
Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Summer rash

Windows 10 could really bother me. No checkbook; no problem. A blogger friend explained to me, simply be sure I had enough money in the bank before I spent any more. As an accountant in one of my former lives, I've found that to be all I really need.

The DNA site 23andMe has a service of matching relatives, and frequently sends me lists of new cousin matches. People who care to be contacted provide an email . I saw it as the perfect way to find some cousins from the Irish branch of the family that disowned my father. (That quest to see why my Presbyterian Irish grandfather married my Catholic Irish grandmother.)

This would be so simple to identify cousins, using the family tree I built through Another false trail, it turns out. Ancestry has no record, as it was jobbed out to a company called Family Tree Maker, when I did it in 2012. Family Tree Maker sells a plethora of programs to update the files on my computer to the current version, but will not answer my emails about what I need. They have no phone number.

And finally, I need to download new books for my MP3 player. But, now I have Windows 10. It recognizes my SanDisk, but I'll be damned if I can locate the correct version of Overdrive, to get the books I borrowed from the library. I can only find the version that plays the books on the computer, and a cryptic note to find a special version that actually transfers the files using Windows 10. My library tells Annie comes in after noon tomorrow, and is the only person there who can help me. The joys of small towns!

On the other hand, when Laura and I met in the kitchen this morning, we decided we needed a selfie before the day ended. And one of our card playing friends took the picture for us, this afternoon.


  1. Great photo...pity about the inadequacies of highly paid programmers...

  2. You two both look lovely:)
    Windows 10 is a bit bothersome with what it can and can't (or won't) do. I recently had some updates or upgrades and things seem to be running a bit better.
    I hope you can get the books downloaded. I have my kindle, but that's for reading not listening to and I prefer it that way. It does have a voice function, but I take things in better by reading rather than listening.

    I do still miss Windows XP though, that was the best in my opinion.

  3. Super photo! Your hair is looking really good, Joanne.

  4. Ha ha! Looks equally good on both of you :)

  5. Wonderful photo, terrific tee- shirts!!!!

  6. Great picture of the two of you!


  7. GREAT photo. I have not yet braved Windows 10.

  8. Hari om
    Hello darlings!!! You gorgeous gals, you.
    I refused Win 10... dad has lots of trubs getting his library books to sync too. I don't know the answer. Dread the day when a new laptop is required and am forced down te jaws o ten... YAM xx

  9. Great photo and I love your matching t-shirt of the inspirational RBG.

    Everytime I do an update on Windows I have to start all over again (get help) to connect my printer/scanner. My technology is so old and outdated.

  10. Updates used to mean improvement. Now they mean greater opportunity for the developer to increase revenue at our expense.

  11. I try and avoid updates as much as possible. My computer reminds me every single day that I need to update my zipwin driver something or other. I close the message every day. That's a fantastic picture of you two! -Jenn

  12. This new laptop, Windows 10, the new data protection measures and my unhandiness have made everything incredibly long-winded. Either that or I'm just going ga-ga.

  13. Think of a picture of me tearing my hair out over computers. Love the tees. Let's hope she can hold out till The Dump is gone.

  14. love your t-shirts. and your problems with Windows is one of the reasons I stick with Macs. my sister does all the genealogy and she has pushed back several lines quite far, one to the 900s!

  15. Wonderful selfie. Yeaah, windows 10 doesn't recognize any of the old stuff. My husband has it on his computer and struggled when he first got it.

  16. "Dissent" is one t shirt slogan I can heartily agree with. Together with "Brains are the new tits".

  17. That Laura! She is amazing! In fact, you both are!
