
Monday, December 10, 2018

Breaded pork chops

I smelled the most wonder supper being prepared last night. I didn’t even go to the kitchen for fear of interrupting its goodness.

Laura called supper was ready, and I got up and going. As I mentioned a couple times today, I’m walking better every day. Personally, I have a problem being seventy-five and becoming a walker, again.

But, heading toward the table, oh, the aroma! I wondered if it could be fish, which she has done in the past.

And no, she had made breaded pork chops, with mushroom gravy. And green beans. And wow, was it good. A chop apiece. I was awhile getting through mine, but it was too good to put any aside for a better day.

I paid the price in the evening. Supper generally is a much lighter meal. Anything that good in future should to be half as much. Watching was a treat. She cut into her chop and examined it long, with a deep frown. It oozed juice and displayed the tiniest blush of rose. Perfect, I told her, and her shoulders relaxed. Then my cut got the same scrutiny. The terror of the first time you serve up.

I’m not familiar with the contents of most cupboards, but the one I supposed would have held bread crumbs is right above MY coffee shelf, and there isn’t a jar of crumbs there. “You buy bread crumbs today?”, I inquired.

“No. I just emptied your toaster crumb tray.”


  1. Now that is a clever way to get crumbs. Practical Laura.

  2. HAHAHAHA!! How resourceful!!

    Now I want a breaded pork chop and I don't even like pork!

  3. Dinner sounds delicious and I love that Laurie thinks outside the box.

  4. Oh no! The toaster crumb tray! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Brilliant.

    1. The chicken or the egg? She makes toast too, and probably a year's accumulation of crumbs added a nice aroma to breakfast. Or, necessity spurred invention; chop soaking in egg wash and no bread crumbs to be had.

  5. God bless her! I would have never thought about the toaster crumb tray. She thinks outside the box.

  6. Bet you didn't expect that answer, very funny.

  7. Oh does that look good and what a clever girl she is.

  8. Tiny world: I'm having pork chops and hash browns with gravy tonight.

    1. We had green beans with peas and carrots, too. What about you?

  9. I'm all for toaster crumbs being recycled! :D

  10. It looks absolutely delicious - and shall look in the crumb tray when all else fails in future.

  11. Since we don't own a toaster, I'd be up the creek. Luckily we usually have bread crumbs in the pantry. The pork chops look wonderful. We're actually having pork chops tonight (marinated in Italian dressing) with steamed cabbage and sweet potatoes.

  12. Dear Joanne, thank you so much for the laughter your post brought to me. I laughed outlaid and still have a silly grin on my face. How inventive of Laura! Oh, it brings hope to my heart for our country when I think of young people like her! Peace.

    1. I put down my knife and fork and laughed out loud!

    2. I bet you did! And I laughed "outlaid" as I said in my comment!!!!! and also "outloud"! The spell check wants to tinker with that word! Peace.

  13. Hari Om
    well, apart from the pork bit, this sounded fabulush!!! I gotta remember that crumb idea. WTG Laura. Maybe I can crumb a camembert...? yeeeaaahhhh.... YAM xx

  14. hey, waste not, want not! and we're having pork chops tonight too.

  15. I doubt I could have put together a yummy meal like that when I was her age! Funny about the toaster crumbs! -Jenn

  16. This is brilliant! Clever Laura! It sounds delicious, too....

  17. How clever for Laura with the bread crumbs! I bet it was delicious!


  18. All those crumbs from ONE toaster tray? And good on you, Laura, I would never have thought to use crumbs from a toaster tray. I used to do a lot of breading for my first husband, who loved everything crumbed and fried. I once declared he'd eat the car if I crumbed and fried the parts.

  19. Being able to think on her feet will get her further than physics in life!

  20. A clever use for all those toaster crumbs. Of course they'd have to be crumbs from top-quality bread....

  21. I have pork chops in the oven as we speak! But I cheated and used Shake-n-Bake. Yes!
    But I made up for that with sweet potatoes and oatbran muffins with carrots and apples and raisins in them.
    And a salad, too, just to cover all of the bases.

  22. The toaster crumb tray!! Haha, clever girl! I would never have thought of that. And hey, the toaster got cleaned...that's two birds with one stone!

  23. My husband thought her toaster crumbs were a great idea! If we ever run out of store bought crumbs we will have to look to the toaster to fill in!!

  24. I am hungry, must go out and shop for chops!

  25. How ingenious! They sound delicious.

  26. How absolutely delightful. Made me laugh at the perfection of it. The towels are hung and are also perfection.

  27. Mage suggested I read your blog, so here I am! ;) She says you weave fibers. Lovely... I make quilts and other things.

  28. The last line in this post had me laughing. But it was actually a good idea.
