
Thursday, May 24, 2018

A lucky day

My car needed some work done, so I put out thirty dollars for a "courtesy" car to run errands.

A Chrysler Pacifica. A thirty thousand dollar courtesy car. The service guy said "It's like all the rest of them", and pretty much abandoned me. Half way home I was yelling at the radio to turn itself off. I did find the volume control and solved that. The other stipulation was replacing the gas I used. On the way back I had to call and get instructions on opening the gas tank.

Travelling through the National Park (35 mph) and my white car rushed past a very white park ranger car. Once again I was not nailed for a federal offense! This car doesn't even feel like it's going fast. The good news was, Laura had the camera up and out.

She snapped off a couple dozen heron shots. All it did was cross the pond. When we got home, our RBG tees were on the porch. And I wasn't even going to post today.


  1. Beautiful photos and great tees!

  2. excellent t-shirts! The park looks...very GREEN! Cars are a mystery to me these days...looking at a Tesla. OH WOW, space ship, I do not understand- but good to begin thinking about petrol and the lack of , as well as helping a tiny bit with our environment. A tiny expensive bit.

  3. Nice RGB tees.
    If you're spending money on the car repairs the courtesy car should be free for as along as the car is still in the shop.

    1. The definition of many words has escaped several generations!

  4. You look so badass in those sunglasses in the first shot!

    Sounds like a pretty all right day :)

  5. You have some great weather and photos to document it.

  6. The heron flying over the pond and the reflection.

    1. She was too excited to be photographing the heron to move the lens out. More bird, less golf course. Next time.

  7. Those are great pictures. You're lucky the park ranger didn't nail you. Finally you both look great in your tees.

  8. Fantastic picture of the heron! Kinda of fun to drive a car like that for a day at a reasonable cost!


  9. love the shots of the birds, once I had a rental car and of course it started to rain, for the life of me I couldn't find how to turn on the wipers.

  10. Hari OM
    Well I am sure glad you DID post - very up beat and speedy!!! WTG on the heron and driving shots Laura. LOVE the shirts. YAM xx

  11. A thirty thousand dollar loaner? Wow. The heron shots are lovely. RBG?

    1. Ruth Bader Ginsberg, a justice on the Supreme Court. She used to be a moderate, but the bench currently is so loaded with reactionaries she has rebranded herself. She writes the dissenting opinions, for what it's worth. At least they will be there for review, some day.

  12. I was given a courtesy car which was about 20 times more valuable than the old Volvo last year. Someone scratched the paintwork on it. Lovely park pictures.

  13. Love the photos of the heron. And I REALLY love that RBG t-shirt!

  14. I like the heron reflections in those pictures. That is quite the elegant loaner car! -Jenn

  15. That last photo of you two is awesome!!! ❤️

  16. Good catch on the photos and you both look great in your new T's.....don't get to used to that fancy car now lol.

  17. Last courtesy car I had, they told me to bring it back with a quarter tank of gas. I wondered how on earth I was going to do that. Can't believe you had to pay to rent it. Different in other states. Love Ruth. Let's pray she stays healthy until you know who is gone.

  18. Can't believe they charged you for a courtesy car, not much of a courtesy.

  19. More wonderful photos. My comment on your last post seemed to have disappeared and this was not the first time. I wonder why this is happening and hope this one will stay.

    1. You're right; there's nothing. A mystery to think about.

  20. I was just telling my husband that if we upgraded from either the 10 year old Toyota or the 24 year old truck, I wouldn't be able to run the new vehicle. LOL Glad to had a knob to turn the radio off.
    Good pictures, Laura. Bravo.

    1. Actually, a thumb knob. Essentially flush with the panel and close to invisible.

  21. Excellent RBG tees! Your courtesy car sounds like a challenge. I'm still getting used to a push-button starter. An aside: cars with the same name as my hometown I will never drive. I suppose people up in Tacoma know how I feel.

  22. we couldn't figure out how to open the gas tank on the car rental in Portugal either. eventually found the right button.

  23. You two are adorable yet formidable in your RGB shirts. Tell Laura the photos are lovely.

    1. I had to explain RBG to my 30 year old therapist this morning. My work here is NOT done.

  24. Love those tees! You two both look very badass in them!

  25. Don't think I have ever driven a 30 000 dollar car. I am happier with simpler hardware. As long as it gets from A to B and is safe.....

  26. My bike repair shop doesn't charge for the courtesy bike if you need it but it does rattle a bit …
    Love the teeshirts, you both look so cool.

  27. Replies
    1. My son once bought and restored a BMW from some time during the '80s. It had all sorts of gadgets, like a gauge that said how many miles the car got per gallon of gas. It was very large. I called it the Pimpmobile.

  28. new cars are getting too doesn't make life easier.
    Good photographing,Laura!

  29. Lovely pictures, I never driven but I do enjoy being a passenger.
