
Saturday, July 14, 2018

Best vacation ever

We spent almost a week in Wisconsin. But first, the lead up to a vacation. Empty the fridge. Clean the kitchen. Nurse the flowers through the week, rather than replace them. The daisy on the right died a dramatic and picture perfect death, don't you think?

We left on Saturday, a beautiful day. It wasn't even too hot. Laura took the first shift driving. It's nine hours to Ann and Pat's, and my drive/fly decision is based on the weather and our itinerary.

I had a cat companion. This is Zaggy, a small cat, rescued fourteen years ago, together with her brother, Ziggy. All the farm cats live outside, but Zaggy has retired and lives at Ann's kennel. However, the kennel was over capacity last week, and Zag was rehomed in my room, for the week. Here is my morning wake up.

Seven days a week Ann is up by six and out the door to open the kennel by seven. Laura and I know her kitchen as well as our own. That notwithstanding, this is laid out for her guests every morning, when they get their sorry behinds downstairs. That is genuine Amish Frog Jam there in the back. I tried it the first morning, but devoted myself to black current the rest of the week.

So you know, little has changed at the farm. The silo is covered by more greenery. The barn to the left is to the ground, and covered in vegetation. The foundation wall, on the road side of the picture, is about gone.

The creek still flows under the bridge. Almost nothing has changed. But this week Ann was able to arrange her schedule so we could visit Taliesin and Mineral City together, for two days. Laura and I went to the International Crane Foundation, rode the Wisconsin Dells boat on the Wisconsin River, went shopping the St. Vinney's, and ate a lot of ice cream. And then more ice cream. And, more later. 


  1. Sounds wonderful and the weather looks perfect.

  2. It does sound wonderful. Never been there. Beautiful sights. And, how nice to have that breakfast set out in the morning. I have never tried frog jam, but it is the leftovers from the garden, right?

    1. Fig, Raspberry, Orange, Ginger. My grandmother would have called it a conserve, and I though that name was nothing short of magic.

    2. Cool...I actually thought the jam was made with frog's legs or something, lol. I like the name.

  3. She sounds a wonderful host. The silo looks lovely partially covered in greenery. The ice-cream must have been good!

  4. You had a good time. The ice cream part makes it perfect.

  5. Hari OM
    Oh it is good to have you back with us and so glad your trip was the 'best ever'! Had to look up frog jam. Might by one mix too many for my tastes, I admit. It's good to visit places that remain relatively unchanged... YAM xx

  6. I'm so glad you had a great time! F-R-O-G jam - haha

    That looks like a lovely little cat.

  7. How absolutely wonderful that you had a best ever holiday. I hope your next one is as well. And the one after.
    Frog jam was new to me. Not sure - but would certainly have tried it.

  8. So happy to hear about your best vacation ever!

  9. Sounds like a wonderful holiday - enhanced by the company of little Zag, of course.

    You got me on the frog jam! I'm tempted to make a batch, to tease the grandchildren.

    1. It would be fun to know how that goes. It was tasty, but fruit jellies beat it hands down, for me.

  10. Frog jam? I love Ann's utensil holders and the butter dish brings back memories. My mum had one just like it which eventually became mine and now I don't have a clue where it is. Zaggy is a little cutie. I love the dead daisy picture, so delightfully swirled.
    I'm glad your vacation was wonderful.

  11. I've just read your reply to Donna Baker so know what the Frog jam is now.

  12. I looked in the atlas, which is by my chair, to see where you went. It is a long journey you made. I enjoyed the photos, especially the farm buildings and the silo. I see it is a dairy area rather than arable. I am glad it all went well.

  13. It looks idyllic, a perfect holiday x

  14. Your ice cream filled vacation is one of my favourites!

  15. I'm pleased the holiday was a success. You deserve a good rest. I've just read the above comments about frog jam. I also thought it was made of frogs, so I'm relieved to hear the real ingredients. They sound quite tasty.

  16. There is no such thing as too much ice cream. Any chance that adorable little kitty is coming home with you?

    1. Oh, no. She is an old, old girl, living out the end of her days in a happy place.

  17. Looked like an enchanted place to spend a vacation. And who could resist the temptation of ice cream at every opportunity? Glad you all had a good time.


  18. It does sound like a great vacation.

  19. Glad you enjoyed yourself so much...the whole post breathes happiness.

  20. welcome home! so glad y'all had a great time. I see it was 10 AM before you sluggards made it down. I should talk. I don't have my breakfast til then either.

  21. Oh, gawd, caught red handed. Worse yet, ten cheesehead is eleven EST. In all fairness, we did drive nine hours the day before.

  22. Friendly, beautiful and relaxing, and looks like the weather was nice. I have to look up frog jam. I am assuming it's not what it sounds like to me. Of course, what we call "jam" here is what you call "jelly." But still.

  23. You literally go to the farm. When we go to the farm, it's really a cottage pretty well in the woods, but the cottage is more like a farm house, and there are two empty barns. It's all very confusing.

  24. Yes, it does sound like a fun vacation! I hesitate to ask what frog jam is. But I suspect . . . oh, how I suspect.

  25. It all sounds like heaven. I'm smiling.

  26. I had to read this twice, the first time I just stopped at the cat.

  27. You haven't been here for a while....everytkhing okay????????

  28. I love the set up for breakfast. What a great idea!!
