
Sunday, September 15, 2019

Try the new Blogger!

Does anyone else have that obnoxious orange rectangle at the bottom of the left sidebar?  Have you learned how to be rid of it? Have you looked into “the new Blogger”? As far as I can see, it is using a blog to make money. I remember this wave going round a few years ago, but a little less aggressive. I wasn’t stuck with the orange rectangle. We have too much orange as it is.

This is a grumpy blog. I’m close to done with re-threading my loom. I think back to my sister’s nimble fingers, threading a loom’s heddles so quickly, tying on the new warp at many times my rate. She doesn’t do this anymore, and bending over a loom is no easier for her than for me these days.

My complaint isn’t doing the job, but working through the jumble of a brain injury to complete this part of it. Interesting I can still push the proper treadles in the proper order, throw the shuttle and lay down neat row after neat row of work, yet have such a problem rearranging four threads in every sequence of eight across a warp of four hundred odd threads.

I don’t work well come afternoon, and I know that. I started the re-threading in an afternoon, and just quit after wasting an hour or two. I should have known better! I came back the next morning, and it was a struggle, but I got a bit done. The same the morning after, and so on, until two days ago, when I finally “saw” what I had to do, in my brain, and set up a little sequence I could deal with.

Shortly I was past half way done. Now I have worked down to the last eighty threads. I started up again after lunch, and reached those last eighty threads, only to be stopped again by my other accomplice, back pain. So, here I am in my therapeutic chair, waiting for two acetaminophens to take effect.

For, I am determined to finish before supper. Tomorrow I’m going to breakfast with friends, and then to the dentist. In short, tomorrow is shot, both time and pleasure. We’re going back to a restaurant I really enjoyed the first time, when I had an egg Benedict. There were so many Benedict variations on the menu I could not make a rational choice that morning, and settled on the first offering, a classic poached egg on English muffin, with Canadian bacon.

Yes, I hear my Canadian and British friends shuddering.  I love a Benedict egg above most breakfast offerings.  At the moment my back ache has eased enough for me to go back and probably finish my thread job. I will come back with the rest of the blog this evening.

So, it’s 6:45. I finished the threading, and even checked each bout for accuracy. Good to be done, and even better to be done and correct. It’s still a long haul, but the most painful part is over. I had supper, put the dishes in the dishwasher, and hobbled my back here to my Tempur-Pedic office chair.

For breakfast tomorrow I shall have a Florentine Egg Benedict. A poached egg on spinach and tomato, on an English muffin, topped with Hollandaise sauce. The Hollandaise has a real zing. I think I’ll have a side of bacon. Yum, yum.

I looked carefully, but there was no photographic interest in the warp in the heddles. Here instead, out the front door and over my shoulder.


  1. A book I really liked, at least the first part of it, was Irene Hardy's Ohio Schoolmistress. She was born in Ohio in about 1840 and the first half of the book talks of the life she knew in that time and place. She had many chores to do and her mother would often tell her stories as she did them, to make the time pass more quickly. But when her mother was setting up her loom she could not tell stories because she had to concentrate with all her attention. At least, that is the way I remember it. I will have to go look for the book later this evening. Be well, Joanne!

    1. Oh, yes, set up requires complete concentration. But I used to set up a 44" loom in a day, and a new threading took me another half a day. Now it's such a struggle. I am so thankful threading is the worst of weaving that has escaped me.

  2. love it when the light bulb in the head goes off. for me though it's usually by the time I am near done. I am now waiting for the printer ink to arrive I ordered. sort of at a standstill til then. all to make this particular chore, fancying up the base snowflakes, a little easier

  3. DH loves Eggs Benedict too and yes, there seems to be endless combinations offered these days. Myself I'm happy with a cup of tea or coffee and grits. Kudos on threading your loom! Sounds a bit complicated to me.

    1. There is one restaurant Lynn and I go to just for the oatmeal!

  4. You have real persistence.
    Enjoy your breakfast.

    1. I had to get it done. I love this restaurant's eggs Benedict!

  5. Hooray for a difficult task done and dusted, despite pain and despite a recalcitrant brain.
    Enjoy your breakfast.
    No orange rectangle that I can see. A small mercy for which I am grateful.

  6. Hari Om
    Eggs and spinach are one of those heavenly blends and a hollandaise on top. Oh yeah. Well done for perseverance and winning that personal battle.
    Haven't seen any orange blocks on my bloggy; neither do I see any here... could it just be within the USA? Nothing on the Blogger Blog itself nor any word elsewhere that I can trace. Could you take a screenshot and email it to me? Might be able to help if I know exactly what you are looking at. YAM xx

    1. Maybe if Yam can't come up with the answer you could post the screenshot and the rest of us can have a crack at it!

    2. Hari OM
      Just to round this off - have emailed details to Jo - but the basic thing is she has been using DRAFT DOT BLOGGER DOT COM.
      Nobody ought to be on that dashboard other than beta testers and Google's geekwigs!!! Always work from the main blogger dashboard at "dubdubdub DOT blogger DOT com".
      At some point, the testing being done with that orange block will translate to here... Yxx

    3. Eeek! How'd you get on there, Joanne?!

  7. I HATE how older age steals from us what was once so entirely ours. I love that you keep working at it, making it happen, even though it is difficult. I find that inspiring as hell.
    And when I got to the part about the Eggs Benedict I started drooling. Take a picture if you remember, please. I would like inspiration there as well.

