
Friday, May 3, 2019

Another day in the rain

For weeks I've looked at the paper narcissus, asking, "Where are the buds?" And here they are. This time next week, a stand of the little white beauties.  The woolly thyme is quite taking over as ground cover; there are only a few stubborn weeds to deal with.

The rain keeps on sprinkling, day after day. The plants are so happy. Here is a sedum, an August lily hosta w.a.y in the back, Aunt Laura's iris and everywhere, air blooming crocus (colchium).

Here is Aunt Laura's iris, close up. They are ordinary little wild iris, but Aunt Laura gave me seeds, years and years ago.

Pink coral bells and my little stand of miniature daffodils.

Look at the puddle! Any step into the dirt yields rising water.

The chives are happy in their pot. They will be moving, soon.

And speaking of moving, here is a bag of marble chips I emptied when we moved here, three years ago. I wanted whatever I had in a pot there to have a nice background. I think I'll put on a pair of gloves and pick up a good many of them for the new rock garden.


  1. rain is good, floods not so much, the plants look refreshed and refreshing, ! I hope you can take them with you to your new digs!

    1. No, that job's behind me now. Up to someone else to take it or leave it.

  2. I love your garden, it looks so well cared for and loved!


  3. Loving your garden. Jealous of your rain. Very jealous.
    Paper-whites are the first of the narcissus to bloom here, and always very welcome.

  4. Love watching everything as it comes to life. I am growing a bit weary of this rain, though!

  5. Your garden is looking mighty fine for such few years since you moved. I have no doubt your new one, although different, will be just as nice. I would pick up those rocks, too! Not that bad a job, and you'll save yourself some cash.

  6. I think spring is finally coming. We have no flowers yet but there are leaves on the trees and grass is trying to peek through.

  7. So green there! I'm sure a lot of that has to do with hopefully the gentle rain that is falling!


  8. I'm sure you'll have a great garden in the new place as well.

  9. Hari OM
    Be careful lifting the pebbles though - a bit at a time! You leave a legacy and that is a fine thing. YAM xx

  10. that wooly thyme is a good ground cover..efficient but doesn't overpower or overgrow the plants you want to show out

  11. I love narcissus - especially the white ones Joanne and I think they look beautiful in a gravel garden.

  12. The garden looks pretty there. Before long you’ll have another.

  13. It's all beautifully green. I'd take the marble chips too, as many as I could get.
    We have Jonquils starting here now, they're quite heady and I have to hold my breath passing them. One yard a few houses down from me has the whole driveway lined on one side with Jonquils about a foot deep, there must be hundreds of them and when they bloom they look fabulous, but I'll go out of my way around the block to avoid breathing them.

  14. the garden is looking well established after three years. I'm so sad you won't have it. rain rain rain. we got pounded last night. garden club plant sale today so better last night than today.

  15. And wasn't it just a few minutes ago that it seemed as if spring would never come?

  16. Busy days ahead Joanne. Take care.

  17. Your plans are taking shape. I'll bet you're getting excited about the move.

  18. That's all going to look so very pretty very soon. However, gardening is definitely a lot of work.

  19. We are greening up too. Daylillies are sprouting along with tulips and chives. Still far from blooms, however.

  20. I envision you sitting on the ground picking up the marble chips as you enjoy a beautiful spring day

  21. I started with one sedum and now have about twenty from that one plant. Yours looks ready for dividing and potting up ready for your move.
