
Friday, July 12, 2019

Another hot week, and more to come

 My week began with a potential solution to my gazing ball stand problem. The green gazing ball, in a picture on the side bar, met a tragic end. To keep the stand, or throw it away?                                                                                                              

This glass bowl crossed my path. It is a footed plate, it has a rim, but no stand. It is heavier than a baby. It was on a donate pile. A nice birdbath, thought I, and lugged it home.

And, it rained. Seemed fitting. I have not noticed a visitor, to date.

I've always paid attention to the front side of the mandevilla blooms.  The back of this unfurling flower caught my eye, as it should. Fascinating, the color of sections still overlapping.

There was a lot of commotion this morning, past my bedroom window. Men talking, shovels, that sort of stuff. Convinced I'd wake up to my new shed, I left the cat on guard at the window and went back to sleep.

It is a start. Not where I want it, but hey, I'm not setting it, and I'm not moving the contents of the old shed up the hill, and I'm especially not moving that huge flagstone step.                                                              


  1. Hari OM
    OOOHHHH, that bowl is a perfect replacement (though sorry that the ball is no more). The mandy-rear is delightful. YAM xx

  2. If you build it, they will come. (The bird bath)

  3. Such a pretty plate! I hope you get visitors to it soon!


  4. Sorry about your beautiful gazing ball, but the bird bath solution is beautiful and I hope the birds will soon be enjoying it. Yes, it is too hot. What can we do? Not much. Love the gorgeous mandevilla photographed from behind. My daughter grows them and I never have which I am sure is a mistake on my part.

  5. The bird bath is gorgeous. Love the rear view mandevilla. And hope you get some cool relief soon.l

  6. Here the mandvilla blooms beautifully red, I love this flower.

  7. That glass dish is a lovely replacement :)
    I often think the backs of flowers are just as pretty as the front.

  8. If the bird bath is deep Joanne, be sure to put a stone in the middle for the birds to perch on. I’m sure you have lots from around the world?


    1. I have robins and sparrows. There are hundreds of variations of sparrows. In four years here, I've also seen a nuthatch and a chickadee. As is said, all god's creatures have a place in the choir, and I'll be happy with what I have. Off to find a rock.

  9. You seem well on the way to a 5-star rating from the birds.

  10. good progress..a woman needs her shed!
    Inspiration for the bird bath..that stand definitely was too good to go out.
    Fascinating flower..

  11. The bloom and bud are gorgeous! I hope the bird bath provides hours of splashing fun.

  12. Birds never come to our birdbath. I sincerely hope you have better luck! The spray paint on the ground reminded me of the old WKRP in Cincinnati tv shows where "Les Nesman" didn't have any walls for an office, but used tape on the floor to show where they would be. (Don't know if you have any clue what I'm talking about...) -Jenn

    1. We lived for WKRP! How I remember Les and his office. The shed now officially is Les Nesman's office.

    2. My birding friend says birds don't like slippery rims and suggests placing a flattish stick into birdbaths with this problem. P.S. I just watched the WKRP episode where Andy made up Venus Flytrap's name. Classic. :)

  13. I doubt whether that bird bath will work. We once purchased a pretty glass one with designs in it, but the birds didn't like it. They seemed to prefer the more opaque ones. It will be interesting to see whether you have a similar or different experience.

    1. I think I'll line the birdbath with my Pocano River stones. I was also considering the platform as a bird feeder.

  14. Well if it ever stops raining, that bird bath I am sure will be appreciated!

  15. Well, whether the birds like your new bath for them or not, I think it's lovely. And you're right- the back of the mandevilla is exquisite.
    Hurray for your new shed!

  16. excellent find. the stand would also have made a good plant stand. no garden in the ground now but you've got a good start on a container garden. I expect to see more. btw, anyone move into the old place? are they taking care of the garden?

    1. I moved on June 13, so it's been one month. I've looked close up at the garden over this time, and it's still decent. I see cars there, but no one has moved in, yet. I think the maintenance guys are taking care of the garden weeds.

  17. I love the colours of that flower in bloom and coming to bloom. Nice repurposing with that bowl there!


  18. Perfect birdbath. And, rain to fill it up! Even better. The mandevilla is lovely.

  19. How are you going to get it where you want it? Nice shed tho.

    1. Not I, said the fly. The maintenance men will put it up. The manager and I agreed to let me use my shed at the old unit until the new unit has a shed, and then to move everything from one shed to the other. I thought it was a decent deal.

  20. Pretty classy birdbath....and lovely flowers. I hope you have AC for the hot weather to come.

  21. The mandevillas are just gorgeous. I was previously unaware of them. Maybe when we return to Tucson there will be containers. I am NOT digging anymore holes in that yard, it's just too hard; pretty much like concrete.

  22. I love what you did with the bowl. And those flowers are just beautiful.

  23. Those sexy young things are all by themselves in the fleet of other sexy ladies. I do like the solution of the birdbath. I like the blowers too.

  24. Maybe it will take a while for the birds to notice their delightful new bathing spot.


  25. If you put rocks in the bowl, won't that make it difficult to keep it clean? There's a new job for you, Joanne, washing the rocks every week! lol It is beautiful, though. I can see a small succulent garden in that beautiful bowl also.

    That blossom is indeed a beauty, front or back.

    1. I'm pretty good at blasting out water from the hose, to clean the rocks. Didn't move that bowl a bit.

  26. I like the glass bowl. I wonder why the birds don't seem to be using it?

  27. Gorgeous blossom and smart find for a bird bath!

  28. Everything is settling in beautifully… but I expect you'll carry on moving it all about for a while yet

    1. The big pots are immobile! Filled with gravel, then stones and then dirt for the plants. The whole purpose is to anchor the crooks for the mandevilla pots.

  29. The glass bowl is a perfect solution! Now you just have to wait for the birds to realize it is there.

  30. I love the bird bath - they just have to realize it's there. I also love that it is repurposed!

  31. Dear Joanne, have you always been so patient with yourself and so wise with your patience? Or is that a gradual unfolding of who you are as you age? Peace.
