
Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. ...

Margaret Mead

A couple of weeks ago one of us thought about supporting the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students' seventeen minute walkout in honor of students and faculty shot and killed by a gunman. Another said "I'll join you." And another and another.

I am so grateful to everyone who stood in front of the old Boston School today, for seventeen minutes. Someone counted thirty seven of us.

It was cold, about twenty degrees, and snowing. The township road superintendent shoveled and salted the walk as we began to arrive. Thank you, Ron.

Somebody's mother came, in support, and started her little one off, too.

With my sign, and my flat blogger, who does have a name, Jean, for my friend who passed away last fall, and the mother of one of the three of us who just decided to be old hippies on the corner, doing the right thing this morning. Jean wouldn't have missed this for the world.

Rose and Margie, blogger friends vacationing in Ponce, Puerto Rico, joining us. Thank you.

The silent sentry, who stood with us across the street. Thank you.

For all the horns and waves from passers by, thank you.

To the students of Stoneman Douglass, and to students and adults all over this country, who stood in support of gun sanity and your work to achieve it, Thank You.


  1. The walkouts look to be a big success. It makes me proud.

  2. Hari Om
    Our one and only school mass-shooting, resulting in change.this article will interest you. YAM xx

  3. Joanne thanks for the update I have been thinking of you all day. I hope your efforts will bring change.

  4. And a big thank you to you and all those who stood.

  5. Well done to everyone who participated and to you especially, Joanne. You persisted!

  6. And Jean, in her inimitable way, would have shaken her fist in the air and hollered "YES!"

  7. And thank you Joanne! Yes, very well done.

  8. So glad that you had support from the cops to Ron and all those who stood with you.

  9. Too bad about the lack of student support. Were they cowed by the authorities?

  10. Well done hope you have a good result.

  11. A heartfelt salute to those who "walk the walk". And especially to one steel-willed Gramma. An example to us all. Thank you.

  12. Excuse me,Joanne, but I have a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes and I can’t talk.

  13. All the schools in the district where I work allowed students to take part with the full support of administration. Even the very young elementary grades had special events marking the day. I was proud, especially since a large portion of the community (in this very conservative state) has been shockingly nonsupportive and angry about it.

  14. Blogging has rewarded me by allowing me to know such a great person as you. Your efforts benefit all of us. thanks

  15. I'm pleased so many joined you and I'm also happy it didn't rain or snow while you all stood there.

  16. Love it. I must say, though, I was disappointed by the reports I've read of the Hudson involvement. That not even half of the student body joined in the 17-minute moment of silence? That was held in the gym, for god's sake? Not what I was expecting. Although I do applaud all those who stood and were involved. Kudos to them.

  17. you are a force of nature Joanne. and lucky we are that you walk this earth.

  18. I've been to events at other places, but this was my first time in here. Great event space Atlanta. Food was good and seating was very comfortable. Also, very good view from where I sat. This is such a cool venue and the atmosphere was equally amazing.
