
Friday, September 6, 2019

Back at it

I spent much of the month of August---asleep!  I wasn’t tired, I was soporific.  Sometime during the day I would stagger to my bed, or risk sinking where I was. Or, wake with a snap from reading the paper or a news report on the computer, stagger to bed and sleep two to three hours. 

Medical sleuth that I am, I deduced my thyroid was crapping out again. My next appointment with my endocrinologist was scheduled for the last day of September.  The day after Labor Day I called for the next available appointment. It was the next afternoon. I took it.

I generally go to this appointment with lab work done and new thyroid readings on record. But this was a “damn the torpedoes” situation in my estimation. I left with lab work authorization in hand, and had it done yesterday morning. The results were in my email yesterday evening, and yes, another instance of thyroid crapping out.

A new script goes to the drug store today, I’ll get it tomorrow, and start working back to normality.

What gets accomplished in a day with three hour naps? Precious little.

To remind myself I have a life, not to mention I like to eat, I kept up three meals a day. That may not have been the best plan; there were several less than palatable meals. No pictures were taken.

I loaded the dishwasher. I took out the trash. I fed the cat. God forbid I forget the cat! His room is on the opposite end of the house from mine.  The instant I turn to leave my bedroom, he’s on the move. Tail up, head glancing back to be sure I’m following, little legs moving thump, thump, thump, thump, one, two, three, four.

If the bottom of the food bowl shows, I am warned by a heart wrenching howl before we reach the room. He doesn’t care if the water is half gone, or if there is an extra poo littering his box. Just let the food dwindle, and he raises an alarm.

I watered the flowers.

I did not clean the house, although I did hire a service recommended to me. Two nice women cleaned my 860 square feet in less than thirty minutes. Sadly, the owner did not lower her minimum charge, and that in spite of ruining a day by appearing two hours late. “Oh, I forgot to call you!”  As soon as they left, I went in for the nap.


  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I've been wondering why I was so fatigued this past week--nodding off at the least opportunity and falling asleep watching t.v. when my husband is usually the one that conks out first! I never thought about my thyroid. I'm on thyroid medication but haven't had my blood work done for what seems like ages. After I get over this UTI, I'll go get my bloodwork done. That was BAD on your housekeeper's part. Bad dog! No biscuit!

  2. I have to get blood work done every year or they won't renew my thyroid med. my next blood work is coming up in October. but I have been lolling around, snoozing a bit in the afternoon after my half day stint in the shop in the heat.

  3. I need thyroid everyday, too. And after a few years at a certain level, it's been lowered twice now. (I get the lab work done every 4 months. And I have been dragging around lately, but I've also had a lot of insomnia. Hard to know what's going on. But I'm glad to hear you are going to be feeling better, Joanne!

  4. For someone with a crapped out thyroid, it does seem as if you're doing a lot daily. Toby is there to keep you on your toes, whatever the case!

  5. Glad you got your thyroid dose adjusted. I'm sure that will take care of a lot of the problems you have with fatigue. Our corgi one time was barking uncontrollably and in the kitchen. I finally tracked him down and took a look at his water bowl and realized it was empty. I felt SOOOOO bad but it was a stressful time and I was barely functioning. It never happened again and I'm glad he could communicate with me.

    Just remember to eat and to try to get protein at every meal.


  6. It's good you recognized the problem and took care of it. You'll be out-running us all again soon.

  7. I'm glad you figure out what the problem was Joanne. Anyone with thyroid issues needs to take care in making sure the medication is adjusted from time to time. It is such a delicate balance to get the dosage just right.

  8. I hear you on the thyroid front. And I would describe it as exhaustipated (too tired to give a crap). I hope that both of us find a new and less sucky normal.

  9. Love the flower photo. I wish you a speedy recovery.

  10. Your dedication to Toby and the wonderful attention you give him is wonderful to me. Not every cat has such a home.

    1. Thank you, Yael. He is my responsibility. I did pick him up and bring him home.

  11. I find myself wanting to fall asleep often, I think it's the weather, still almost winter cold even though it's been September for a whole week now. I've noticed the colder I feel, the sleepier I get. I'm surprised to read your little place is 860 square feet, that's more than double what I have. it does make cleaning easy though. Five minutes with a damp cloth and I'm done.

