
Thursday, June 6, 2019

A bad beginning, interesting end

I kept a doctor appointment this morning, and returning to my car found a problem. I started it, and the dash board lit up like Times Square on New Year's Eve. When I put the car in gear, it jumped and bumped and clanked. 

I called AAA and we took a ride to the dealer. The red bullet (aka my car) resides there still. The truck driver had to lift me into the cab, and I should have taken him up on his offer to lift me down. I hurt my knee doing it myself. I found where I'd packed the brace, and it's back on.

A courtesy car brought me home, and this driver was so fascinated by a "real trailer park three miles away" he cheerfully stopped for my mail. Then we saw Dan. I flagged him down and learned my new house passed inspection. I waited and he brought me the keys. And then I came home.

I considered walking up to the new trailer, but my knee hurts. So, I waited for Cathy to come home and we drove up! So here you go, from one end to the other:

This is Toby's en-suite, in the studio. The loom goes on the wall on the left, the sewing table and work table go on the wall on the right, under the window.

The view from the living room. The kitchen table will to down by the second window. That's the back door there, and my neighbor disappearing down the laundry room hall to my bedroom.

Back to the kitchen. Not too big, but adequate. Enough room for the coffee pot and toaster!

More kitchen. There's a dishwasher at this end of the counter. The microwave actually is low enough to use safely. The pantry behind the door is adequate; twice as large as my current. There is a hot water tank on the left end, behind the refrigerator, and HVAC is on the right end.

The "hall" to my bedroom. The washer and dryer go in there on the right. They actually have an entire room here, that also accommodates the cat. He has as much room in his new en-suite, just a very different configuration. That's my bedroom, with the carpet.

And here is my en-suite (haha, guffaw) with walk in shower. The only deal breaker, and I guess Theresa heard that. My current bathroom has a medicine cupboard over the toilet. At least there is more room on the counter.

There you have it. I took pictures of both bedrooms, but brown carpet or whatever reason, they just looked muddy, and went to the trash can.

Wish me luck with the car.


  1. Fingersw crossed for the car. Small things are starting to go pear shaped with out tin Japanese box...harbinger of large things going wrong shortly.

  2. Lovely apartment Joanne. I pray your move goes smoothly and that your knee won't trouble you so much. I chuckled at your comment about the kitchen not being too large. It's twice the size of many kitchens I've seen in many homes around the world, esp. cities like NYC, Tokyo and even here in Vancouver where space is now at a premium. I'm sure you will enjoy the new apartment once you are settled it. I'm wishing you luck with the car too.

  3. I hope the car is fixable and won't break your bank. The new place looks to be very comfortable. I hope you'll enjoy it. Good luck with the knee, too.

  4. The place looks spiffy. Good luck with the car!

  5. The new place will be perfect for you and Toby. My fingers are crossed that the news on the car will be equally good.

  6. Hope it's not too expensive with the car. So, do you get to move in now? It will be good to get that done and then you can unpack (and the cat can adapt!) -Jenn

  7. Good luck with your car. I hope it is not too serious. Your new home looks nice.

  8. Here's hoping the knee issue will not linger. I sort of sprained my butt today lifting 12 gallon crates. We're pretty whooped. I love the cat's en suite - fancy!

  9. Geez I hope the knee gets better for the move.

  10. Good luck with the knee, the car, and the move! I wish I lived within driving distance and could come lend a hand. Take care.

  11. You are almost home, Joanne. It looks like you and Toby will have plenty of space. Be careful with the move and don’t overdo.

  12. Wishing you luck with the car...Sorry you hurt your knee! Your new home has a lot of advantages and when you are moved in it will feel like home! Be well!

  13. There's something so nice about being the first to live in a space - everything is so new and clean. I'm sorry to hear about your knee, and the car. Fingers crossed they both get better quickly, and that the bill for the car isn't horrible.

  14. Moving, just the word makes me tired!! Be careful with your knee and if somebody wants to lift you up or down, enjoy the ride!

  15. A truly rotten beginning to the day. Toby will be very comfortable and I hope your comfort levels are at least as high.
    Fingers crossed tightly for the knee and the car.

  16. Wishing you ALL of the luck with the car-
    new digs, look very nice!
    So sorry about your knee , injuring it again just as it was feeling pretty sassy! Good thinking to keep the brace. And you are correct about charity and charitable thoughts.

  17. I hope both your car and your knee feel better soon. Your new place looks very nice! My kitchen's about the same size as yours, with about as much cupboard/counter space, but you've got a pantry to boot. I envy you.

