
Friday, September 21, 2018

A long, hard week

I'm still sorting events. It only recently sunk in how little time has elapsed since the previous accident in Washington, DC. That was March, 2017, a mere eighteen months.  I'm not dealing well with the pain this time. The new broken bones don't hurt, but the shoulder that was to be repaired is about unbearable.

An osteo doctor appointment scheduled for today was cancelled, and rescheduled for Monday. If my shoulder doing so much support work with the walker didn't hurt so badly, no matter. But it hurts like hell, which compounds getting to the bathroom in the middle(s) of the night. I intended that young fellow solve all my problems today, and now I'm put off to Monday.

It's good we did so much gardening last weekend; summer has degenerated into cold, driving rain the last several days.

I felt awful; I couldn't go to the bus stop for Laura. By the time the walker and I could have made it to the car, the poor kid took her shoes off and ran. I just sat in the living room and watched it rain.

And I stayed home and wove. There were no cards; half the card players were out of the country. Next week, watch out!

I took off blue and yellow towels and started pumpkin. The blue towels are finished and folded, tonight.

And some more thread came, so there are a lot of good colors on the shelf.

The cat and I are close to blows. I came around the corner and his ears signaled, "I'm not eating leaves.

And whose teeth marks are those, Mr. Cat?

And in conclusion, at the end of the week, my broken bones are not painful. Maybe a little, yesterday night, after a long march on the walker. The corridors of medical buildings are miles long. I walked several.

But, my still unrepaired shoulder, and my hyperextending knee are hard to endure. I hope my young whippersnapper has solutions.


  1. The pumpkin towels are a good color. Walking must be miserable for you right now. I sure hope they get things moving so you'll be back to normal soon.

  2. I'm glad at least your broken bones are not painful. I hope the other pains subside soon and that you get relief on Monday for sure. I'm sorry the appointment was cancelled when you could have really used the relief. We are getting a lot of rain too. Cats will be cats and always pretend they aren't into mischief.

  3. Hope they don't cancel any more appointments, only so much h pain one can stand.

  4. Does weaving not bother your shoulder too, Joanne? The towels are beautiful and those new colours are too. I don't have any indoor plants now because it's just too hard to keep the cats away from them and I never know what's poisonous and what's not.

    I really hope you get some satisfaction on Monday. Are you allowed to use hot or cold packs on your shoulder? Sometimes the old treatments give some relief.

  5. Pain is a pain! I'm so sorry you are suffering. I, too, wondered if your weaving is making things more difficult, but I guess if it makes me happy and helps to fill time, you pick your battles. Those towels are really lovely! Up here in Ontario, it was very warm today, but crazy windy. We had about ten minutes of torrential rain. -Jenn

  6. So sorry to read that your shoulder and knee are giving you such pain. I wish you could just snap your fingers and say, "Pain, begone!" Wouldn't that be a wonderful world to live in?

  7. It must be awful, particularly at night when you're trying to sleep.

  8. that shelf of color choices! Delish! The weaving is beautiful. So sorry you are having a rough time, healing is a pain...for a long time, I recently found out. Hope next week is a better week for you, healing heart shaped thoughts!

  9. It is humbling to read your post. For someone in pain, and with healing hindering her movements you get a LOT done. The towels you made me are still going strong, and indeed they get better and better.
    Just the same pain (particularly in the small hours) outsucks Dyson.

  10. I do hope the wippersnaper has the right answer for you, Joanne. We need things to quickly heal like they did before, but we have to have more than patience to get through our later years. Take care, sweet lady, and give things time. You will get through this.

  11. I am so sorry for all your pain. It takes longer to recover and heal when we are older - you are only a bit older than I am, less than a year I think....You are a very accomplishful woman!
    (If that is not a word, it should be.)

  12. Joanne, google "Shilajit" and see if it can help you, years ago when my father broke his shoulder it did help him.(He is now 95).

