
Thursday, May 16, 2019

Holding pattern

It's warmer today, but I'm still cold, of course. The thermostat indicates sixty-nine in the living room, and I'm remain in winter attire. The front window is open for Mr. Cat's use, and I guess he's absorbing all the sunshine heat before it filters back to me. 

I check the drawing of the layout of the new unit frequently, to see where things will go. One great feature is the presence of a window on each side of the new living room. I wonder if it will be warmer.

Our new lives, Laura's and mine, have not yet begun. This is the last week of classes at school, next week are finals. Last week and this, she and her mother have organized interviews for a summer job, and interviews are being implemented. 

School work happens too, every day. Laura spent much of this week recording a video for her ASL class. A good deal of the time involved tears, lost in the intricacies of computer language. I know nothing and she is one rank above me. I suggested she consult her siblings, but that was dismissed out of hand.  Some time later her cheerful self was back in place; she resolved the problems and the assignment was finished.

I've been weaving. This is a difficult warp. Not irritating, just tedious. I knew the purple would be a problem; I was quite right.

Probably two-thirds of my fifteen yards are woven to the front beam, and suddenly this  bit of the bumpity bump boucle is balking at travelling through heddle and reed. It was abandonded yesterday, to consider its transgression and suffer bed without dinner. 

I was out and about this afternoon, phone in hand, and the blooms were interesting. I got some on the way home.

And, finally, can you see what I think is a tiny, abandoned bird nest in this pine? I cannot believe pine needles just fell in this pattern. It's a small nest, and I don't know birds this small.

And so, back to getting that thread on track.


  1. beautiful bloom...
    Hope, temperature getting warmer....

  2. I guess it depends on which direction the windows are facing for more sun equals more heat. east/west, north/south? glad to hear that spring has finally made it's way up yonder.

  3. Replies
    1. Hummers are even smaller. I have seen and identified one of those.

  4. It's a good perch for a cat to gaze out at the vastness of their domain from.

  5. Blooms and forlorn nest. Very nice photos.

  6. Big changes in your life and Laura’s coming up quickly now.

  7. Cats always find the warmest spot in the house. Enjoy the weaving!

  8. I know that in some ways it will be wonderful to have all of your space for yourself but as I keep saying- I think that you and Laura might miss each other. Bless you both.
    That has to be a nest.
    A small nest.
    Like the one you're about to move into! A pretty little nest all your own.

  9. I don't envy you the move. You seem excited though. It may be rough to work with but the purple really is pretty.

  10. How big is it? I know bluebirds make nests out of pine needles.

    1. As big as a teacup. We have bluebirds here. How wonderful!

  11. I savor my mornings as I walk around my gardens and listen to the birds singing. I seem to always find a weed or two and come in with dirty hands!

  12. precious nest, and purpley purple yarn will make exquisite weaving, pretty sure! It is a crowd pleaser of a color.
    We used to make little nests and place them in trees just to be ornery, to amateur ornthologists . KIDS!! Whatsamadda with kids !!

    1. And my mother scattered my father's ginormous rock collection around the neighborhood, to be ornery to amateur collectors.

  13. I like the idea of the cat soaking up all the sunshine before it reaches you. Isn't that just like a cat?

    1. 'Jiffy' - the time it takes light to travel one centimetre.

    2. (About 3/8ths of an inch, but who's got the time to count?)

    3. And he's black, so he soaks up all the sunshine; none bounces on.

  14. I love all the blossoms. The purple weaving looks like it will be beautiful though it is proving a challenge right now. I hope it warms up for you soon.

  15. 69 inside is not warm. I'd be bundled up too. Wow, things are wrapping down with your and Laura's time together. Time definitely for new beginnings like that blossom you share here!


  16. Oh, Joanne, I just realized I had a rock to bring you today and forgot it! It was very nice to meet you for lunch. And the flowers this time of year make me happy all the time.

  17. You freeze so the cat can fresh air a sunlight? Yep I would do the same.

  18. Do you have wrens and robins? They are very petite birds, especially dear old Jenny wren. Lovely photos.

    1. The little wrens with their tails up in the air are my favorite birds.

  19. I see the nest and agree pine needles don't fall that way, they have to be woven. I have an abandoned nest in my garden, it fell out of a tree and I put it amongst the succulents in one of the bird baths.
    I'm sorry to hear the purple thread is causing trouble, it's such a gorgeous colour though. I hope it works out.

  20. It won’t be too long before we complain about the heat. Meanwhile, though, it has been a cool (cold) spring.

  21. Pretty springtime at your house but I suspect summer will make itself known before long.

  22. ahhh, spring. Glad it is warming up for you. The weather guy promises it every day or two, but it rarely materializes. It is still cold, and raining, and flooding.

  23. You should see my half complete knitting projects, abandoned for far too long.

    Your weave looks very interesting, I hope the boucle starts to behave itself.


    1. For my stint at the art sale, I took a sock I put down before my head injury. The heel flap was half done. It has been two years and one TBI since I left off. I finished the flap, easy peasy. I did not think about turning the heel, I just did it. I picked up one gussett. I felt very proficient! I came home.

  24. Hope you can get the yarn issue sorted out, it's such a pretty colour and texture.

    Holding pattern is a great title for the subject matter. It won't be long until you'll be in a flurry of moving though.

    Since Mr. Cat is soaking up all the sun, what's to stop you from using him as a hot water bottle? HAHAHA, right? lol

  25. Is your phone better? And will Laura leave you at the end of classes? I did something with that exact warp once long ago...but no boucle. I too am considering moving to a senior trailer park. We are going to drive to visit it next week. If this place were not three stories tall, we would stay. You just take care of you.

    1. I'll be very interested in your assessment. It probably will have steps, but maybe only a stoop. Some in this park are now going down on a pad, like a modular home.

  26. Good luck with the latest knitting project. I hope the finals go well for Laura and she's able to find a good job for the summer. I would take 69 right now. We are barely at 50 today with lots and lots of rain. Take care.

  27. Anyone who can knit a sock, turning a heel, can do ANYTHING!

  28. Too bad you'll be losing those blooms and I hope the new windows give you lots of light and a nice spot or two for the cat. I hope it is an easy transition.

  29. I've been feeling downright hedonistic with my thermostat at 69 after all those years with it set lower. Last winter, I said to hell with it and turned it up from the usual 65.
    And at 69 degrees, yes I'm still cold.
    Good news, the weather will hit 70 today.

  30. Don't let Mr. Cat steal your sunshine.

  31. Sue's internal thermostat is the opposite of yours.

  32. Looks like a bird's nest to me. I can't think what else it could be.

  33. It's wonderful how the younger generation can deal with computer technology. For myself I'm totally lost on the subject.....

  34. No spring bloom is ever as beautiful as the lilac. Good memories of a bush full of lilacs beneath my upper br. window. The scent was intoxicating.

  35. 15 yards? Wow! That's a lot of work. You are really amazing.

    New technology really makes me crazy frustrated.