    1. It's on my mental list to take a picture. I may write it on my hand.

  8. I admire your determination Joanne, and your choice of breakfast.

  9. Oddly enough, I don't know of any Canadians who call Canadian bacon, Canadian bacon. We just call it back bacon. And I never order it either. :)

    1. I forgot I don't care for it and neglected to "hold the bacon!" I don't understand why it's called bacon; I think it's just another cut of pork.

  10. I've always had an interest in weaving... but the idea of threading just sends me off!! So I'll watch and see what you are doing instead!! Your Florentine Eggs Benedict sounds yummy!! Enjoy!!

  11. It's frustrating when time or illness or injury takes from us the things that used to come so easily. Persevering is the best thing you can do to fight back, in my opinion.

    I've never had Eggs Benedict. Now I feel I may be missing something!

  12. The only thing I hate about being older is that I can't move like I used to. It Sucks.

  13. We use your towels daily. They really are lovely. Thanks again.

  14. Good for you for getting the threading done! At a local restaurant recently I was amazed at the different Benedict offerings. I still like the original ones though did think it would be cool to work my way down the menu of their offerings to see if my opinion changed. Enjoy your breakfast tomorrow!


  15. I like the sentence where your brain suddenly saw what to do and set up a sequence to follow. Yay!! Glad you got the hard part done, now you can get on with the fun part.
    I know nothing about the "new blogger", haven't seen any orange square and don't want to.

  16. The heddles you've been threading are yourself!

  17. Not really very sociable at breakfast, I'd prefer to eat the Eggs Benedict for lunch. Double helpings.
    Not sure what the orange 'thing' is but, like everyone else, instinctively distrust it. Blogger will keep on developing little uneccessary twiddles and flourishes, but it might be a good idea to check.

  18. You never give up and that's good.

  19. I haven't seen that orange rectangle. Muffins seem to switch identities somewhere mid-Atlantic.

    1. On the international date line, or does that run the wrong direction.

    2. I don't know about direction, but the dateline is 1970 - 2000.

  20. I'm certainly not shuddering. What's wrong with having Egg Benedict for breakfast?

    You're amazingly persistent with the loom, especially if you keep getting back pain. But better to keep going. Use it or lose it, as they say.

  21. Among other things, I admire your persistence. It is so easy to give up when we are in pain but you find a way to do it and don’t give up.

    Is the little orange square the one that says, “Send Feedback”?

  22. I had a 'send feedback' sign today for the first time. Is that what you mean? Lover Eggs Benedict by the way.

  23. Seeing how it all goes together in the brain is a huge "Oh Yes!" moment. You have such an amazing talent. I am jealous of your restaurant choices - here we can get eggs fried or scrambled.

  24. I hope today turned out well for you

  25. The only orange rectangle I've got is on the right hand side of the reading list, and it's minimal, with the send feedback notation.

    I can't recall the last time I've had eggs benedict.

  26. I haven't seen the obnoxious orange triangle, and I hope it doesn't show up.


  27. Congratulations on threading up a loom..quite a task for anyone!
    Love the cat portrait... obviously concentrating elsewhere!

  28. Dear Joanne, you are a woman of great fortitude. And to use a biblical term: a valiant woman. You continue ever and always to astound me. Peace.

  29. Your fingers are better than you might think.Proud of you.

    Not a fan of eggs Benedict. In fact, I don't like runny eggs of any sort. I'd go with a great omelet.

  30. Florentine - spinach - great choice. Oh thanks for that new blogger notice/warning or whatever. At first I didn't know what sidebar you were talking about. Then I checked the sidebar on blogger home page were you create the postings. Yes I see. I think the difference for me is the changes for mobile viewing of the blog.

  31. I find I am much better in activities requiring any kind of IQ and agility in the mornings. Afternoons I sort of make the best of it.

    I adore eggs bennie in any variant. A total treat.


  32. You've got me looking for an orange rectangle now. I can't see one and am feeling deprived!

  33. Wowsers... I found this post in my spam folder so my reply to the post is LATE, LATE, LATE! I can commiserate with your back pain. I have chronic pain in my back (and other regions from time to time). I have a La-Z-Boy massage chair but I'm too short for it -- Robert has taken it over as HIS chair, which is fine with me. Will try to keep on top of your posts from now on...
