
Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Two busy days

I do like well choreographed days! Today I dropped Laura for another kid-wrangling morning at the library and went on to an appointment of my own. I stopped for her on my way back, and saw she still had a line waiting to be face painted stretched out behind, so I quietly circled the library's cul-de-sac and headed for my next appointment.

Leaving there an hour later, with only fifteen minutes until cards with the Methodists began, I called her. She had just wrapped unicorns and rainbows, and was perfectly happy to walk down to the church. We all met at the appointed time, and played away. Laura and I had our usual card afternoon lunch of chips and dip, and then salad for supper. 

Laura's trip down the hill netted three beautiful pictures across the bridge. These garden club ladies take great care of their flower boxes across the river.

While I waited for a decent amount of time to pass between my large lunch of chips and supper, I worked some more on the last batch of towels. Sadly, the current warp is gone.

There were forty four towels from the first round of warp. Before I have my shoulder repaired, I'll ask Laura to help me put on a new warp. With someone to help with the tedium of winding bobbins, I can cheerfully wind many more yards of warp.

Tonight I prepped the last batch of towels for hemming. Made a very nice pile to work on. Cut apart, and then edges serged.


  1. Beautiful work you are doing with the towels and I love all the colours so far, especially blue ;-) Sounds like you and Laura both had a wonderful day. The window boxes of flowers on the bridge are lovely to look at and I'm sure they bring a better mood to those who drive past.

  2. Your towels are lovely! It must be very satisfying to produce such useful and beautiful work. The pattern you use is very interesting. Do you know Becky Monegan?

  3. there you are being productive! Your weaving is amazing. I am jealous of your skill! I stabbed a couple of flowers today- and failed at making bees wax/pine resin food wraps. It looked so easy on you tube!

  4. Probably plenty of rain to keep the flowers and river going.

    1. Evening storms daily from the heat of the day. I should go look at the rain gauge, but it's too hot.

  5. Your towels are lovely. The yellow ones make me think of soft mellow sunshine.
    Love the flower boxes too.

  6. You did have busy days, but they looked very fun and productive!


  7. How lovely to see the flower boxes blooming again :)
    I do love seeing neat stacks of towels folded into the cupboard. Sheets too and other linens.

  8. You both certainly earned your hearty lunch.
    I prefer your bridge planting scheme to ours. Our parks dept. is in love with petunias this year.

    1. The garden club maintains the bridge boxes. Completely volunteer. Petunias--a thousand times no.

  9. Hari OM
    Lovely to read the flow of your days - and have fond memories emerge with the images of the flowers and the river! YAM xx

  10. Laura takes great photos. You two are busy that’s for sure!

  11. Good grief, but you packed a lot into one day!
    And I love the sweater (and the story) in your previous post.

  12. The pots of plants (I recognize verbena, dusty miller, and coleus) are lovely. They look well taken care of by the garden club. Your towels look great and the colors are so pretty. It is good to be busy and fill the hours with what you enjoy.

  13. I love well orchestrated days too. the flowers on the bridge are lovely. the ladies do a good job. loving my new towels. one is draped over the handle of the stove right now!

    1. Laura explained to a Methodist card player about the new towel, "put it over the stove handle, like we do." I love the orchestra of the universe.

  14. You didn;t waste much time Joanne - very busy. Love those flower boxes.

  15. I love all that red in the flower boxes. It is always fun to see the loom and towels, too. You do such nice work.

  16. The two of you keep busy. The flower boxes look lovely.

  17. All in all, sounds like two very pleasant days! So what kind of card games do you play with the Methodists?

    1. W/o Laura, pinochle and hearts. With Laura, hearts, something called Phase 10, and another with five suits, including stars.

  18. I love the flower planters.

    (I hope the postcard arrived.)

  19. I really liked the flower boxes. You two keep your days busy and mostly happy. Impressive.
