
Wednesday, January 9, 2019

A quiet day

I often tell people I have nothing to do and all day to do it. That generally means I'm up for anything that hits the table. I use google's calendar. It fits on my phone, so I can add appointments, commitments, notes on the spot. I try to check it each night, so I am not taken by surprise the next day.

Today is one of those completely blank days. I love them. 

Yesterday was all sunshine, until winter moved back in with ugly clouds, big noisy rain drops.

I chased the rainbow down the road, to a school parking lot.

Today I had another slice of Boston Brown Bread for breakfast. Here it is, toasted. If swimming in butter doesn't suit you, skip ahead. Two more slices and the loaf is gone.

And my job for today is to hem the twelve towels I took off the loom yesterday. 

Then there will be twenty four assorted colors, and I can begin again finding people to send them to. 

Toby has a decent response to the snow and cold out the window.


  1. And I would say that Toby has a sensible response to the snow and cold.
    I am using your towels daily now and they bring me more pleasure than you can imagine.

    1. Thanks for letting me know. They simply are little workhorses and I am tickled pink when people use them that way.

  2. 'cats always know which side their bread is buttered' as my mother used to say Joanne. And judging by the photo
    she was right as far as Toby is concerned.

    1. He woke me this morning because his never empty bowl was empty.

  3. Those are my favorite days, too. Yesterday was busy far afield, and tomorrow will be, too, but today is quiet home alone. My that Boston Brown Bread looks delicious!

  4. I like Toby's take of life. I also like days when I don't have anything scheduled to do. They come far and few between with still working full-time, but always a blessing when they do come. I love bread smothered with butter. A weakness of mine, but always tastes delicious.

    Great rainbow in a winter sky!


  5. I love days with nothing on the calendar, except the 10 tasks I've begun. I wish I had your skills in the sewing department. I'm making burp cloths for my daughter-in-laws shower gift. I'm covered in threads from clipping the diaper too closely and seam ripping where I didn't leave room to turn it inside out. Why can't I be a TV watcher and be happy?

    1. Well, I do have a recorded book in my ears. And my sewing level is at yours. Hemming towels is the equivalent of burp cloths!

  6. How can one buy your towels??? Is there a color choice??
    BTW my mother-in-law used to make Boston brown bread and a type of date bread - both in cans!!

    1. Dear Bettina, they are not for sale. Some day I'll ask for your address to ship a couple, and hope you do not turn me down.

  7. The bread with lots of butter looks scrumptious. I want to know if you found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

  8. Love those 'days with nothing on the calendar' - can be filled with spontaneous doings! With me it's usually clay or quilting, but you never can tell, I might decide to try a new recipe or nap the day away. And again, if you'd like to do a swap... a few Cheeky Chickens for one of your towels? I'd be happy to do it.

    1. No, no, no. No trades. Not only is my house too small, I'm moving to one half this size. If you want to come help me move, though.....
      You're on the list. Everyone is on the list.

    2. Ha! If you lived close, I'm sure you'd have a barrage of old ladies (us 70+ bloggers) coming to help you move. Not sure how much help that would be... but it might be fun.

  9. 24 are flat out wonderful. I would come help, but I am way out here in California.

  10. Do you need me to say how wonderful they are?

  11. The towel colors are like fruit colors. I'd call them tangerine and tomato. The BBB swimming in butter is how I'd eat it. Sounds like you had a good day.

    1. Not bad. The labels said gold and terra cotta. Actually, I'm about to send two gold towels and a note to an old friend who has been on my mind of late. I don't know why. Her name is Mary, and I looked at the gold and thought Mary-gold. And so I have the note open right now.

  12. Boston Brown Bread looks delicious.
    happy new year

  13. I don't mind days of nothing and do things only as the mood hits me.

  14. My father told us that if you are too hot or too cold to simply follow the household animals. When they find a comfortable spot, evict them and take over - because it will be the most comfortable spot in the house.
    He had a point.
    And how I love your towels. Which are now a few years old and showing NO signs of aging.

  15. Hari OM
    sounds like just about the perfect day to me - that bread is reminding of something over here called 'malt' bread, malt being a leftover from beer making and has the consistency of molasses. It is sticky deliciousness and definitely better for lashings of butter! YAM xx

  16. Yes nothing like a completely empty day, with no commitments. Toby has it sussed.

  17. Julia Child once said that once can never have enough butter. Your bread gives credence to that.

  18. Your buttered toast reminds me of John Gray's recent post where he was eating loaf "slapped liberally with butter" - I try to be good most of the time, but there are some things that cry out for lots of butter!

    You can tell it's chilly as Toby is all in a ball. As it gets warm, cats stretch and ooze :)

  19. The best toast is swimming in butter!

  20. I love days where nothing at all is planned. Swimming in butter is my favourite food, which sounds odd, but when something around here gets buttered it gets excessively buttered.
    The teatowels are wonderful and THANK YOU for my red ones which arrived yesterday. I meant to email you, but got caught up with visiting my elderly neighbour, one of her equally elderly cats isn't doing so well, so I chatted with her for several hours. The neighbour, not the cat.

  21. If I had to come back as an animal, I would be a house cat. They have the perfect life. Your towel is currently hanging from the bottom handle on my fridge. I just wiped my wet hands on it. I absolutely love it!! -Jenn

  22. Cats always know where is the best place in the house.

  23. I think a woman always has something to do. Especially when she has nothing to do!

  24. Sometimes those days with nothing to do are a real gift.

  25. I love days with nothing to do- though I always fill them up with something. Some of my friends are bored by retirement- I never was.
    Yum- brown bread and butter- healthier for you than anything processed.

  26. the more butter the better! as for being lazy, I slept til nearly 9 this morning! and I also have one of your beautiful towels hanging on my stove.

  27. I'm going through a phase of brown bread and humus, and ginger tea with sometimes a tot of whisky in it. Cats know the best places to sleep. We have a chair with a cushion on it out front. It gets used by the feline night patrol

  28. Toby is doing what I’d like to do for the next three months!

  29. Lovely relaxing hemming in the quiet and warm with Toby. I am envious.

  30. Those towels look very nice, Joanne - and the photos of the rainbow are impressing!
    By the way: I still wear the beautiful scarf that you wove, thank you!

  31. Sitting on the sofa with an audio book and some coffee when the weather's horrible outside is definitely one of the upsides of retirement. Doing some knitting at the same time makes it seem almost virtuous!

  32. Still set us a great example xx

  33. I like having nothing-to-do days. My daughter says I do that on purpose. Hmmm... maybe.
