
Saturday, June 29, 2019

Mandevilla potted, all's right with the world

Jan and Tom came to help me situate my pots. There is a landscaping supply across the street who fell down laughing and sold Tom enough gravel to half fill each pot. All he could carry. $1.98.

We filled the rest of each pot with the Pocano River stones from the Gutter Stream project at the last house, and then potting soil. My water lily sculpture went up alone at the back post. Tom secured the hooks to the uprights with tie wraps, and I was ready to pot up the manedvilla.

I bought my plants a tad late in the season to get untrained plants. These are rather large, and at some point in the season growers must add the trellis or deal with vines all over the greenhouse. My hands aren't strong enough anymore to untangle the trellis and remove it. I bought a red, a white and a pink mandevilla.

 Here are the inhabitants of the steps, waiting for me to get started. Hedghog is the leader of the pack this year, then Pig, Toad and Lamby. Poor Pig indeed lost a front leg. Brave fellow, he soldiers on.

Here are the mandevillas all potted, with the big pots full of things that will grow big over the summer. The only one I remember is sweet potato vine, and it's in there somewhere.

The pot on the first step has been growing since May, at the old house. I'll be pleased when the mandevillas look as good.

At the old house, the little front garden looks just fine. I have not seen a single humming bird there yet. That's scary.

For Kay, the last haircut. You are so much better at selfies than I am.


  1. The nice touches that your home needs.

  2. Now it looks like home! Well done, you!

  3. It will be lovely when it all get established, Joanne.

  4. Pig, Toad, Hedgehog, and Lamby are settled so all is well in their world.
    Greenery and colour make a place look alive Joanne so your place will surely be humming in the next few weeks.

  5. Where ever you live, you bring the garden with you! In a few months, there will flowers and hummingbirds.

  6. Hari OM
    Already looking fabulous, Joanne - it can only get better! The hair is looking good too. Great to see you face to face again, as it were! YAM xx

  7. You have most definitely made a new home. Loud cheers. And happiness for your fresh start.

  8. looks like a wonderful deck to spend a little time reading and such.
    Coffee is on

  9. Sweet potato vine is great stuff. It will really fill out the space. Pig is indeed brave to carry on his duties minus a limb. -Jenn

  10. Everything is looking good. I like the wood deck too.

  11. You got a really good haircut! I think the plant on the left of the steps is the sweet potato vine. At least that's the color ours is. Some bugs are really attacking ours, leaving holes like Swiss cheese. In a few weeks you will have a bright, colorful place to come home to. It already looks much happier.

  12. It looks just like home again :) The Mandevillas will take off in no time.

  13. Everything looks great! Your flower planters AND your hair!

  14. There's nothing like flowers for making a house feel like home. And I love your hair!

  15. You've really made it a home. All the plants look wonderful, Joanne. And THANK YOU for posting your haircut. It looks fabulous. Sigh. I was growing my hair out, but now you've made me want to cut mine back again. I just love your silver curls.

  16. Your flowers look lovely and so do you!

  17. You did great with the selfie! I think you are choosing wise what will be in your garden!


  18. Selfies and Pots - yes you are really settled in now.

  19. I love your little herd on the stairs, they'll always be happy when you get home. Everything looks wonderful.

  20. The green and the blue pots are beautiful and will look even better overflowing with red, pink and white flowers. Good that you've had time to get it all set up for the summer

  21. You can’t have a summer without a Mandevilla. You did a great job, Joanne.

  22. You have definitely 'arrived' when your porch sitters are out smiling at the neighbourhood.

  23. The mandevillas and front steps look great, as do you.

  24. Joanne, sound like you are really getting 'settled' in your new place. I love Mandevillas! They will look wonderful once they take off! And I laugh at selfies too. A friend in New Orleans and I send them back and forth. It makes us laugh. And laughing is good.

  25. We all need our things around us to make it feel like home. Glad you're settling in.

  26. It sure looks like home now. I take selfies like you do, I should never turn the camera on myself and spare the world.

    This all happened so fast. I feel I'm still unpacking.


  27. Busy, busy, busy. It all looks lovely.

  28. Training plants, hmm, maybe I should try that. I had limited success with dogs.

  29. Plants make a house a home. Looking good, including the nice haircut!

  30. That looks flat out charming. Even the front of the old house looks great. What is that beautiful purple plant? Thank you all for the encouraging notes. Just what I need.

  31. Plants looking well. I suspect by summer end, they will all be full and lovely. I love all your step guards.

  32. Looking good Joanne. In a few weeks they will all be putting on a grand show. I just transplanted petunia's last week. In just a few days they burst into glory.

  33. You're better with plants than I'll ever be.

  34. Are they going to seal the wood of your porch so it doesn't rot?

  35. I looked up mandevillas - they're really pretty. Your porch is going to be lovely soon.

  36. The front steps look very inviting. Your old garden is still robust, I see.
