
Saturday, March 23, 2019


I have frittered away my day. Sadly, that is not unlike me these days.

Laura is with her siblings and her father this weekend, at a memorial service for his father, who passed away recently. I was happy Laura eventually decided to go; she has a lot of aunts, uncles and cousins she has never met.

He father has no car, and for this sort of outing he rents a mini van, adequate for his four children as passengers, with his partner and himself in front. All the backpacks should fit neatly back to front, too.

James intended to get Laura last. I suggested to schedule her next to last, head to the college for the one off work at six, and get on the road. That was agreed to as an excellent plan. Be here before five, be in Hiram by six and be on the road for a six hour drive to Michigan in a not unreasonable time.

They arrived here for Laura at seven. I remembered I'd failed to account for the laggards, the belated, the dilatory. Of the two children in the car at this point, I know one could not get out of bed, though capable. 

I know of another trip on which the eldest of the two remembered some inconsequential item left behind. No mind they were two hundred miles down the road; they went back for it. No, g'ma was not along.

So, here at seven. I didn't ask if they had the worker in the car or still had that pick-up  to make.

Laura has been a punctual person as long as I've known her. Suitcase packed a week ahead. I also know the tempos of the times of the lives of her siblings. (Whoa! Prepositional phrase penalty flag!)

I don't really remember the rate at which her father advances through time, but he or his partner may have figured in the arrival at seven.

I do know it will be loud and raucous, each talking over the other. It's been awhile since the four have been together, with their father. I think it will be a very good time.

I've been through the pictures, looking for one that is appropriate. Sadly, I find none that will please all four, and I'm not in the mood to be busted by one. So, here was my day.


  1. I have a fear of not being on time, I am always a half and hour early, waiting alone. but usually I like that state of being there and not being there. The kitten passed out in the kibbles is perfect!, my kind of day!

  2. A strange series of events. I'm sure it was good for you to disengage a bit. Hope Laura has a good time being with her siblings and other family members she may not know.

  3. Young people and punctuality - ah I am sure we could all write a book on it Joanne.
    As to that lovely picture - it is worth a prize!

  4. I think that kitty ate itself into a stupor.
    What damn good are plans if no one follows them? I get so frustrated when plans and timeframes go awry. I hate being late too. Sometimes, of course, there are reasons that are just impossible to avoid for both tardiness and the plans-gone-awry. In such circumstances I try so hard to just go with it, remembering that life is like that. What did John Lennon say? "Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans."
    Sigh. Too true.

  5. The picture is certainly good to reflect the situation, there are also such days.

  6. Sounds like everyone was feeling lacksadaisical except Laura. I'm glad she's getting to know family members.

  7. I'm not sure punctuality is something that the youth today strive for. You would think it was a 'learned' trait...but I'm not sure. 2 of my 3 always arrive on time, the 3rd not so much. And I know a few millennials (not to generalize a generation) who seem to dismiss it completely. Love the pic!

  8. Perhaps you needed a frittering day. They are good for you once in a while.

  9. That is a good picture. Is it too much to ask that you took it?

    1. Tom, this has been around so long the kitten is across the rainbow bridge. I found it years ago, and have seen it used recently. If you like it, please take it, no attribution as I have no idea who took it. Brexitish, no?

  10. Hari OM
    I got exhausted and tense just reading this. Am something miltarial in my timing - five o'clock? I'll be there five minutes before. I have a father who is obsessive about being places an hour before necessary (five o'clock? Let's get there for four), and two sisters who have no concept of 'clock'. Five o'clock? Seven will do, won't it?

    *************** it will not. Not in the YAMster's world... sigh... I'm with the kitten. YAM xx

  11. I hope Laura enjoyed, if I can use that word for such an occasion, meeting family members & catching up with her sibs.

  12. We have one son who will never be called late, the younger one could care less.

  13. I always err on the side of being early....sometimes it pays off.

    1. Did you ever notice if you are fifteen minutes early to the doctor/dentist, they take you right in. To hell with that person who's late; she/he can cool their heels in the waiting room (if they make it).

  14. I rather be an hour early then three minutes late.
    Coffee is on

  15. We are a rather punctual family. Sometimes when we're feel like running late, we're actually on time.

  16. That picture is so adorable! I'm a time fritterer these days too. Our weather is beginning to cool, but I'm still in summer-hangover slothness. I'm punctual if I need to be anywhere, otherwise it doesn't matter so much anymore.

  17. It was good that Laura did decide to go. She needs to have that sense of family so meeting those she hadn't met or spending time with those she knew from before I think was a good thing.


  18. It only takes one unreliable or finickity person to throw an entire schedule. Still, as long as they all got there in the end.

  19. being the one whose job it was to get not only myself ready but the two kids ready for wherever we were going while the husband had only himself I had no patience with his fuming because we were late getting off. my sister and a friend would always tell me arrival time was an hour earlier than everyone else. though I was always punctual for business meetings. hope Laura has a good time and you are having a good time, a hint of your future life.

  20. I was brought up to be on time...which means that in Costa Rica I am always too early...

  21. Your post reminds me of that Elvis song: Did you ever have one of those days? Love the cat picture Joanne.

  22. turning around after 200 miles for an inconsequential item left behind?? Oh no, that's someone who has all the time and nowhere to go.

  23. I don't care if people are late because I've been late a few times myself. I wage a constant battle against it though.

    I love that kitty who fell asleep in his supper. I almost did that last night after a day away from the house. I can't take it like I used to!

  24. Memories of kittens we have raised...and of travels with family... organised chaos..and a husband who hated stopping before arrival..whatever the reason.
    Hope Laura enjoyed meeting family

  25. I'm a punctual stickler. I had to laugh at your last picture, my days at times, too.


  26. Awwwwwwwwwwwww....

    Well, we like you however we can get you. I hope she was looking forward to this.

    And both G and I are on time or a little early type people.

  27. Being on time is such that our family expects it.

    Sweet kitty!

  28. You may be snoozing away your days because of the pain killer.

  29. That photo is hilarious. I know the feeling! I'm renowned for my punctuality. Hubby still tells the story of how we all got to an airport in the middle of the night for a plane due to depart mid-morning. Even I have to admit that was over the top.

  30. You'll learn a lot
    before your death.
    I know I have...
