
Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Back at the ranch

Dan, the maintenance man, asked me to stop and approve the way he intends to install the screen door. (That's Dan's back, in the next picture.)

I said I didn't need to stop; I wanted both door knobs on the same side. 

"I can't do that!" says Mr. Dan. "Then you won't be able to bring anything through the door."

"Why did you ask?"

"If you look at it now, you won't argue with me later."

So I went over, and took the opportunity to walk up my new steps.  The deck guys closed the risers, so my wheeled cart will work.

My front door, there, opens in, to the left. They did it that way at the factory. If the storm were hinged on the same side, it would open into the middle of the deck, using up much of the access room. 

"So, case closed?" asked Dan. I went on in.

I looked in all the rooms, but only took one picture. The window at the end of the drive will be the studio, and yes, it has the smallest bathroom in the entire park enclosed in that room. Definitely the cat's room, as there is no other adequate place.

I don't see moving before June. No water hook up yet; the state hasn't inspected yet. There is no shed, there is grading to do and grass to plant. But, it's happening.


  1. Very beautiful. You are going to have a wonderful life in your new home.

  2. All these things that seem small but make a huge difference in functionality. Good thing Dan was able to head this one off. Your kitchen looks very nice. Is it a "thing" now to put the sink in the middle of the room rather than in front of a window? I have no idea, it's been so long since we looked at other homes. I rather like it.

    1. There is no window in the kitchen; it ends after the refrigerator. We're down to 850 square feet.

  3. why did they make the deck bi-level? they couldn't have made the stairs 6 steps and the deck all one level? other than that...progress!

    1. Six steps would have extended far into the very small driveway.

  4. I like it. It's very spacious inside.

  5. It's coming along. From what I can see of the kitchen it looks very nice.

  6. one step...or ramp! at a time

  7. Looks good. I like the black appliances.

  8. The kitchen looks really good with plenty of prep room.

  9. I dread the move for you.It is such a pain to move. It does look nice though.

  10. Just you and the cat. It shall be grand.

  11. It is grand already. You are grand too for that wonderful note you left me. It's 3 feet by 3 feet...actually larger, but the frame and the mat were free. I did that piece from a photo of grandma hanging out her wash on a hot, wind whipped, Arizona day.

    1. The clothes are alive and happy and living with the wind!

  12. Oh, it's looking good! You will enjoy living there! Be well! (I am blogging again.)

  13. It's a nice looking deck. Will there be room for pig and toad on the steps? I like the kitchen too.

    1. River, I was just going ask the same question. Pig and toad have to make the move. Joanne did your Mandevilla survive? I just dug mine out of storage and there are three little sprouts.

    2. Pig, toad and lambie all have room. And since there is an extra step, hedgy can move over, too.

    3. It's new mandevillas every year. I think I'll wait for the new porch before I go to the nursery.

  14. I like the kitchen! It looks roomy in the picture; I hope it is! Looking good with the steps in front too!

    Won't be long!


  15. Promising.
    And I have finally found a rock to send you. Next week.

  16. every thing looks nice and good.

  17. I look forward to seeing how you landscape the outside area.

  18. I'm a bit confused about the bathroom. Is there one bathroom, or two? If only one, I'm sorry it's so small. -Jenn

    1. Hari om
      ...or does Toby now have an ensuite den?! YAM xx

    2. I'll post a picture soon. The second bathroom (Toby's ensuite) is one toilet wide and a sink long.

  19. Thank you for sharing pics of the new digs. The kitchen area looks very nice. Toby has an en suite! Ha. :)

  20. I am glad you are getting closer to your new home. Yay!!

  21. It looks lovely, I like the peninsula with the sink, very well designed, you can chat to your "People". Or yourself.


  22. Moving, be it around the corner or into another state, is never fun. Getting things ready - also not fun. Still -- eye on the prize and the prize (new home) is looking good.

  23. All those worktops! Your kitchen's twice the size of mine and those pumpernikel coloured doors are lovely.
