
Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Stubbed my toe on my cane today

I wrote that title yesterday; it was true and it hurt.  It snowed overnight; one of those descending temp affairs that melted the first layer into ice. I was out on Monday, and shame on me, I did not lift my wipers. They were frozen down. My porch and steps were well salted by Laura, but shame on her, she did not refill the shaker can of ice melter. And I had to play cards at one in the afternoon.

I called Donny. It sounded like I got him out of bed (at 9 am?). I told him I did not need the car until noon, and ring the bell when he was done. 

I also had an arm therapy appointment at 4:30, but unless abducted by an alien aircraft, that was fine. Michelle, the therapist, wanted to make it at two or three, and I said that was impossible; I would be playing cards. “You could change that,” she said. “When Pigs Fly,” said I.

She has annoyed me from the outset, calling on a Monday to make the week’s appointments, with the caveat this week of being off two days. We made the Thursday appointment, but I declined the Tuesday appointment during cards. With a tremendous sigh, she offered me 4:30, and I accepted.  

Michelle arrived at 4:50. I told her that would not work. “Well, if you would have cancelled your card game,” said she, and I had an invisible mental explosion. “Put down that one of us missed the appointment,” I said. “See you Thursday.”

Donny got his job done, and I was off to cards in good time. Michelle arrived twenty minutes late for a thirty minute appointment, and expected it to be acceptable, or excusable because I kept my “appointment” to play cards.

All of the above notwithstanding, I have been weaving. (On my time!) I’ve worked my way through maybe two thirds of the color offerings of Mssr. Brassard, Quebec, Canada. When I am done I probably will be to the end of my current warp. I think I’ll search out a new pattern. It has to be towel friendly; it has to get dishes dry! That means it needs about half its threads exposed and half well secured.

Back in my towel snobbery days, I recognized that phenomena in this Shaker towel pattern I simply “found”. I didn’t ‘invent’ it, but I recognized its value, so to speak. 

I am happy to return to the utilitarian value of dish towels. I thumb through patterns stuck up on the internet, and have found a pattern called Rose Garden. It’s overshot. I have not woven overshot since my weaving days, and I retired that in 2003.

Overshot is the process of building a pattern by stacking threads in the same shedd. That, however, is not “weaving”, but how to make a mess. Unless….every row of the same is secured by a row of plain weave between. Genius.


  1. Sorry you stubbed your toe. Hopefully it feels much better soon. I love all the colours of your woven dishtowels. I look forward to seeing your new pattern.

  2. well dang! toes always seem to find stub potential- I have trouble getting all of my toes lined up to put them into socks. Sorry you did that and sorry your michelle is kind of a stinker...Playing cards heals!!

    Your towels are gorgeous, and damned if I am going to use mine to wipe dishes dry, unless I get new dishes and they happen to be gold- then, maybe.

  3. I'm looking forward to seeing a visual aid to help with your written description of the new pattern!

    The towels you sent me a few years back will last forever, now that we have a dishwasher. I still use towels but they don't get the hard wear that they used to. That suits me fine :) I think of you every time I pull them out of the drawer.

  4. I've never weaved but has always fasnasited me.
    Coffee is on

  5. They are so pretty they do not look like dish drying towels. Maybe because I use those flour sack towels but to me they look soft and drapey and like a great scarf.

  6. I do not like you unhelpful therapist! Bah! And I'm very sorry you have stubbed your toe. I hope it will not happen again. And, so glad you got to play cards!

  7. I really should proof read. _Your_ unhelpful therapist.

  8. And I love your beautiful towels. Do you ever sell them?

  9. The dish towels look so pretty.

    I bet Michele has seldom come across a force like you, Joanne. She will just have deal with it.

  10. Glad you didn't change your appt with Michelle and you kept your time for playing cards. That might be more therapeutic than anything she might or might not accomplish. Stubbing toes are always the worst. Such pain! Lovely towels you make!


  11. Hari Om
    Does Michelle have a supervisor...

    Somehow my wrist keeps finding things to 'stub' itself, so I sympathise with the toe. I too adore the towels you weave!!! YAM xx

  12. Michelle needs to be more professional. I may need to visit google and see if I can find the Rose Garden weaving pattern.
    Hope your toe is alright now.

  13. Kitchen textiles perfection!
    I'm a toe stubber, too, and they do go alarmingly blue afterwards.

  14. Cards are much more important. Priorities.

  15. Maybe Michelle will learn not to mess with you. :)

  16. You do therapy on your own making towels, Joanne.

  17. I've always operated under the assumption that when there's been more than one appointment on the calendar at a time whatever was there first is the one I will go to. It sounds like you did the same thing.

  18. Michelle seems a little passive aggressive, or maybe just aggressive. glad you are weaving. such lovely yardage. and who won at cards?

    1. Two weeks in a row Nancy and I lost, although once by only one point!The guys were so proud.

  19. Can you get a new therapist? I don't think you need the one you have.
    I love those colors. They are perfection. You should be delighted with yourself.

  20. Michelle is plainly an awkward so-and-so, unwilling to be accommodating. But is she good at the job, I ask?

    I had no idea the secret of getting your dishes properly dry was the thread-pattern!

    1. All my therapists are good. She is also rude.
      Now all the magic is gone from your dish towels. Tea towels, as they are across the way.

  21. Such beautiful colors! I love your towels. They make me happy whenever I look at them.

  22. May I order some towels and PAY YOU? You gave me a towel and it wears so well. These towels would make good Christmas gifts.

    Please let me know! I have your gmail and send my request.

  23. Michelle sounds like a charmer. :(
    Your time is valuable. A ten minute visit seems hardly worth it.
