
Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Prince Charles’ face lift

This may be a delicate, tricky subject. Or not. As Hazel, my English sister-in-law says, “I am not a royalist.” Should that be capitalized? Neither am I, I suppose. But how about those grandchildren!

This may be totally a generational thing, but just as I can tell exactly the moment I learned President Kennedy was shot, I can tell the moment I learned Princess Diana’s car was in an accident. I was at an art show in Upstate, and my neighbor was a lovely woman with two sons. She and her husband loved the show, where they camped on the grounds and enjoyed their long weekend with the children.

The next morning she greeted me with a happy story about the boys’ adventures, and I could tell she did not know of Diana’s death. I resolved not to be the one who told her. The following day she asked if I knew, and I confessed, and said perhaps I’d ruined her day one way or the other, but I didn’t want to change her happiness. And she said how grateful she was I had been silent.

How closely we followed the funeral ceremonies. How tall William was. How small and crushed down in an oversized suit, Harry. The Queen lowered her head in acknowledgement as Diana passed, and redeemed herself to the world.  Wills grew older and taller, followed all the rules and married Kate.

Harry grew older and taller, stupidly broke a lot of common sense rules for which I’m sure his grandmother roundly and soundly busted him. He married a pretty American woman I’m sure he will be hard pressed to fit into the company mold.

These royals show up regularly on my news feeds, no doubt because Google searches them out to present because I am sure to click. However, I’m happy to take a look at Kate’s beautiful dresses and the jewels in the tiaras. Thanks to Charlotte, I know how to wave like a royal (it’s just like washing windows). And little George, bare knees like a proper little English boy, and surely a personality as mischievous as his grin.

And what about Charles? Who  ever forgave him for crushing his beautiful young bride with his definition of love? Who didn’t snort when reading all the photographic machinations to keep Diana shorter in pictures? She always was vivacious, smiling, lively in pictures with her boys. Charles often was on the periphery, glum.

I was impressed with Charles understanding of the ecology of the world, as we grew older. He was telling the truth. I believe the Prez told his staffers to keep Charles away; he didn’t need an earful of conservation, or some such. As time passed, it was OK for Charles to marry Camilla, though it will never be OK, for me, for her to be called Queen Camilla.

So, what’s with the face lift! Vain old man, not as old as I am! On the other hand, perhaps I could use one of those face lifts! It’s not a real face lift! Smoke and mirrors and chemicals, I think. And he does look so happy.


  1. You summed up the recent years of the RF so well. He does look happy. I hope his sons and their families will also be happy.

  2. Hadn't heard of this. I will look at "before" and "after" pictures and see if I can spot the improvement.

  3. As long as I didn't have to pay for it, I don't care, LOL!

  4. He seems to enjoy the grandchildren.

  5. Did he really obtain one?! Mercy!

    A group of us study-abroad-students were eating at an Italian resto in DE when news of Lady Di's death hit. The waiter, an Italian with maybe a bad ear for accents, came to our table exclaiming that 'Lady Dee!' had been killed. It was jarring. He thought we were British and that we would want to know.

  6. I like our Royals. They are so much more human than the politicians we have in government, fucking-up our once almost respected country.

    1. So do I. I've been a fan since Princess Diana. Without intending to, the Princes stripped away the fairy tale. She even made the Queen become a human being. And her husband. Too bad she didn't live to see it, but I'm sure the bit of dust in the cosmos that is Diana knows.

  7. I like the royals. I was sad about Diana, but Charles seems to have been a good dad and his sons seem like good guys. It is all a fairy tale and other than being ultra rich and great for tourism, they are just like us and trying to live their lives - in castles.

  8. Has he had a face lift? or is it just that he is smiling a whole lot more these days? a happy smile is the quickest and cheapest face lift.

  9. I have always thought that Charlie was the sad sack of the royals, and been pissed at him for going on 20 plus years. But, hey, I've been told that if I get a face lift I'll look at least 3 months younger! Got this info from a pal, a plastic surgeon.

