
Saturday, March 16, 2019

My rock garden, and other good news

My towel project nears its end; I have twenty or so bloggers left to contact. I've slowed down, in order to have another color off the loom, for one more selection pile. I'm close to done with "denim"; I probably will finish them Monday.

So many people wanted to send something in return, and I explained this was for me, and if they really wanted, a thank you note. Some nice people still persisted, and it came to me: a stone for my garden. But not the little garden out front, where I would never find them, but in the beautiful old ironstone platter from Alberta

Until the denim are done, here is my tiny inventory. A very foresty green. They only lack bluebells, to set off their color. Then the periwinkle, the cream and the pumpkin.

My loom has ears! Sometimes that happens. And finally, spring is coming. There was only a dusting of snow this morning.


  1. one of your towels is currently in use, hanging on the oven handle.

  2. Gorgeous stacks of weaving there, Ms. Soft and surprisingly durable, I decided to finally use's glorious and drys the dishes and counter top like that is what it was meant for, haha.

    Who can resist little stones? I have collections all over the house, too.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Trying again ... my comment got away on me before I was finished. Those towels look just gorgeous! You do a wonderful job on your weaving. Cheers, from Nanny Anny in Canada.

    1. You've commented before! Did you ever finish that doll house?

    2. Yes Joanne, I did and the big dollhouse has been re-homed with a granddaughter and my daughter has her childhood Lundby dollhouse back to enjoy with her daughter. I still have my 1950's tin house now and only one small wooden one left as I have downsized to a tiny senior's apartment. I will have to settle for displaying my miniatures in small roomboxes and some little vignettes on shelves. No space for the larger houses anymore. Downsizing is hard but the right decision so I really am ok with it all.

  5. I saw some bees, so it's almost here

  6. My towels look beautiful hanging on my oven doors. You are so generous!! Love the idea of sending a rock!

  7. You have made so many happy and grateful for your lovely towels. I am sure that when all of us display and use them, we think of this wonderful, strong, and kind woman from Ohio. You are a treasure, Joanne.

    1. You all have cheered me on through a tough year! Paying it forward!

  8. I'm looking forward to seeing mine at home in Scotland!..they are beautiful works of art ❤️

  9. Hari OM
    Well, you saw my 'thank you'! I keep reaching out and touching the new towel by my desk... it might become an adult 'blankie'!!!

    Today, we had snow. It'll be gone tomorrow - or the day after - but today, yes, snow. Sigh. YAM xx

  10. The foresty green looks very much like the 'teal' I loved when you showed us the new spools of colour. Is it the same one? I love it, green has always been my colour. I like the idea of rocks, but would one get through customs? I could send a postcard instead.

  11. I was laughing because I had mentally picked out a very large rock and then saw where you want to use them. I will bring you a rock of the right size when we finally meet. I love my towels!

  12. I have stones and I believe there have something to give.
    Coffee is on

  13. I love the towels,They fill me with joy whenever I look at them, they are special.

  14. They make me smile when I walk into the kitchen.

  15. I do thank you for the towels; truly a blessing and a labor of love. I did try to honor your request of nothing in return. I'm always one that wants to be one step ahead or make sure I'm not a "burden" so it was a labor or love for me to respect your decision not to give anything back for your very kind generosity.


  16. Lovely colors. I think they compliment each other quite well.

    By the way, how is Laura's quilt coming along?

    1. It's on my sister's quilting schedule, soon we hope. I understand she's booking August and September right now. Jan thought she had a free time back then, but didn't work out.

  17. The postman met me with the parcel yesterday. We had arranged it because he needed my signature. Thank you so much. I will write to you a letter. xx

  18. Just packing my towels away in readiness for our move. Good to see my pebble in your miniature rock garden.

    Such a lovely idea and what is there not to like if it has brought you pleasure as well as all the grateful recipients across the world. A win-win I’d say.


  19. I seem to know 2 of those pebbles...

  20. I am sooo looking forward to mine and you will get a Newfoundland stone from me wrapped in something special.


  21. You are very talented. My tea towels are a bright lime green. I usually buy them from Dollar Tree when I'm in the States. You can tell I have class can't you. Lol.

  22. I am so enjoying all this that you are doing. The colors are marvelous, the towels are really absorbent, and your audience loves them. I'll start looking for a rock that catches my attention.

  23. I love the stone! (But Iam a rock lover) And of course we all love your towels. Yours are displayed on my Aga in the kitchen. The pumpkin color is perfect. But you know what, Joanne, you could use a few tiny cheeky chickens in your stone garden... don't you think?

  24. If you were my neighbor I would beg you to teach me to weave. I feel like weaving is something you need to learn human to human. Dare I say woman to woman?
    Such a beautiful craft and I can imagine the song of rhythm the loom makes as you go.

    1. If you were my neighbor, you would be welcome to come weave. My sister and I taught ourselves, woman to woman, so to speak.
      I used to listen to music. Pete Seeger and I wove miles and miles together. Now I listen to books.

  25. I think of you every day, which is how often I use my beautiful towels. 💚

  26. What a terrific pile of towels! The ones you sent are very valued here. I bring em out for special occasions! though I have to admit the plates don't notice :). I can understand folks wanting to give something back, it's nice I think, you must never know what will turn up.

  27. My towels are beautiful and I am so happy to have them. Thank you.

  28. This morning when I woke up I heard the birds singing, and knew that spring can't be far behind.

  29. There will be another coming in due course.

  30. I don't know why my comment didn't post. I think the rock garden is a clever idea.

  31. I use my towels every day. Would you like some more yarn, I'd like t buy you some as a Thank You
