
Sunday, March 18, 2018

One eighty five mystery

My blog has been here since 2011, when I brought Toby home from Pittsburgh. I need it to remember how old he is, without calling the vet. I have a John Gray question. Who else notices followers increase, then fall back to some old mark? That’s not so much a John Gray question as sentiment. I took a look at his number, which is 1119. I think I recall it over 1120, when he went on vacation, and his kitchen not totally finished!

I have 185 followers. Occasionally I’ll see a new face and a new number, and then a Jenga block from way down the pile is removed and I’m back to 185, but with the same new face at the top. I wonder if Blogger sorted out an unregistered lurker, or if someone did pick up sticks.

My new computer will be installed on my new desk on Wednesday. Someone asked what it is, and it is an IDon’tKnow. I have relied on the same computer nerd since forever. It is the one Jim recommended. It is “self-contained”, he said, but not a laptop, “because you can’t get along without a keypad, and laptops with keypads are too big.” OK, Jim. I’m sure he also understands I could not face Windows10 and a laptop, too.

I do need a new checkbook program. My QuickBooks is 2010. Totally unsupported both ways. The program won’t install on Windows 10, and QuickBooks certainly does not care. Years ago, before I taught her to use QuackBooks, I found a checkbook program for my sister. I’m sure it was Tucows, but I cannot download it to see. Another sign my computer brains are too foggy.

 I brazenly lifted the photo from FaceBook. With attribution. I think it’s fantastic. I’m happy to know the herons are back, and there are great young people out there snapping them. I haven’t been to the heron rookery to take pictures for at least two years. My hands aren’t steady enough, even to hold the camera to my eye.

Finally, how the sun is shining today. Perhaps the last of the snow will melt and the ground can begin warming up. Perhaps.

Rob Blair
Bath Road heron rookery
Cuyahoga Valley National Park


  1. love that photo, I know nothing about computer programs on quickbooks etc, thankfully my over 10 year old HP laptop is still working with windows 10, we shall see how long it lasts.

  2. My eyes were drawn to the address - Bath Road. There are a few Bath Roads around here. I think we all hate having to deal with new technology, and I am beginning to despise Apple more than I despise Windows.

  3. I don't like laptops because I hate trackball. I have a desktop computer and it suits me fine.

    1. You can plug in a mouse, either one with a wire or one of those wireless ones that plugs into a USB port. That is what I do, because I also hate the touch pad. :)

    2. I love the Trackpads. They don't spy on you and their balls don't get dirty.

    3. I've never heard of trackballs or trackpads. I have a wireless mouse, but rarely use it. I love my touchpad.

  4. I have a laptop, but the touchpad drives me crazy. I prefer my desktop. My blog is blocked from the web crawler so it makes it impossible to find me except through another blog or if you have my address. Therefore I don't much pay attention to the Followers anymore.

  5. My blog has been going for 11 years and the number of visitors remains much the same. People come and people go. I wouldn't want a sudden surge in popularity, it would be hard work keeping up with all the comments, not to mention visiting all those other blogs.

    I also prefer a desktop pc to a laptop. Tablets are even worse, I find them hopelessly temperamental.

  6. I have a year old Dell laptop. I bought a big one with a lighted keyboard, since my dear PC with XP on it does not go online any more. Had an HP laptop for several years with Windows 7. It croaked just as it was too late to find a new one that did not come with Windows 10. In my opinion, 10 is not nearly as "user friendly" as XP, or even 7 were. I think all is more confusing because of the "clouds" that came out in the same time frame.

    Oh. Neither computer gets much use because I can do nearly everything on my iPad! Good luck with your checkbook program. I don't use one of those.
    Hope your Sunday is a good one.

  7. gorgeous photo. I'm also glad the rookery is back. about a month ago Marc and I were coming back from somewhere and we pass a ravine not far from the house. standing on the side of the road was a great blue heron, the first I have seen out here.

    re blogs...I started in 2009. I've never been able to get past 25, down to 230 now after Blogger did some housekeeping I suppose. I also only average about 8 comments per post though early on I did get more but none of those people for the most part are still around. I've had longer reading lists but there came a time when I could only interact with so many so I cut it down. I do get readers via FB and those that sign up via email. looking at my specs my page views run about 100 - 200 per post.

    1. well, my comment average is a little higher but nothing like you get with only 185!

    2. I looked at Followers in Statistics, and 185 is exactly the number there. So, it is like Jenga blocks removed!

  8. A desk top computer for me. And I have (so far) resisted Windows 10.
    My followers increased recently (though no new people commented) and have since dropped again. And it is the number of people who comment who matter to me.
    Love that bird.