  10. There was plenty of blame to go around in that marriage, including that there were expectations of Charles to get married and get an heir or two. I'm happy that he looks happy these days, and as River said, that may be the only face lift he has had - smiling. I'm also happy that the next generation of royals is able to choose more freely with whom they want to live their lives. I wouldn't be a royal for any amount of money. They live their lives pretty much in a fishbowl, plus I can't wear heels!

  11. I wish health and happiness for all of them, but really, really wish that my country could surrender its links to the British monarchy.

  12. He does look happy. I wonder when he will get a chance to be king.


  13. I never would have known this except for your blog, Joanne! I like the royals. I wasn't happy with what happened to Diana, but time passes and Charles and Camilla seem happy together. This is a good family photo.

  14. My feelings are exactly the same as yours re the sad Charles and Diana episode.
    Can't comment about the face lift. I never look that closely at his face. I just hope that Will and Kate's story continues to be a happy one. I am hopeful for Harry and
    Meghan, but it seems that is a shaky ship! I LOVE the cuteness of the kids.

  15. Out of interest I looked this "face lift" up. The source is a newspaper that prints a lot of biased news, & also it only says he "probably" had one (in the UK that "probably" means they have absolutely no proof). The Palace does say he sometimes uses his wife's Lipolis machine, which makes you look a bit better when you are photographed. But then he can't win. If he looks bad he gets media headlines about how scruffy, old or ill he is looking. Personally I give the major royals a bit of slack. Not many people these days are quite so lacking in human rights, they are born to the job and have to give their lives to it forever in the full glare of the media spotlight, even if they would very much rather not.

  16. I saw a photo of the complete family and they looked like the Addams Family. Perhaps it's still out there somewhere.

  17. A Lipolis machine? And an extremely comfortable life, surrounded by family and friends, probably helps to keep wrinkles at bay.

  18. Hari Om
    I am not a royalist; but it has to be admitted that I have admiration for the very fine young men, William and Harry who seem to be able to live a little less removed from 'their subjects'... YAM xx

    1. It's like they are real people. Wills is at work; Kate and Charlotte out shopping and, uh-oh, Charlotte has to go potty. Such a three year old. They pop into a corner pub and leave ten minutes later, the kid happy. How masterfully Kate handles being the national bellwether.

  19. I wouldn't mind having my upper eye lids lifted as they might soon reach my chin.

    1. You are not alone. My chin may soon reach my toes.

  20. I am just happy that at long last Charles has by his side the woman he always wanted to marry. They seem happy together - and the incident with Diana is a long time ago, tragedy though it was.
    Looking at those two fine young men and the three obviously happy grandchildren I think we must give Charles some credit for the way he brought up his sons.

  21. well, he's smiling for one. something he never did with Diana. and he finally got to marry his true love Camilla. whyever did he marry Diana in the first place. but no, I'm not a royal either and could not care less what they are up to and never click on anything about them though I do remember where I was when I heard about diana. I had just come off a 3 day wilderness canoe camping trip on the Rio Grande through Big Bend and we were at the little campground where we took showers.

  22. We have enough to do with the monarchy in Canada. I am glad not to live in the UK.

  23. I'm not a Royalist either, but I'm glad I live in the UK. Most of the time. Not because of the Royal family though, or Theresa May.

  24. Being a mad English history buff, the RF life is never far from my mind. Charles is a bit hard to take at times and Camilla knows how to handle him. She kept her own home just up the road from Highgrove and when she's had enough, she chills out for a week, smoking, reading books and drinking whisky and don't we all deserve a week like this.

  25. Yes, I find them all very entertaining. After Trump, they look glorious.

  26. Diana death was a tragedy as many deaths of young people are. I do think the conspiracy crap is over blown by media seeking attention and revenue.

  27. No conspiracy. It was a tragic accident perpetrated by a young man who thought he was invincible.