  18. Wishing you luck with the car and hope the knee gets better quick! Nothing worse than car troubles! I like your new place and the wood floors in the kitchen and whatnot areas. I could live in a place like this and enjoy it so much. I hope you settle in very soon and can start calling it home.


  19. I definitely wishing you LOTS of luck with everything. I think your new place is perfectly gorgeous! Yay! Please go easy with your knee.

  20. Good luck with the car repairs and the move. Not long now until life is back to normal.

  21. Best house-warming gift I can give you is adding my best wishes to all the lovely comments you're getting here in the comments section. Your new home looks great!

  22. I wish you tons of luck with the car, whatever could have caused that problem?
    Your new home looks lovely and will be even nicer once you've unpacked all your things and settled in. I dream of having a proper pantry. I used to dream of a dishwasher, but these days it's almost a pleasure to be able to soak my aching hands in hot dish water.

  23. What are you like lassie? Allowing a hand up but being too stubborn for help alighting. Pride goeth before a fall! Although I am completely and utterly the same, will we ever learn?

    The new home looks very spacious, have you got help with the unpacking? With a dodgy knee it won’t be easy... be kind to yourself.


  24. Hari OM
    You know you have my wishes, Joanne... but take care of that knee in the few remaining days too!!! My car has to get its annual checks next Wednesday. I know this is gonna cost me... YAM xx

  25. I wish you a lot of luck Joanne, the house looks wonderful.

  26. Your new place is lovely … it looks huge! Once everything has been moved in, you can relax and see how you want it to work. Don't let Toby bully you!
    Meanwhile, it's good to hear that you're being helped by everyone … repayment for the courtesy you've shown to others over the years.

  27. Your kitchen is about 4 times the size of ours. That's a nice place to live. Good luck with the car.

  28. Looks good.

    The car is probably a computer fix engine management with a bit of luck.

  29. Home sweet home!
    I wish you much happiness, peace, and coziness there.
    And yes, good luck with the car!

  30. Cars! Can’t do without them here but a nuisance in so many ways. Good luck with it.

    I love the new place. You’ll make it home before you know it.

    Hope the knee feels better soon.

  31. Toby only gets a half bath? bigger than you wanted but I think you'll be glad to have a separate room for the loom. beige walls are OK. brown carpet, ugh. I guess they think it will hide dirt. sorry to hear about the knee and the car.

  32. a mixed bag of a day indeed. Good luck to your ride, may it be restored whole and complete. And I do like your layout, very bright and spacious.


  33. Lots and lots of car Luck. The new trailer seems luxurious except for the scarcity of windows. I hope you can life with the brown carpet.
    SO SORRY about the knee.

  34. It's so new and shiny! It's going to be fabulous. I hope the car fix is not expensive. That must have been quite a light show.

  35. Hopefully the car issues get sorted quickly.

  36. So you moved again, Joanne - I missed that news! Your new home looks lovely (though still empty) - and I wish you all the best and be happy there! Britta

  37. It looks all ready for you and plenty big enough.

  38. I am glad your new home passed inspection and you can get settled in soon. Best of luck with that and hope your knee is feeling better. I also hope you get good news about your car. Take care.

  39. Cars. I hear you.

    Your new place looks excellent. When it is filled with all that is part of you, then it will be home. Looking forward to pics.

    How is your knee?!

  40. Good luck with the car. My personal belief is - they are more trouble than worth. Tho, I'm not sure what to replace them with. Certainly not anything with 4 legs. Your new home looks nice. Be careful moving everything in.

  41. Now I will be anxiously awaiting photos of the place furnished and decordated. Your kitchen looks very nice. You and Toby should be very happy there. And yes, best of luck with the car. So annoying.

  42. Replies
    1. As my mother used to say, More than a book of stamps!

  43. Looks like a really nice new home for you and Toby. It sure doesn't look like any "trailer" I've seen. Hope your moving day goes smoothly and that you can reassemble your loom !!

  44. That looks a good place to move to-plenty of light to work with!
    Take care of that knee...and good luck for the move and the car xx

  45. Beautiful new home for you to move into! I have never considered a trailer but now I might!! Good luck with the car.

  46. The car problem sounds nasty. I hope it's nothing too serious or expensive.

    The kitchen looks a great size to me, with plenty of storage space. I guess our carpets are a bit of a muddy shade, but we're happy with them!