  13. It must be bad if you are complaining.

  14. Hari Om
    You put me to shame with my one broken paw... loving that 'pumpkin'! YAM xx

  15. Distraction techniques only work so far! Are you managing to get some sleep, or does the pain interfere?x

  16. darn cancellations! So inconvenient. I hope you get excellent news on Monday regarding the shoulder and knee. Long term unresolved pain is just so awful to have to bear.
    I love the colours of the spools of thread.

  17. I think shoulder pain is often the worst for some reason. My last shoulder injury took a few months to heal. I said to the doctor, 'It hurts if I lift my arm any higher than this', and he said, 'Well don't lift it any higher than that'.

  18. Oh Joanne! I hope this is a quick fix for your shoulder and knee. Monday can’t come soon enough.

  19. Try the CDB oil orally without the THC. Need some strong anti-inflammatories. Oh how it sucks getting older. The weather affects my joints too. The weavings look beautiful. We had heavy rains all day yesterday so fall is definitely here. Cooler too. I'm thinking of you dear.

  20. I hope he has some solutions for you Joanne....Love that turquoise colour on your shelf.

  21. what happened to your knee? I don't remember that as part of the injury. doctors. it doesn't hurt them so what's the big deal postponing it? some gorgeous colors on your shelf. I started a new tile model because I needed something to do with my hands and couldn't get excited about doing a drawing. want to be sculpting I guess. we had about 4 or 5 days in a row with no rain but now it's back. they have made good progress on the house but not finished yet. hoping the rain holds off today as I think Rocky plans to show up today. the mosquitoes are still fierce.

    1. This knee has always been iffy, but now it's hyperextending at every step. Aggravating. Damn painful, too, especially after two block long halls to get to an office and back again. I'm sick of the whole affair, now.

  22. Joanne, I am so sorry you're hurting. Shoulder pain has a special place in the incapacitating category. Everything one does, including breathing impacts the shoulder. Praying for a quick weekend for you and some release from pain.

  23. Pain is so debilitating.I just don't know how you keep on going so staunchly.

  24. Joanne you are a stoic to put up with it all. x

  25. Oh goodness. So sorry for your pain. Nothing is worse than to be in pain and can't even get out a bit to enjoy some sunshine in all that rain!
    Laughed myself silly just imagining you swearing at that poor cat!

  26. I'm so sorry you're having pain. I hope it subsides soon and you get healed and back on your feet. Your weaving is gorgeous, but please try to rest your shoulder as much as necessary for it to heal properly!

    1. My shoulder needs repaired, then it can heal. Surgery was scheduled, then I broke my leg, and cancelled it. I don't discourage easily, but that depressed me.

  27. Ouch, I'm really sorry to hear about your aches and pains. I know shoulders and knees can be very painful, but they do get better. Your garden, and your weaving are lovely, and your cat is really a little monkey!

  28. Lovely colors on the shelf! Your pumpkin-colored towels are so fun.

    Not the samey but I hurt my foot last week or so & it's not been a bed of roses staying off of it in the hopes of a good recovery. Thinking of you and your bones.
    Bea xx

  29. Good sitting doing nothing!!
    At least you're aiming to get your shoulder mended...Pirate here didn't, now 8 years later realizes he should have....

  30. It is the middle of the night getting up that is such a nuisance. But pain that doesn't stop is hard to deal with. I do hope the doctor visit brings relief. I never knew a cat that ate leaves, apart from catnip.

  31. It's dark, damp and cold so it is difficult to be too cheerful this morning. Maybe we should all eat something delicious, watch a couple of good films and wake up tomorrow, ready to try again.
    Maybe the sun will shine at least.

  32. Dear Joanne, I read about your pains and feel with you - if one endures that it is very difficult to feel cheerful. I think of you a lot, and I hope that you will be getting better soon! Britta

  33. Yeah, tell em that these have to be fixed. My dog just give me more exercises. LOL

  34. I’m so sorry to hear that- frustrating that your appointment gets cancelled. I hope at the least, he gives you a shot to tide you over until they can repair your shoulder. Your thread shelf is so beautiful! I can see weaving helps take your mind off the pain, I do crafts, too, to keep moving , and because “it’s gonna hurt anyway”.
