
Thursday, September 26, 2019

Busy, busy week

In spite of everything, I've been able to give half a day each day this week to weaving. One day this week, a doctor appointment. Then a trip to the lab for a blood draw. 

This morning I took my neighbor to the airport. She has not been on a plane since the olden days. The person she's going to visit told her wheelchair transport was $25 per. She needs a wheelchair as much as I do, and of course I told her to get in the house and call her airline. She sent me a happy text later in the day.

Yesterday, when I had all day to devote to weaving, I spent half the day correcting two sleying errors. I saw them the first day, but left them to the end of the first run of towels. Anyone of you who is a weaver would see them at once. A bit right of center, see the two white "railroad tracks". The reed is threaded (sleyed) two threads per space, or dent. I inadvertently put four threads in those very white places, and spent the morning correcting the problem.

I persevered, and eventually carted a load of orange towel fabric off to the washer to be fulled. I came back and started in on the next batch, which will be blue.

The artist holding the open house wants high resolution pictures for her brochures. I've been turning that over in my mind this week. My phone doesn't make hi res. Then I remembered my camera, and decided between that and my little shooting tent, those pictures were the best she would get.

My sister called this evening with an accounting question pestering her all week, and when we resolved it, I tossed out my hi res photo problem. Would you believe, with the flick of a setting, her new iPad takes high resolution pictures! We're shooting on Sunday. I have a stack of orange ready, and certainly should have blue, and more.

So, the show will go on, and now it remains only to be seen, how many towels will there be.


  1. I am, as always, super impressed at both your productivity and your resilience. I suspect that sleying error would have had me pulling my hair out.

  2. Is it possible to order some towels? I would love to give some to my kids for Christmas. I cherish mine so.

  3. I would like to buy some too, Joanne!

  4. You do such nice work. The previous post's pictures of the curling threads is pretty cool.

  5. Your work is so beautiful and durable. I really hope to give some towels as gifts. Is the open house you mention the one the Bures family holds? Or if not, can I order towels some other way?

  6. I hope you make a fortune on them. They are certainly worth it.

  7. I would also love to order some towels for Christmas gifts!

  8. I wish I could one of those shows. Have fun.

  9. And I would also like to order some towels for Christmas. Can you give a price pretty please and tell us where to send the cash? Hmm??

  10. Wow, reading the comments, you could open an eTSY store :) I do like my blue ones! Glad your sister's phone will be able to take the pictures you need! I do see the "railroad tracks" but I'm not sure I would have seen them if you didn't point them out. Its kind of like when my hubby plays a song. He might make a mistake on it and I won't hear it unless I'm familiar enough with the song so that's why the towel "blunder" of yours I probably wouldn't have caught unless it was something I was used to seeing all the time and knew how "it should work."


  11. Your towels look wonderful! I wouldn't have caught the error. I'm glad your cardiologist is on top of things. I hope you find a decent PCP.

  12. Years ago, I bought a hand made wool and silk carpet (made in Pakistan). In one row there is a small error which I like to look at and ponder about the young boys working long hours to produce my masterpiece.

  13. I also have a little pot to hold a mosquito coil as it burned away all night. This was made for me in my Singapore days by a friend who was a potter in her spare time. She used the debris ash from the coils to add to the glaze. These hand made objects made with love are more precious than anything purchased.

  14. I love your weaving photos, love seeing how things are made. I love my towels too and use them almost daily, they're in rotation with all my other towels. I hope you have plenty for the open house and hope they all sell. What am I saying? Of course they will sell!.

  15. There is so much precision and wisdom in weaving, it always amazes me.

  16. Hari OM
    As a point of interest to Margaret (above), all Eastern rugs have one small imperfection, because nothing other than the Lord is perfect. Joanne - it is also one of the lovely things of hand-made products that 'character' arises in each piece. Tram-tracks will be loved by someone!!! YAM xx

  17. Doing things at your own pace is best of all.

  18. Good work...I remember how long it takes to correct a simple mistake!!( My grandmother taught me to spin and weave)
    Keeping ever day filled and never dull! Attagirl!!!

  19. They look great and you will always have lots of happy customers.

  20. Again you've expanded my vocabulary - "sleying". I'm not a weaver, but I'm beginning to sley my weaving metaphors.

  21. Such beautiful work Joanne. You will do well at the craft show for sure!

  22. Beautiful and practical work. I'm sure your will be sold out at the show in no time!

  23. That cloth is great. I cherish my tea towels!

  24. this country lost some of it heart and soul when it lost it's cottage industries. everything is massed produced as cheaply as possible and it's all garbage. not so your lovely towels. I expect to hand mine down to my daughter or to my grandkids.

  25. Fabulous work, you inspire me to persist with my own projects. I so love the towels you sent me, the quality is superb.


  26. They are lovely Joanne and I am so envious of your ability to work on such things.

  27. At this rate you'll have plenty to sell… and you will certainly sell them all!

  28. Simply wonderful stuff. What about the red line to the right of the two white? All this is just flat out marvelous.

    1. That warp is wound a bit too tight, but it actually does "go away in the wash."

    2. You know, I spotted that area myself and hated to mention it to Joanne, but then thought, "if it was my work, I'd want to know about any errors/mistakes" and now here you are, stepping up to the plate for me!!! HUGGGGGS! LOL And to Joanne--your towels are just the cat's meow. Truly, I LOVE mine and I know your towels will be a hit in the show!

  29. Dear Joanna, have I told you how I'm now--since early August--using the two towels you sent me? I have to ice my left knee twice a day until the operation, which will be either in late November or early December. I'm using your towels between the ice packs and my skin. They are such a help to me. Thank again for them! Peace.

  30. the orange is a favorite! Well done, you, I am itching to get back to creativity and making- too many things in the way at the moment. Your weaving is delicious!

  31. I really like the orange color. Nice.

  32. Your energy just gobsmacks me, Joanne. Hope you get great pictures for the brochure.

  33. Definitely a busy week but productive as well. The towels look great. You did a fantastic job, Joanne.

  34. The orange batch is very eye-catching. The towels are sure to be a hit!

  35. May I order towels? A young man moved in next door to me. He's so sweet. I want to give him something that I know he doesn't have.


  36. All this, and you're figuring out photography too. Impressive. :)

  37. As I can attest, they are the best tea towels I've ever had - they wash up beautifully, are so absorbent, and are in as good shape as the day they arrived here! Best of luck with your sales, Joanne, but you won't need it as they are quality pieces! -Jenn

  38. "correcting two sleying errors" well an error is an error but I had no clue what that error was. I did notice the white railroad tracks you pointed out. I guess it ruins the pattern.

  39. Wow! I am so totally impressed and in awe of your talent. That looks gorgeous and so much work.

  40. And how many were there, in the end? I hope the open house went well, if it has not already happened.