  9. Congratulations on the new equipment....gotta love new toys.

  10. The followers only takes into account the people who have clicked on follow. I have been following your blog for quite a while now, only I do it in my private feed reader and you don't have any way of knowing that. I've clicked on follow now, so you have 186. :)

    There may well be people following you via Inoreader or Feedly and possibly other web feed reader services - I believe you can claim your blog on both those services and find out. But there are other ways for people to follow, too.

    1. I see. I follow quite a few for which I've only pasted the url into the follow box, and I wondered if they show up. Now I know. Thanks.

  11. Our old Dell is a desktop with Vista... still works, but a lot is not supported anymore. New Dell is a laptop and works fine once we got used to windows 10. We do use a wireless mouse as I never liked the touchpad. Enjoy your new toys!

  12. That's a beautiful heron. I'm sorry your hands are too shaky to take photos. Is it all photos or just certain photos? Glad you are getting a new computer. I sorely need one too but haven't had time to attend to it since I need to do a lot of computer (digital) housekeeping first. Thankfully my brother helps with all things technology related and makes sure I get everything I need at the best price.

    1. My phone is the best; it freezes and captures an image. Pretty good. My Nikon has been too heavy for decent images the last several times.

  13. I use an Ipad for everything. Followers have dropped but comments are, on average, the same.

  14. Hari OM
    The numbers do fluctuate Joanne - and the figure which shows on my G+ page differs by one or two from what shows on my page... I don't actually pay that much attention because for me it more interested to see the numbers of readers; on the dashboard I average around 60 page reads per day - and five comments. Folk 'follow' in the hopes of getting readers for themselves a lot of the time, I've realised. On my teaching blog, I have way more readers than 'followers' because, I suppose, they follow by email or other means as has been mentioned above.

    Since leaving Sydney (and my desktop) I have been completely won over by using a laptop with USB mouse and keyboard. It boils down to purpose and personal taste is all. YAM xx

  15. I don't really pay attention to the follower count anymore. The comments are what really count for me. Great pic you included.

  16. Unknown beings seem to do something to me after I click follow but I am here for every new blog. Love them.

  17. That photo is gorgeous - I love those colours and how you can see individual feathers on the heron. If you are going to lift a photo you might as well make it a winner!

    We use a desktop and my husband has a laptop mostly for work stuff, and we switched to Windows 10 about six months ago. It doesn't seem to have done anything in terms of functionality for us, but I feel like we dodged a bullet that hit many others.

  18. Do you know what kind of heron it is, Joanne? I love to see great blue herons. I've also seen a couple of green herons (they're smaller). I bought a laptop for myself and probably the thing that drives me the most bonkers is the cursor. If it floats overtop of something for just a moment, it goes to that image or website, or whatever. It also jumps around a lot. I blame myself for "cheaping out" on this laptop. Hope your new system is great and easy to use. -Jenn

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi Jenn - it sounds like your mouse is set on "auto click" (an accessibility feature for people with physical impairments). Google "auto click" and your computer brand to get started finding directions on how to turn this setting on or off. I don't know a whole lot about it but someone else may be able to give you more help.

    3. Ack - I meant just to Google "auto click". I think it's just a mouse setting, nothing to do with your computer brand.

    4. It's a blue, Jenn. I've never seen a green. Wow,

  19. Here's hoping your new computer is everything you want it to be.

  20. "Laptops with keypads are too big"? Does he mean the keyboard that we type on and don't all laptops have them? Are there laptops without and how does one type on those? mine has a keyboard, and is only 13 inches by 8 3/4. Probably twice as big as an iPad. I have a slightly bigger one, which I bought when I thought this one was dying, but I don't like it and only use it when this sweet little Toshiba needs a good long nap.
    I hope your new one works out well and you get used to it very quickly. Will you show it to us?

    1. A ten key number pad. We old accountants are so picky.

    2. oh. my wireless keyboard has one of those, my laptop has the numbers lined up across the top of the QWERTYUIOP row. I've got used to it, but I remember being very fast on the regular number pad on a work computer years ago.

  21. I don't keep up my blog anymore. Just lost interest. I do, however, read some of my favorite blogs and find blogs from their blogs to read. I work swing shift and 3rd shift is conducive to reading blogs to make the time go by quicker. Not sure if you can see when people like me visit. I guess you could call me a lurker.

  22. My computer nerd is moving to NZ so if I suddenly go off the air you will know why.

  23. I have been reading without following... but I have been so impressed with your walk out effort that I had to make following official!!
    and I am looking forward to your trip's pictures. We miss the Finger Lakes !!

  24. I got a new computer about a year ago. I was so happy with the speed of this new one. It makes a huge difference.

  25. I don't look at Blog Stats and never have. I blog rarely these days and receive a few comments one being yours so thank you dear Blog friend x

  26. Been away for awhile, Big Daddy got cancer, is okay and life got real busy. Glad I came back to catch this one. You know it is too early for the ground to warm up.

    1. Hello; it's good to see you again! I'm glad Big Daddy is OK, too.
