
Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Another week off to a decent start

I saw yesterday how close we are to the next election. When I went to play cards,  the election day dinner already is advertised. November 3rd is hard upon us.

Last week I placed first and this week I placed last. Such is cards.

Today I went with my neighbor to see Downton Abbey. We were quite early and our theater was very empty. Toward the end of the trailers, two other women came in, and sat down next to me. Four people in an empty theater. Strange. Didn't stop Cathy, or me, from laughing out loud and blowing our noses.

A mystery is solved. Some time ago I found a flyer on my door.

I asked at the office and they had no knowledge. Neither did the maintenance fellows, until one mentioned to Cathy recently, "That painted dresser is in the school bus shelter. No books left in it, though!"

Now that I know, I have an armload to take up tomorrow. 


  1. I played canasta all weekend with My Rare One and her niece who was visiting. Sometimes I won, sometimes I lost. "Such is cards," you're right!

  2. I don't even know how to play card games any more. I played when I was a child but those were easy games One day I might take up bridge but that time is not now.

    You didn't mention whether you enjoyed Downton Abby. I saw it a few weeks ago and quite enjoyed it. Though the main story line wasn't really believable it was still fun.

    All the best with the election. We just finished ours yesterday. some of the newcomers from places where democracy doesn't exist at all were commenting how they cannot believe it is election day because everything is so quiet and peaceful. That doesn't mean to say our leaders are not getting nasty. The classy days of politics seem long over.

    1. My neighbor worried she had not followed the series, and I said not it worry, I understood it was stand alone, as it was. I thought there were a lot of plot lines involved and the audience had to be on its toes to follow them. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

  3. Sorry about the grammatical issues and typos in my comment. I blame it on my keyboard. It sticks a lot.

  4. I've attended the odd film where there was only a handful of people in the theatre. Usually a matinee.

  5. We had a federal election yesterday. Nothing changed on the Canadian front.

  6. Hari OM
    I so rarely attend cinemas these days - but on the few occasions of late when I did, the venues were certainly low in numbers. Netfix effect I s'pose. Hope your little free library picks up nicely. YAM xx

  7. I love the little library concept. Where we used to live in Prescott, one of the handymen who all the town knows would build these and put them in different parts of the city (with owners permission). Its a good way to recycle books and read some new things you might not normally read. We will blink and it will be new year's election. Time is going by fast.


  8. What a unique looking Little Library!


  9. That little library will love to have some books!

  10. Mr. Moon and I just went to a movie and there may have been a dozen people in the theater we were in. But when you added up our ticket prices and our popcorn, we had paid enough money to have gone and eaten a fabulous supper. With drinks!
    Oh well. Sometimes it's just good to watch a movie on the big screen.
    I love the little book library. I swear- I want to do one of those so much.

  11. Somewhere on YT is a clip of a guy on a rant. He parked way out in the parking lot, but with all of that empty space, someone decided to part right beside him.

    Found it easily. I still think it's funny.

    1. Especially because this is a theater where you select seats before going in. So on this entire theater with two seats lit up as occupied did they pick two more, by us. The movie was starting in two minutes and I know there was not a crowd clamoring for Downton Abbey. So, I'll go look now.

    2. Hahahahaha.
      The fellow almost sounds like New Jersey, but I can't quite place it.

  12. That little library dresser is sweet! I can see the drawers sticking frightfully once the dampness gets into the wood, though :)

    I hate it when the theatre is nearly empty and people want to sit right beside us - ha ha Good to hear you enjoyed the movie.

  13. We had a little free library in our street. I fed it (and from time to time it fed me). Sadly it has flown away.

  14. Little libraries are a great idea.
    I use it mostly to dispose of my books, two or three at a time. No point in taking any more - if the library is full I just have to carry them back home.
    I do look to see what is in the library but by now I am disciplined enough not to take them away...

  15. Our version of a free library is random people leaving a book on a random bus shelter seat with a sticker inside the front cover that this is a travelling book, feel free to read it and pass it on. If you wish, leave your location inside the back cover and when I opened one such book the inside back cover showed it had travelled fairly extensively. I taped up the weak spots and torn pages, then added my suburb and city before leaving it again.

  16. I do love the idea of the Little Free Libraries. We have a great one near our cottage at Lake Chautauqua. It is used a lot. somehow in Bath they are a bit too far apart. We have an 18 year old running for school board here. He is angry that his favorite coach was fired from coaching. I don't believe I will vote for him.

  17. Theaters are empty here in the middle of the week in the middle of the day best time to go.
    A federal election the day before my birthday what a good idea.

  18. I love little libraries, so innovative and necessary in places where public libraries can be out of reach for so many.

    Glad you enjoyed DA. I will try and see it.


  19. Love those little libraries. Such a great idea.

  20. I love the look of these free libraries.

    Thank you for your encouraging comment x

  21. We hardly ever go to the movies anymore... unless it is something that really looks great on the big screen (like Avatar). I did watch and do own the DVD's for Downton Abbey. So I'm sure I will see the movie eventually (probably at home tho).
    And The little free libraries have been around a while - a good idea that caught on!

  22. We have one of those little libraries in my neighborhood and I love it. It only holds 10-15 books but that is just right. It seems to get plenty of use as the books are always changing.

    Glad you enjoyed the movie. I went the first week Downton opened and it was crowded in the afternoon. We go on Tuesdays when the price is $5 and the popcorn is free. It is a way to get people in the theaters and it works.

  23. So you watched Downton Abbey? Now you have an accurate idea of how we all live here in England. Watch out for 'Farmageddon'. Poster quote: 'One small step for lamb...'

  24. Little libraries are a boon. I did not watch the series, so I wonder if the film would resonate with me.

  25. I loved Downton Abbey. I hadn't seen the series, but now I'd like to. I wish we had one of those Free Libraries. I've got a bunch of books I could add to it too.

  26. So does that mean people simply take books from the library, or are they meant to leave other books in return? Anyway, it sounds like your armload will stock it up for a while.

  27. At least you know when your election will be...we'd like to plan a trip or two...but we want to vote

  28. I know I wrote a comment but it isn't here so I'll try and remember what it was. those little libraries are such a great concept. we even have one in this small town across from the post office though I have never been to it as the big library is closer. That dresser would be more effective if it had glass doors or a sign explaining what it was as it would never occur to me that a painted dresser in the school bus shelter was a little library.

  29. No votes here this year unless I have been oblivious.

    No little libraries here, sadly.

  30. The chance to read a book for free is always welcome and there are plenty of cheap books too, in the recycling shops but you can never have too many. Now winter is rushing towards us, I'm stocking up.

  31. I've also noticed the nearly empty theaters. That must be why they charge an arm and a leg for a small bag of popcorn and a coke. We always say we are never again going to allow ourselves to be seduced by the smell of that overpriced corn. We can always start to "just say no" the next time, I suppose.

  32. Hard to believe it's going to be November soon. And I don't understand why people choose to sit next to strangers in an empty theater. If there's a lot of space I am going to be off on my own.

  33. That is a pretty Little Free Library, our neighbor has one I visit every day when walking with Bounce. I want to see Downton Abbey.

  34. In England some villages have book exchanges in the old fashioned red telephone boxes. They're fun. I have found some fun books there.