  12. Will the revised medication bring about vim and vigour? I do hope you get your mo-jo back.


  13. Hari OM
    Crikey - your place is bigger than The Hutch! (not by much, but still...) Glad you figured and acted upon what could be the problem for the lethargy. I agree,though, that despite that, you managed to keep all the necessary going and Toby was glad of it! Our pets are a wonderful anchor to life, are they not? That Mande is b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l!!! YAM xx

  14. Prayers for your health! What an ordeal, your bowl was empty. Beautiful flowers

  15. Our cat doesn't howl when the dish is empty, but she does become hyper vigilant.

  16. I've had to take Levothyroxin for around ten years now since my wife said there must be something wrong with me forgetting to leave the motorway at the correct exit and wanting to go to sleep at ten in the morning. Took a while for me to go to the docs and then they never suspected it - male, thin. It then takes ages to get the dose right and as soon as they do it needs to change either up or down. Seems such a silly thing to have.

  17. I think that sleep is underestimated in terms of productivity.

  18. Glad you got such a quick appointment and are now on the road to a better balance. Cats, gotta love em. -Jenn

  19. SO glad you got this figured out. I love sleeping as much as the next person but there is a limit as to how one can sustain life while sleeping that much. Feel better, dear Joanne!

  20. You sound like you are on top of everything, in spite of your fatigue. I'm especially glad to hear you have a cleaning service.

    1. It really is not easy to vacuum with a cane in the other hand for stability. I do a great job behind a shopping cart, however.

  21. Smart cat!

    Hope the medication works quickly, Joanne and you feel energized soon.

  22. Joanne, I'm glad you got your thyroid problem on the mend... DH and our daughter both are on thyroid meds. DH lost his to an early detected cancer when he was 27 and daughter lost hers due to pregnancy. As for cats, yes they do tend to keep us on our toes when it comes to feeding time. Ours gather as the time approaches, getting closer and closer until they're sitting at your feet until you get the hint. Sound like Toby knows the schedule too.

  23. Wonderful. You found the solution. I sleep all day and doze at night.

  24. Goodness, so many people with thyroid problems! I didn't realise it was so tricky getting the meds dosage right. I hope you get back to normality asap.

  25. Good to know you're "back at it". Smart lady. My kitties also set up a cry of abject hunger if the bottom of the food bowl is visible. Take care - feel better!

  26. I hear you though with me it's not thyroid. Just exhaustion. I spent a lot of time with friends who were visiting here and this morning after breakfast (they are now gone) I felt myself tilting into the coffee and went back to bed at 10 and slept till 1. These days I don't fight it anymore, must roll (ha - into bed!)with it. I hope your meds work.


  27. Hopefully the meds get that sorted out quick.

  28. At least you know what wasn't functioning ok...
    Give Toby an extra ear rub from me...they do help us.xx

  29. I like afternoon naps then morning naps are good too I can understand your way of life .

  30. Glad you're getting this sorted out. It's good to hear from you.

  31. To a certain extent we all live our lives like this, getting the things done we have to, then taking rests. God I sound old. I hope the meds work soon.

  32. I noticed we weren't hearing as much from you . . . so glad you figured it out and have the solution at hand now. Take care, Joanne.

  33. Thyroids are funny things. Im glad you noticed something wasnt right and got it fixed. I hate those house coeaning companies, always wonder if they use slave labour too.

  34. Good work on hitting the target with your torpedoes. I guess humans were not meant to hibernate.

  35. Dear Joanne, thanks for sharing the sleeping dilemma. I've been having the same problem. Having read your posting, I'm going to talk to the doctor and have the tests to see about my thyroid. Peace.

  36. I'm glad you didn't wait until the end of the month. And glad that you're on your way back to normal. My cat, Slimmie (who is not), stands at the entrance to the hallway and stares loudly at me. If I do not snap to it, he gets verbal. Being two hours late without a call is unforgivable, in my book. Hopefully, you can find another cleaning service.
