
Thursday, September 19, 2019

Tomorrow is another day, as my elders used to say

It's only Thursday, thank goodness. I got up with the alarm and got to it. After cat business and my tasty breakfast, I watered the plants.

On the job! One earring is a feather, the other a turtle and a water lily, all from his grandmother's charm bracelet, according to the artist.

The mandevillas are still doing well, but this may be the last Gerbera of the season.

While I was out with the plants, the UPS fellow handed me up a package. The other day a sock went down to potential neverland.  I did find a yard stick to fish it out, but said Enough! and ordered a bridge gapper. Take that.

On to the studio. If you wonder what was the problem, the problem was all that stuff was scattered around the studio before this picture was made.

Then the winding of the bobbins. Fortunately only nineteen of forty needed wound. Still, they take time.

Then to the tension box. I'd left enough of the previous warp to tie on, and here I'm half done. It's near one in the afternoon, so I stopped for lunch, and to put supper together.

The rice is cooking for a stuffed pepper. I "parboiled" the pepper in the microwave. I also took a phone call from Ann. I realized a while ago, if I don't call her once a week, she calls me. "Just checking up" she announces, and then we exchange a week's worth of gossip.

I got back to work and ran into a problem turning the bouts onto the beam. The very first reed slot in the tension box is packing lint into the reed, and dragging on the threads. I will solve the problem; I'm pretty resourceful.

By five thirtyish I was pretty done, and retired for supper. That and taking the trash to the curb ended my day.

It's to bed in a couple of hours, and back on that tension box problem tomorrow.


  1. You were busy!

    My mother used to say that same phrase.

  2. I always forget how much I love stuffed peppers. Thank you for reminding me.
    I am just so in awe of your weaving art. It is like magic to me.

  3. I’ve never seen a bridge grabber before. Great idea. Thanks for the info, Joanne.

  4. Seems to me the cookerer is really doing a good job! Amazing how all those threads end up in the beautiful towels.

  5. You had a full day. You are brave to look forward to dealing with a problem tomorrow.

    1. I'd crossed threads. They were in different slots in the reed, so beside rubbing on each other, they were scraping against the reed. I needed three hands to sort it out, but I got it.

  6. I really enjoyed this post - I feel like I spent the day with you! I like that bridge grabber and might need to get one myself. Too many socks slip away.

  7. Bon appetit! Your meal looks very good. :)

  8. Lovely looking grub. Sweet dreams!

  9. Love that shadow shot.
    Good luck with your tensioning issues. Resouceful is an understatement.

  10. Your life is busy but very satisfying! Stuffed peppers and an ear of sweet corn. The quintessential summer dinner.

  11. Yummy on the peppers! The bobbins look a bit daunting but I know you got it figured out!


  12. What a day! Congrats on taking care of business and making that awesome looking dinner.

  13. Hari OM
    All in all, productive! Am on the move again at the moment. There may be gaps in comms... YAM xx

  14. Another productive day done and dusted. I feel tired just reading of all the things you do some days.

  15. I would look at those spools to be wound and give up.

    1. I would look at that marble to be chipped away and give up.

  16. I like how your prayer flags are arranged in a big smile under the clock in your workroom.

  17. The stuffed pepper looks rather delicious. We have stuffed peppers and stuffed aubergines quite often.

    I've bought "Just Mercy". It looks really good. I'll tell you my verdict in due course.

    1. Oh, good. I think like the kids and global warming, it deserves a lot of noise and action.

  18. lots and much going on at your house!

  19. I think of you every time I look at my mandevilla. I loved yours so much, I went out a bought one last year. It is amazing! I overwinter it inside. Looks like a mighty fine dinner.

  20. What a day! Creative and constructive.

  21. You had a busy day. Whst is it about impending Autumn that ramps us up?

  22. i think Scarlett O'Hara said that in Gone with the Wind too, a very old phrase. My granny would always say : the only thing that waits is housework as we proceeded to have some fun. I have taken that to heart in that good weather vanishes, grandchildren grow up etc.

    Boy that weaving looks challenging. And I do love your glass dish.


    1. I like it, too. When I use it I wonder where it came from. When I'm done with it, will a friends or relative pick it up, or will it wind up back on a shelf in the thrift store.

  23. DH makes great stuffed peppers. He puts bacon and pecans in his. What do you put in yours? As for the loom and threading, etc. - looks a bit too complicated for me.

    1. I considered bacon, but used hamburger. Chicken or turkey. I don't remember which I bought.

  24. glad you are solving your lifestyle sans granddaughter, more weaving. seems like everything I try goes to shit these days.

  25. You seem to be quite tenacious and industrious.

  26. Your earrings sound very cool but I am aghast that the artist would sell his granny's charms!

    Wait, that doesn't sound right. Aw, you know what I meant :D

    1. I gathered Granny had passed on. I think it's good to pass on what made Granny happy.

  27. I like a good challenge. My fingers do not cooperate the way they used to, though. As much as I love to sew, I find myself in the gardens and painting more and more. It is good to be busy!

  28. Clearly your spatial relations are better than mine. The threads from that loom are impressive. I love the studio, it's such a treat to have a dedicated space.

  29. Oh, that stuffed pepper looks good.

  30. How do you do that, all those threads?!

  31. How about photos of the tension box problem. :)

    What a great day.
