
Monday, October 15, 2018

Thank you all

The presiding official swore us in and read the charges. Laura took a deep breath and like a real Lytle said she made a conscious decision to not make such a bad decision again. 

Laura was offered the opportunity to join Drug Fee Clubs of America, which I've mentioned before. Their "out" to drugs is "No thanks, I'll be tested." Laura rejoined with a no, she would be expelled.

They were impressed she had completed her 24 hours of diversion. As I've said, the Food Bank is twenty minutes away and she had a week off. She was reinstated as of tomorrow morning, and told to report to a counselor for some Wednesday morning duties.

I thanked them for reinstating her two days early. I said it had been quite a shock to both of us; she had missed far too much school, and I had every confidence in Laura's good sense we would not be repeating the episode.

The officials said they would work closely with her to make up her work and the end of quarter exams she missed. Thank you's and good-byes around and we left.


  1. I'm so glad to read Laura is back in school :D

  2. It sounds like it was less painful than it could have been. But she's a good kid, and we all know that. -Jenn

  3. Yay! It is good to know the powers that be can be reasonable.

  4. Thank God that ordeal is behind you both and I hope she will stick on the straight path from here on. I can tell Laura is a good kid and everyone makes a mistake now and then. It's real sad when those mistakes are life altering.

  5. What a good kid, supported by a great grandmother.

  6. Good to hear that the school will work with Laura to get her back on track, scholastically speaking.

  7. Glad that's over and done with. Here's hoping that's the worst thing she does, she's a smart girl and I'm getting she has smooth sailing now.

  8. I'm very proud of Laura. She accepted her punishment, paid her penance, told them she had learned her lesson, and then stood up for her rights. Let her know I have my fist raised and say a "right on" to her.

  9. Wonderful news that Laura is back in school! I think she will not get in trouble again,but move from triumph to triumph....She is smart. She has great support from you, Joanne.

  10. Glad to hear it went well. Another bit of growing up successfully completed. Well done, Laura and Joanne both.

  11. Wonderful, wonderful news. Lesson learned.

  12. Good going, Laura. And how lucky she is to have you by her side.

  13. Life lessons are the hardest. Sounds like she has made a conscious decision. She is lucky to have you standing right by her.

  14. Good she'll be back in school. I'm sure she won't be repeating this and will make wiser decisions in the future.


  15. Hari Om
    joining the collective sigh of relief... YAM xx

  16. I think that very few kids get through their youth without a little experiment in that area, but not many of them get found out. It sounds as though you had an understanding presiding official. Green Eyes went through a similar episode, but hers ended up in hospital on a saline drip. A hard lesson to learn.

    1. So did Laura's. I let them toss most of the consequences her way.

    2. China has a lot to answer for, never mind Venezuela.

  17. Glad things are moving in and normality is returning.

  18. How good it is that she has you close to her.

  19. I'm glad it is over. Sometimes we have to learn the hard way. If we are smart, we only have to learn it once. Laura strikes me as being smart.

  20. I love a story that has a happy ending!

  21. then young more of that!!

  22. another hard lesson under Laura's belt.

  23. Everybody deserves a second chance. I am so glad everything turned out well.

  24. We've all made mistakes, and many 'got away'; ergo no consequences. I think/hope Laura has learned, and will do well in life.
    Best to you too.

  25. SOmetimes we need these experiences in life. Sounds as if Laura has learned - I hope so.

  26. I do hope Laura is now ready to knuckle down and get on with her life. It must have been such a worry to her as well as to you.
    Best wishes to you - and you too Joanne.

  27. I'm glad that efforts will be made to bring her up to date.

  28. Glad that the school saw that she'd learnt from their misadventure
    and that she's still got time to catch up. I hope the rest of term is enjoyable.

  29. I've missed out on a lot, apparently. Sounds as if it all turned out fine.


    1. I went back to read older posts. So she smoked a blunt with some other kids. I know it wasn't a good idea, but since she isn't my child it's easy for me to say, So what? She is so responsible in so many ways.

  30. That sounds like a happy ending after all the aggravation. I'm glad Laura should be able to catch up with her schoolwork okay.

  31. Oh my gosh, that was easy. You are a great gramma. Thanks for being there for her.

  32. Dear Joanne, good news! Cause for celebration and a deep sigh of relief and gratitude. Peace.

  33. Good to hear, good luck with catching up on the school work x

  34. Wishing Laura all the best with this!

  35. So good news, Joanne - I am glad for you both!

  36. Great news. It sounds like a lesson has been learned.

  37. This is good to hear. These grandchildren are adding to my already gray head!!

  38. So ... catastrophe averted. Hurrah!

  39. I'm hoping you two are ok. You have been gone for over ten days and I am fretting.

  40. She is such a great human, that Laura girl- I had little doubt that the gestapo at the school would be sensible. Sorry she had to go through this bit of nonsense, just makes school that much more difficult. With a Gran like you, that kid will always be thoughtful and smart- good genes, good influence! Glad it all went well.

  41. Checking in and sending a hug.

  42. Have you had your surgery? I hope you have not stopped blogging! I miss you!

  43. November 5th now, and my worry level is up a bit more. I so hope you two are ok.

  44. I so hope that you are okay. I am anxious for your next post.

  45. Thinking of you, dear Joanne. I know that something must be really wrong since we have not heard from you in awhile. When voting day came and went, I was sure of that. You are very special to us who have been privileged to know you through Blogger and we all are in your corner and hoping for the best. You are a woman of character and courage. You have spunk, and we love spunk!
