
Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Another Democrat wins another seat. Senate, that is. And additional rambles.

There is no question there was a blue wave, and the good guys prevailed. Trump lost. The Arizona Democrat, Krysten Sinema brings the incoming Senate standing close to even, I believe, though the states still not called can change that, better or worse.

Our president presents more shamefully each day. I feel like he may have alienated so many of us by 2020, he may decide not to run, in an LBJ reenactment. The rest of the world are lobbing back his insults. They could send worse.

My Ohio Senator, Sherrod Brown, is sending up test balloons for a presidential run in 2020. This is not good. He’s marginally less progressive than Bernie Sanders, and ten years younger. He’s a meat and potatoes, working man’s senator, who makes a difference in my mostly red state. I don’t know that we could get a decent replacement while he’s making a presidential run.

Brown has been our senator for two terms, and just won a third. He’s married to Connie Schultz, a Pulitzer prize journalist. She resigned from the Cleveland newspaper, saying being a congressman’s wife was a conflict of interest. She writes occasional editorials. I became a fan after reading the column about being approached by a blackmailer, to buy his photos of Sherrod attending an event with Connie. “Well, we are married,” she told the man.

Yesterday, after entertaining therapy folks all morning, I ventured out on one errand. My driving does not please them. Yesterday the last of them was so late she had to squeeze her visit into a half hour, and I followed her out the door to another appointment. Quite satisfactory.

Today I left early, to complete two errands. I was a bit hesitant; it’s sprinkling, due to be snow. I had to find a decent parking place at the bank, and there it was, right in front. This is in Hudson’s infamous Main Street, head in, diagonal parking. Thank you parking gods. 

The hardware stop was more dicey; still sprinkling and linoleum floors. I know the cane tip slips badly on linoleum when it’s wet. I stood on the walk-off mat until noticed by my local Ace Hardware man, who got what I wanted and gave me his arm to the register. Ace is the Place with the Helpful Hardware Man!

In half an hour I’m leaving to play cards. I’ll spread de-icer on my way out and leave the can there on the drive until I return. Nancy and I were roundly and soundly defeated at the rehab facility two weeks in a row. It’s time to turn the tide.

Coming home from the hardware store, I turned around and went back for this perfect picture of the season. The house is empty, and the squirrel's nest there over the roof line must be, too.


  1. You stay so busy. That is a beautiful house. I wonder why it's empty. Yay for Sinema. I have my fingers crossed for Florida but not a lot of hope.

  2. Nothing keeps you down for long, Joanne. Good luck with the cards!

  3. One thing is for sure - Nothing stops Joanne. We may have sleet and snow on Thursday and although it is my day to work, I will not drive in that kind of weather. I don’t take chances on the road anymore.

    Yeah, for the election. We saw many, many young people at my poll site but I heard this morning that wasn’t the norm around the country. Voting by the 65+ was up, probably due to healthcare and Medicare. When are the young going to take responsibility for their future and to come to the table and vote? Big sigh.

  4. Can't wait for the hearings and Trump's tax returns.

  5. That is a perfect autumn scene. It's always good to have the parking gods on your side. x

  6. Hari Om
    ...what the..??? Why in the name of all that's fair are you not getting a Disability Permit so you can park where you need to Joanne???????? I know that means getting over the pride thing - but also know that my father is extremely grateful for his blue badge!

    That's a nice place - is it for sale...? so many questions... YAM xx

    1. I have a handicapped placard. That doesn't mean there always is an open spot. No pride on that front. I've had it since my neck fusion in 02, maybe before that.

    2. ...good... but does that mean there are not dedicated park spaces then? Over here the badge gives rights to park where no others could, such as on double yellow lines (normally fineable). That said, I have been astounded at the numbers of 'mums and prams' spaces which have been dedicated in mall parks which far outnumber those of disabled. Tsk....... Can you tell I'm irate on your behalf &*{}.... Yxx

    3. Here in Australia, disabled spaces are marked with a painted on wheelchair symbol and people get fined for parking in them if they are not disabled.

  7. So glad you are back! Missed your posts!

  8. I am glad you are getting out and about again Joanne.

  9. So glad you are getting to do more things you want to do, and also getting help when needed, even by those parking gods! Be well!

  10. What a beautiful house to lie empty and what a perfectly placed squirrel's drey.
    I am pleased to hear that you are getting around again. I do agree about how slippery walking sticks can be in wet weather.

  11. That gold carpet of leaves was well worth the effort of going back to get the shot. That may be a metaphor for your life. "She went back to get the prize."

    1. Awww! There's plenty of truth and pride in that. Thanks.

  12. Damn the torpedoes and disapproving therapy people. You're using caution and common sense.

  13. So good that you get out again, please please be careful.

  14. Glad that you are mobile again...but take care with the winter weather. Sounds like a good hardware store there!
    Sad to see that house empty..look a good one

  15. I'm really glad the election is over. It was brutal here in Arizona with the ads between the candidates. I didn't support Sinema and I usually don't talk politics on blogs so I'll just leave it as it will be interesting to see what she chooses to do in the Senate.

    Be careful on the ice and snow! I used to walk like a penguin when we lived in Montana. I feared falling and breaking any bone.


  16. and recounts ongoing in Florida and Georgia in tight races! too bad Beto lost. I read where native born Texans voted for him overwhelmingly. it's all those conservative transplants keeping Rafael in. they can just go back where they came from. that's my Joanne! won't be kept down and to hell with the therapists. go whup some ass at cards.

  17. I read now that Trump is acting all sullen since the mid-terms. I think it's not really fun for him anymore, and it wouldn't surprise me if he simply stepped down.

    One can only hope.

    I'm glad to hear you are being extra careful. Hooray for the Ace Hardware Man! And that carpet of golden leaves in the photo is amazing - such a rich golden unbroken mass of beauty.

  18. I'm a little confused, Trump lost and he is still your President?
    That house in the final photo is charming. As is the helpful assistant in the hardware store.

    1. Trump's party still controls the Senate (upper house) but not Congress (lower house). Trump is still President :( A majority for Democrats in Congress will make it possible to put the brakes on Trump somewhat.

    2. And actually the vote counting is still in progress in some areas.

    3. His staff told him to focus on the economy to campaign for the last election. But he focused on hating the immigrants. He lost the house of representatives.

    4. Thanks for clearing all that up for me.

  19. I, too, shudder to think what we might get if Sherrod goes running after the presidency (seems like most EVERY darn dem has the same idea). He is our only blue light special in this stupid red state and we need him right here at home.

  20. My driving doesn't please anyone, but I got G home from surgery. You do sound grand. Your out and aboutness sure does please me.

  21. Ice and falling are horrible companions.

    The hardware employee was a gem.

  22. Do be careful driving (and walking) in this weather, Joanne. As for that house pic, I love seeing a lawn covered in autumn leaves!

  23. Have a heart for the rest of the country, Joanne. We need Sherrod.

  24. I'm glad the Democrats regained control of the House of Representatives (which I've visited by the way). A shame about the Senate. I can only hope Trump alienates more and more people and the Democrats continue to make inroads on the Republican vote.

    Glad to know you're getting out and about again. I hope there are no mishaps on the ice.

  25. That looks like a beautiful house. And it is beautiful news that some sensible ideas are starting to percolate to American voters. I'd like to think we'll see some sense over here. It's been good to be away from it all for a few weeks. internet was so bad it wasn't possible sometimes to follow the news even if you happened to want to. Not that I particularly wanted to!
