... I should not be an expert serger threader because some factory thinks it's OK to knot ends together.

I finished the day with a few bobbins of emerald green, had supper, and here I am in my fabulous office chair.


  1. Hari om
    Oh Toby...a cat tree AND a window-lust. Is she purrty???

    Joanne, your industry - with help and without - puts me to shame! YAM xx

  2. Maybe she'll cast Toby a look now that he has that fabulous new 'cat tree'......

  3. You certainly did break a lot of eggs with a stick today! I've never heard that saying but I like it.
    I'm sure that Toby is incredibly grateful for his new tower. But you know cats- they pretend that everything granted them is simply what they deserve.
    Your towels are beautiful. They really are, Joanne. I admire them and their weaver so.

  4. You SMASHED eggs with a stick today.
    I never soak the anemones either. And they flower beautifully until the vandals behead and shred them.
    Love the cat condominium and won't show it to Jazz.

  5. You certainly did get a lot done. I didn't know about soaking anemones, the packet didn't say anything about it. I've given up on bulbs here, what is left in the garden can look after itself, there are ixias where I originally put them, freesias popping up everywhere, bluebells under one tree and starflowers in a pot. I haven't seen an anemone in quite a while and no ranunculus either.
    The cat climber seems to be a hit with Toby. I love the brilliant yellow of those teatowels, they'd certainly brighten up any kitchen, like a dose of sunshine.

  6. Everything is looking good from the cat tree to the plants to the weaving. You certainly did smash eggs with a stick :-)

  7. Busy, busy, busy. Toby looks like he is surveying his kingdom.

  8. busy days can be great ones... love the cat tree and will think about one for Jack and Tigger. Love the emerald green!!

  9. Impressive, every bit of it! The bulbs, the cat tree, the beautiful towels. I love the green color especially, though my favorite changes with my moods. It will be fun to see your garden next spring and summer.

  10. most been moving to get all that done. Lovely towels.
    Coffee is on

  11. Behold the happiest cat in the whole trailer park!!!

  12. Those towels are gorgeous and I love the colors! Toby looks so happy with the new cat tower. He will spend many hours there I'm sure.

  13. Love Toby's new "digs". I am sure he'll enjoy it too! You had a very productive Sunday!


  14. Oh my... You're making me feel so lazy. You got a ton done.

  15. I am amazed at what people do for their pets (including me in the past - but not any more!)

  16. Toby, king of all he surveys, both inside and outside.

  17. I would give a lot for reading the cat's thoughts.

  18. A great tree and a good view for puss.

  19. A new world has opened up to Toby. I am sure he is one happy cat.

    You have reminded me that it is time to plant some bulbs. The long summer never seemed to want to end.

  20. Isn't it satisfying to have a busy and productive day?

  21. surely soaking the anemone bulbs would be for if you planted them in the spring and not fall. I've got my eye on a pretty little volunteer blooming plant that has come up in my neighbor's ditch. I asked him not to mow it down til it goes to seed so I can collect some.

  22. I have had problems growing bulbs and perennials that were purchased in a cheap supermarket. Perhaps l should soak them before planting them? Thanks for the tips.

  23. Your stacks of freshly woven towels make me want to hug them.

    That was a productive day all right. Love the thought of Toby running to see the kitty next door each morning. And what a cat tree! He's a lucky feline :)

  24. You’ve done a lot of weaving, Joanne.

  25. The cat tree is elaborate. I've never heard the expression "breaking eggs with a stick."


  26. great teamwork..and a good view from the cat tower!!

    you are really beavering on with the weaving..very impressive..and it is annoying how big suppliers cannot be bothered with that sort of happens with ceramics in other ways too

  27. Toby will be one happy cat!

    Your creations are amazing.

  28. It was certainly a very busy day. I suspect, were I to show them, the Demon Duo would be jealous of Toby's new perch with a window.

  29. Dear Joanne, I'm liking the looks of that cat tree/perch, but I'm in to being frugal for the next several months, so I'll stay with the one I have. Matthew especially seems to like it. I'm glad Toby likes the one you got him. Peace.

    1. I needed a new one. This has been subject to three cats. and one scratching pole was scratched to the quick. Carpet tufts are drifting everywhere.

  30. Looks like a fabulous cat tree. But what do I know, I'm not a cat.

  31. It looks difficult for an overweight, old lady to manipulate. LOL What a great day was had by all.

  32. You three did a lot of egg-breaking on this day. ;)

    Toby's cat tree looks fab. I wonder if he thinks of the cat across the way as a potential friend or a potential foe?

  33. Toby seems very enthusiastic about joining Neighbourhood Watch...

  34. A very productive day. Your Toby reminds me of our Toby, years ago, a rescue dog who had the funniest personality I've ever known in an animal.

    Those knots in yarn and threads drive me crazy, always a shock when they trip up the work.


  35. The cat tree is wonderful. I hope its user fully appreciates it. Breaking eggs with a stick? I've never heard that one before. I'm more likely to say I'm working my socks off.
