
Tuesday, February 26, 2019

How to really, really lo

I am inured to sleep! Add to that extra hours sleeping off broken bones, and I’m a prime example of a sleep slug. I reveled in hours of sleeping off my craniotomy, took a year and a half off and broke my femur. A sleep addict bonanza.

When I retired from weaving, I took to sleeping nine or ten hours a night.  I remember I also had my hip replaced and then suffered a stroke, so who knows. I slept and enjoyed it. 

Going on nine at night my eyes begin clapping shut. I must be involved in something really, really good to make it to ten. In my defense, I am up by eight in the morning. Unless I go back to bed for half an hour.

I was up at seven this morning (mother nature), and saw, down at the other end, Laura might not be up. She wasn’t. “What are you going to do?", I asked, and she mumbled “I don’t know”. It’s been seven years, and she’s missed the bus exactly once in the past.

Eyes still cranky from yesterday’s exam, I said, “OK, we’ll leave at 7:30,” to drop her at school something before eight.  I got dressed, put eye drops in my cranky eyes, which I seldom must. I took care of the cat, and met the kid in the living room. She got to school on time and I came home for breakfast.

Then I went to Ravenna, Ohio, to sign some custody paperwork. Google maps put me on the backroads, an interesting half hour plus looking at all the storm damage from the weekend. Fortunately, I knew my own way back; Google was oblivious to a bridge out and I listened to that exasperated tsk-tsk, click-click (U turn!) a couple of times. Turned that off!

Now, real trouble came right up on me. Cards! Cake, from Birthday Sunday! Not any cake, but cake with custard filling. Peter was absent, and his piece couldn’t go to waste. Or the half piece Greg passed over. When I took it, I admitted to being pretty darn high on sugar. Afterwards I admitted I might as well be drunk. The two of them shuffled and dealt and chatted. I just played. Oh, yes, and I won.

They were thoughtful enough to ask if I would be OK driving home. I was, and took a nap until Laura came in. No, until she called me for supper. Now I’ve read blogs, read the news, wrote a blog. I’ve stretched time out to eight in the evening.  If I get ready for bed very slowly I can stretch bedtime to almost eight-fifteen.

I have things to do tomorrow, and I intend to be up to them! No sugar!


  1. I've resisted buying a Sat-Nag..they do not always know best!
    We siesta...charges the batteries enough....that bit of the afternoon after 2.30 when everything drags...

  2. I woke up this morning at 9:37 and was completely shocked. I had gotten ten hours of sleep. What in hell is wrong with me?

  3. Our at nav sent us down a road which had turned into a river bed in the rainy season....

  4. Good for you having the extra cake! I would too, I find it hard to pass up custard filled anything. I think Laura has done very well to only miss the bus twice in seven years. I'm doing a lot of sleeping myself these days, the heat is sapping my energy somewhat, but even before the heatwaves I was sleeping until 8 or 9am and having an afternoon nap as well. Perhaps I'm catching up on all those years I had to be up at 4am to be at work by 6am?

  5. I get sleepy at 11 pm and if I miss a 15 minute window of sleepy opportunity, I find that I cannot go to sleep. My dogs are always ready to go out at 10 pm and then we go to bed to watch the Daily Show and Stephen Colbert, then sleep. Routine, I like routine. I like custard, too and now I want some!

  6. I can't tell you the last time I slept until 8 a.m. Sometimes in going to bed after midnight on Saturday nights, I'll sleep in until 7 a.m. on Sundays. Otherwise, its 5:30 a.m. Monday through Friday, 6:30 a.m. on Saturday due to work schedules. Glad you were able to help get Laura to school on time. Maybe the winning combination for winning at cards is sugar :)


  7. Eleven PM and I'm craving cake! Ack!
    I've turned into a nap junkie. Fatigue hits me about 3:30 and I sleep until five when the Waltons comes on TV. The theme music wakes me uo. Once upon a time the theme music to Leno would lol me to sleep. Weird how she and infirmary mess with our habits.

  8. Six-thirty in the morning here, I've been awake for half an hour, coffee and blogs.

  9. My best and deepest sleep is usually at the kitchen table, around 10.00pm. The next best is lying in the back of the car on a warm, sunny afternoon.

  10. Hari OM
    I am an any and all hours kinda gal and generally get by on six hours sleep, quite often no sleep.. and then once a month the top up day where nothing but sleep happens! YAM xx

  11. Cake of any description is pretty darn hard to resist.

  12. I can't sleep properly without a pill, I'm sad to say. I really enjoy a [very] short afternoon nap, but even that hasn't been happening lately.

  13. That sugar will get you every time. Good for you getting good nights sleep. The hubs has resorted to Melatonin to get a decent night.

  14. I am sorry to say I have the opposite problem - sleep is not a familiar friend to me. It's gotten so bad lately, that I feel like I'm missing half of my day if I sleep until 4A.

  15. I'm a late sleeper and having the house to myself I just sleep in. think I finally rolled out of bed at 8:40 this AM. my sister has half her day behind her before I ever get up. tried to watch a movie last night but it was terrible so I headed to bed about 9:30, a half hour earlier than I usually do. as for the sugar, maybe you found the secret to pinochle.

  16. What I hate is falling asleep in the middle of something on television that I really wanted to see.

  17. I'm trying to get rid of added sugar (wine.) Not fair that when I do that, I crave cake and other sweets. This was supposed to be a weight loss process also.

  18. I'm used to going to bed at 8 and waking up at 4 for work.

  19. Sugar does me in. My own personal energy vampire. I try to avoid if I can but the odd breakdown, well what can we do?


    1. I have been off sugar for years. I was in this for the butter and cream and custard. I knew I'd pay for it, but what a sugar high!

  20. Yum! Custard-filling is to die for. Google would have us drive off a cliff, if it could. I sleep fairly well and for a good chunk of time, too. I feel good about it.

  21. Custard filled bismarcks are my favorite. I've never tried a custard filled cake. Was it a white cake? Chocolate?

    1. White. I don't like chocolate, and would have passed.

  22. I've always slept like a log and now I don't have to get up for work, get up when I feel like it. Pure luxury.

  23. Fig Jam goes well on yogurt. You sound must be all the hours you sleep. If you are that sleepy, you might get Laura to help pack before she leaves.

    I got my new pre-surgery lenses yesterday, and my right eye has truly improved. I sat facing the terra cotta town yesterday and delighted in the weave that I couldn't see before. Thank you again.

  24. When I was in high school, I routinely missed the school bus. I would have to wake my mother, who did get up to make breakfast or see me off, and she would drive me in her nightgown and robe. She usually went to bed at 3 am. She was always up and dressed when I got home from school.

  25. I try to keep sugar and white flour and white rice to a minimum but would not have resisted that cake you describe. We must treat ourselves from time to time.
