
Saturday, September 8, 2018

Like a meringue

My husband thought me a bad cook, and I was. My mother taught me.

Once I thought I would make a meringue. Maybe cookies. Maybe a topping. As decent as his mother made. Just be slow and careful.

All those egg whites! Slide, slide, slide them down the stainless steel bowl from the little bowl. No contaminants. Including that fleck of cotton lint from the kitchen towel, probably. Don’t scrape up anything from the counter and send it flying!

Don’t consider the week. Or the sick child you just got up to comfort. Think about the picnic today and go back to sleep, to the patter of rain out the window. Interesting picnic, in the rain. What if meringue weeps? Is that OK? I think it’s a failure if it does.

What else goes in? What happened to the Republican Party? What happened this week? How can a Supreme Court justice nominee suborn perjury, and only two of the committee call him out? Can they make the rest understand?

But, a supreme court justice is about as important as the president! Wait. Is the lodestar stealing the papers? Of course not! But he doesn’t really support Roe v. Wade, either. We’ve known that all along. Someone chose the name on purpose. Who is third in line?

Is cream of tartar before or after sugar? What about almond extract? Those Tartars were some warriors! Something about almonds is poisonous. What is it?

Too many faces in the bowl. Every meringue turns into a face. Stop making fat faces. Get up. Make the bed. Get in the shower.  

 Image result for faces from meringue



  1. I am not brave enough to ever attempt meringue.

  2. Mom used to get upset when her meringue topping for her lemon pie had those little tear drops .... I thought they were lovely and it still tasted fantastic.

  3. my one attempt at lemon meringue pie was a complete failure. we just had lemon pie.

    as for the rest, there is no integrity in the republican party. as long as they get their man/agenda in they will turn a blind eye. even the so-called 'resistance' in the White House. as long as they get their tax cuts, their deregulation, and their SC justice to overturn R vs W and marriage equality, they will tolerate any amount of disaster.

    1. This could be interesting. The congress can change the law that is overturned. This will not end soon.

  4. never made a meringue, wouldn't know where to begin, but my Mom use to make beautiful meringue pies.
    I try to ignore Washington as much as possible, will vote in November though it will do no good as this is such a red state.

  5. oh yes and yes, What goes in- and does that little fleck matter? well, yes it does, it can ruin the day, the picnic, the marriage. I do think that the wake up call has finally hit the ever so polite , wanting-to-believe-rational people of the land, There is a rumbling, a jiggling! The meringue will turn out well enough, after a few tries.

  6. The turning of the blind eye is maddening. I do not understand how so many refuse to see what is happening. If I hear one more idiot parrot, "Well he's better than Obama!" I may lose my mind. When I ask for specifics about what exactly Obama did that they are so upset about ….. they cannot name one thing. I actually told a friend that she should not vote at all is she did not take the time to research both candidates and not just follow the opinions of someone else.

  7. There us no reasoning with them. I had to listen to a lady say she didn't think women should have a vote! All I said was women died for the right to vote. Can't argue with stupid. I'd love a pavlova or Eton Mess, but not enough to make them. The poison is in the almond kernel.

    1. Nevermind. I was thinking peach or apricot kernel.

  8. An incompetent rube has been able to put two Supreme Court Justices on the bench? I feel my pulse rise...

  9. It makes a huge difference what goes in the meringue of course. How much more so a supreme court!

  10. First time I have visited. Love your post. Nice writing. The outside shell of the almond is poisonous when green. (I think.) . ta ta

  11. It was such a pleasure to watch the video, just out, of Obama giving a speech in Illinois.

    I bet Obama could make a meringue too. Or at least dance the merengue :D

  12. The pumpkins are a cute idea. I no longer have the patience for meringue. Your capture of the random thoughts that roll through our heads at times that that is not only spot on but also hilarious.

  13. I just can't believe we let this happen.
    Obama is on the stump.

  14. I hope that more and more crowded heads come round to your way of thinking. Indeed I hope that more people start to think. And not only while baking.

  15. Steam of consciousness, almost. My meringue never turned out well. In a trip to Switzerland to visit our daughter, we visited Meringin, which is maybe the home of meringue (bragging rights maybe). Best stuff every, filled with Swiss whipped cream.

  16. I used to make a good meringue, but no longer. The same can be said for our government.

  17. I think this is what they call stream of consciousness. :)

  18. Looks as if the supreme court will be about as poisonous as that peach kernel...

  19. Meringue and politics. One so sweet, the other so sour. I used to make Pavlovas, which is a large circle of meringue, slightly concave, baked slowly so it doesn't brown, but they should be crisp on the outside while soft on the inside. Once cooled it is filled with whipped cream and topped with assorted sliced fruits. Bananas, strawberries and kiwi fruits are popular toppings. Many people like to add passionfruit, but I'm not a fan.

  20. I think the almond/poison connection is that arsenic smells like bitter almonds.

  21. You could go one step further and make a soufflé...

  22. My mom passed the cooking and baking gene to my sister, not to me. When I finally realized I would never be as good of a cook or baker, I stopped doing both and made my life a little more easier :)


  23. I haven't made meringue in a long time, but through some miracle, mine has always turned out right. My mother would not teach me to cook. When she was featured as The Cook of the Week in her city's newspaper, I finally got some of her recipes.


  24. I couldn't eat a single one of your meringues, however delicious ... I'd be giving each one a name.

  25. I've only made meringue once and I wasn't impressed. I'll take whipped cream on my pies thank you. As for the Republicans...I don't think there is any hope left. And this supreme court justice is a crying shame. I don't know what to think anymore.

  26. Oh meringues always seem to me those things that are not worth the fuss of making. Maybe I'm just saying that because mine always turn out soggy....
