
Saturday, April 21, 2018

Pig's reward

Radicals Deb and Joanne.  Deb was the first volunteer to stand with me in support of Stoneman Douglas students in March. Here we are at Postcards from Peninsula, where fifteen of us wrote out and addressed and stamped 250 post cards urging voters to go to the polls on May 8 and vote yes on Issue One, in favor of ending Gerrymandering.

I sent an email to the other three radicals in the room, "Since we're on a roll, what do you say we ..." and I outlined another community involvement program we could undertake. Mum's the word until I discuss it tomorrow with Deb, and Monday with a lovely soul who has no idea she's about to become radical number five!

Now it's the weekend and we adjourned to the front yard. I tried again, but I am a useless weed puller. I have no strength in my right hand, little more in my left, and precarious balance, to boot.

I asked Laura to bring me the lawn mower! I mowed one side of the house, and was done in.  But, Yay Me.

I asked Laura to put away the lawn mower. I intended to finish the other side tomorrow. When she finally came in, she had mowed the back and the other side. So, I took the job away from her.

We went to the nursery. Nasturtiums will come in this week. So, we got ranunculus for Pig, instead.

And, someone finally had dress number one escape the tornado lockdown and arrive in the mail box.

She wonders why she hasn't worn a dress since she was three years old. So we will look around for fair trade dresses now.


  1. Hari OM
    The dress is BEAUTIFUL... as it's wearer... and well-earned for having done all that garden work; one side with a hand mower, Joanne, was more than I could manage! Bravo on the groundswell and postcards. I am certain Pig will be just as happy with those colourful blooms to sniff. YAM xx

  2. Laura looks really cute in this dress. OTH, congratulations to you for your lawn mowing and postcard writing! And flowers for Pig.

  3. She is rocking that dress.
    Love Pig's outfit too.
    Big congratulations on your lawn-moving, and activism.

  4. I didn't know you used a reel mower! How frequently do you have to get the blades sharpened? We're a ride-on mower family due to the one acre lot of assorted weeds and other foliage. I like Pig's flowers. They're very round and puffy looking. I like Laura's dress, very ombre. -Jenn

    1. This is the mower's second summer, and it seems sharp enough to me. When they need it, there is a shop less than a mile away.

  5. Lovely dress! Well done on both the gardening and campaigning..go girls!!

  6. Stopped wearing dresses too, not sure why that one looks lovely .

  7. Haven't worn a skirt or dress in over twenty, I am not inspired to start again but Laura does look lovely in her new dress.

  8. Laura looks beautiful in her new dress. It's so lovely. You and Laura got a good start on your garden. I finally started planting seedlings today in some peat moss to get them going. Our weather has finally turned to the good and so once I'm finished Spring cleaning I start getting the garden ready outside. Happy Spring!

  9. Catching up... again... at least for now. We're just a couple hundred miles south of you, but mowing? Not yet.... We want one of those rotary mowers (completely manual) at our house in Mexico, but haven't found one yet. By the way... the dress AND the girl are lovely!

    1. Hello, Sharon! Good to hear from you, and thanks for stopping.
      I bought the mower on Amazon. But since you're back in Ohio, there's always Lehmans!

  10. Spring must have arrived finally. You are eager to meet it!

  11. That's the type of lawn mower I need to buy and a lawn/leaf rake too. The maintenance people here cut the grass too short, so I'd like to do it myself, but I'm not sure I'm up to it. and edging will be a problem.
    I love Laura's new dress :)

  12. Laura looks fantastic. She a deserving person.

  13. Love Laura in the dress! Looks great on her!


  14. Laura is so beautiful and the dress is beautiful too.

  15. The lovely smell of freshly cut grass makes the whole lawn mower hoo-ha worth it.
    The dress suits Laura beautifully ... and, as a bonus, looks easy to wear.

  16. So many and unexpected issues. I could hardly throw a ball (overhand) to JJ yesterday (sore shoulder). I was not impressed.

  17. Love that dress on Laura! Also love seeing you and your friends changing the world.

  18. Lawn work isn't fun till it's done. I love dresses and wear them all summer. My problem is, I don't worry as much as I should about bending over to pull a weed. I think the neighbors just shouldn't look.

  19. I had one of those push mowers when I lived on a small lot in the city. it was not easy to use probably because I would wait until the grass was too high. and yay for the Radicals. that can be y'all's gang name. now all you need is your 'colors'.

  20. I like your green lawn. And that's a pretty dress.

  21. A lovely dress for a lovely, helpful young gardener....and you definitely deserve the "yay me" for using a hand-push mower. It will make you stronger soon.

  22. You go, Joanne! And lovely Laura dress.

  23. Baby steps... half the lawn today, the other tomorrow (that is if Laura isn't there to take it on). Seems like a good plan to me. And I think Laura's dress is very cute. As for myself, I haven't worn a dress in years.

  24. That dress is adorable!!! I have "wants"...

  25. Hell's bells, my first comment doesn't seem to be here . . .

    I think all I said was that you are irrepressible (that's a good thing) and Laura looks excellent in her new dress and I love the blooms you bought for Pig to sniff :)

  26. We had a mower like that when I was wee. It was hard to push when I was in single digits. Good exercise for you, I trust.

  27. Dear Joanne, you are an inspiration to all of us who, as we age, let go of our youthful idealism and radicalism. Or maybe I'm the only one who's done that. But your postings are invigorating me. thank you. Peace.

  28. That's a pretty big lawn to keep mown. I think even I would struggle to do the whole lot. How lucky that Laura stealthily took over....

  29. A human powered push mower - I'm impressed. That's a workout that I have not experienced since my teens.

  30. She looks great as does your lawn.

  31. Lovely young lady! The dress is perfect for her.

    I've used a manual push mower when our yard was next to nothing in size. A larger plot would do me in as well.
