
Thursday, May 30, 2019

Since you asked

My new home will be inspected by the State of Ohio next Wednesday, June 5th. I know it passed Mr. Dan, the Maintenance Man's inspection, and Ohio will issue a blue check, too.

The next moving date Joe, the Moving Man, has available is June 13th. Or, in two weeks I am outta here. Theresa says I can have keys as soon as I sign the lease, after Ohio gives me a pass. So, I can load up pictures and such stuff and get them moved.

How do I move a loom? You're asking the person who has moved many a loom. The biggest key to a successful move is to have the warp off, gone, done, as is the current warp on this loom. The only other step is to secure all moving parts.

Ready for two guys to pick it up and start walking. This loom is made to collapse. It's a plus for transporting and a negative for using. The loom is not overly sturdy; I couldn't beat a rag rug on this loom. I doubt I could get a shuttle of weft through its shedd. It does weave decent fabric, though fifteen yards taxes the take up beam and the brake.

The entire studio is here; boxed and ready to be carried off.

Kitchen cupboards and drawers are empty and packed, save enough china and cutlery to last two weeks.

The boxes have accumulated around the furniture; I need to clear a path to get furniture out first. I assume that's how it's done.

In the meantime, it just keeps raining on the happy flowers Way down at the end, the iris are starting to bloom.


  1. So glad to hear you have a move in date! Soon you are otta there! Yeah.

    1. p.s. How are you enjoying MO's book? I quite liked it and it was easy to breeze through too despite it's length.

    2. I read it first time in two days. This is my second time through, taking in in more.

  2. Lovely pictures, especially the Irises. They don't get too stressed like us humans. Hope all goes well with the move.

  3. Soon all this will be behind you, wishing you a comfortable and easy move.

  4. Interesting, I don't think our state inspects mobile homes. Wishing you a good move.

  5. You have been busy.
    Like everyone else I hope that the move goes smoothly and that your new beginnings are excellent.

  6. You'll be glad when it's all done.

  7. Stressful but exciting? I'm only guessing.

    1. Actually, neither. The benefit of a good TBI, I swear.

  8. I've had you on my mind for several weeks...thinking about all you have done for Laura and other grandchildren ....they are fortunate to have had the stability and support you have given them. You are a good person Joanne.

  9. Wow! It's really happening! How very, very exciting. When you get the keys, can you start taking over little things yourself? Or would that be silly? Just think- soon you will be spending your first night in your new home.
    I'm so glad you got your loom all packed up and ready to go. The other day my daughter asked me where in the world I had gotten "that soft dish towel" and she was a bit astounded when I told her how it had come to me and that an actual person had woven it. Such a beautiful gift that I will always appreciate.

    1. I'll take over my mirrors and framed stuff. I don't have the ability to properly pack glass for a move, or to pay to have it done. If I still lived with kids, we'd be around the corner and unpacked already!

  10. So close...

    You’ll be glad when this is over.

  11. You are a very organized lady, Joanne. I am glad that it is all coming together for you.

  12. That's a pretty kitchen. I enjoy a nice-looking kitchen, even though I don't cook much anymore. I hope your new place is even nicer. Best wishes for a smooth move.


  13. Looks like you are ready to rock and roll! May all go smoothly. x

  14. What the heck??? I've missed out a bit since I haven't been blogging. You are moving?? I am off to read more of your posts to see what's up!

  15. Best of luck on your move. Can't wait to hear and see your new place.
    Coffee is on

  16. It will be over soon enough, and you will have a new normal.

  17. You seem to be ahead of the game. I’m impressed.

  18. Clutter makes me nervous. I would not be able to function in your house in its current state.

    1. Me either! I had to locate the can opener's box tonight!

  19. I know you will be glad when this is all over.

  20. It sounds like everything is moving on just as it should. May all be peaceful and may you soon be in your new home with all your goods and chattels.

  21. I hope the move goes well, you don’t need any more stress.

  22. It is good you have a date in sight. Something to look forward to and plan for. It would be interesting to see the loom moved! Kind of like a grand piano.


  23. Oh gosh! What a job. It looks like you have everything well in hand. I do remember what a trauma moving was for us. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.

  24. I hope the move goes smoothly and quickly, then you can be settled and happy. I used to love the unpacking part of moving, putting things into their new homes.

  25. That's a lot of work, moving. I hope you get your rest along the way, and a chance to enjoy the thrill of a new home from the start.

  26. the time between the 5th and the 12th will be the worst I think, all dressed up and nowhere to go. I do hope the new tenant's in your current place appreciate and take care of the garden.

  27. We always pack the boxes into the van fist....that way the furniture comes out first and is placed and then the boxes are placed conveniently for opening at the very end. Have we done this often? Oh yeah. Good luck with your move. Another chapter of your life opening.

  28. I just love the irises, we have them here but later, whole hills covered in them, they take my breath away.

    Kudos to you on this massive undertaking of packing and sorting and organizing. Well done!


  29. Joanne - you sound very well prepared. I do hope that everything goes according to plan and that you are happy in your new home.

  30. I hope you have someone to give you a hand with the things you are moving on your own. You must feel a little like you are running in place at the moment - mostly packed and can't go forward. I wish we could all be there to lend you a hand; you'd be in and settled in no time!

  31. I hate moving. It is exhausting. Not the work, it's bullying everyone to do things my way!! I always have a plan and my way is the best way. They all admit it when the move is over. I pack each person's bedding in a plastic bag, along with a towel and bathing supplies with their name on it, and I pack the coffee maker, cups and supplies in my vehicle. As the beds get put together, the linens go on and the bathing supplies are left on the foot of the bed. Everyone has a place to sleep and supplies to shower and coffee to drink in the morning. Makes it all civilized.

  32. I imagine you must be excited about moving into your new place soon! I know I would be!

  33. Move the loom. To a non-weaver, those are three very scary words but obviously you have all in hand. I think moving must be one of the top 3 stressful things. And, remember, if you strangle the movers, you will have to wait for them to send out another guy.

  34. Well done , you, Organized, ready, a great girl scout! You deserve a few badges for this move. I would like it if you had more help and I would volunteer gladly but it is quite a drive from my point A to your point B. I am excited about your new digs! The new garden will be just as lovely as your existing one is. You seem to have the energy to make everything better!

  35. I'd have to agree, "move the loom" is a scary phrase. I'm glad to know you've done that before and it survived. I am learning that weaving has its own extensive vocabulary.
    We're supposed to be leaving Tucson June 14, and have done very little about it, what with our attention being diverted as it was. Today we will shift gears and start thinking about what is needed for a five month sojourn.

  36. Ii hope the next folks like your iris as much as you do. Yes, I moved my last loom just that way.

  37. Your organizational skills and work ethic are very evident as you prepare for this move. Be safe! May all things go well.

  38. After living with everything packed up for the last week or two, your new space will feel huge. Good luck!
