
Friday, March 9, 2018

Another week gone

Last month dragged; March is zipping along, a good thing. The weather is milder, snow notwithstanding. I find myself going out the door with sunglasses on my head, keys in hand and my faithful blue sweater. Pull shut the door, and, “Damnation. I should have worn a coat.” Down the steps, eschewing the snow covered railing, driving the first mile holding the steering wheel very lightly, while the car warms up.

This week has been hectic. Laura worked two afternoons for Mrs. P, her old art teacher. The hours were the same as our evening meal. We both scavenged something Wednesday, but last night was the end of a long day for each of us. When she came out, I texted to come around the block and find me in a primo parking spot by a nice restaurant.

Poor child, in the eternal leggings and a fairly thin hoodie. It never occurs to her to say “My clothes really aren’t adequate for one and a half city blocks.” Her teeth were chattering when she appeared through the heavy snow, arms wrapped around herself and chin way down. It’s a nice restaurant, and a good burger with Swiss and bacon, French fries and hot chocolate made her right again.

During the day yesterday a new chest was delivered for her. Laura has another shortcoming, not asking for things she needs. A small part of that is being the last child, with the most hand-me-downs. And then, when you have a hand-me-down, you no longer need whatever function it fulfills.

Laura has a chest probably fifty or sixty years old. It’s not of good construction; pressboard and staples. Bits of it are gone, the drawers are wonky. Ever since I’ve had to look at it I’ve suggested replacing it. I’ve replaced several old pieces of my own this last month, and suggested replacing that damn chest of hers more than once.  Last weekend she fell in with the plan.

There were four aisles of bedroom furniture and chests at the furniture store, but no feedback on what she likes because “they cost too much.” The sales lady steered her into three or four choices, then we walked the aisles two more times, eliminating, then she picked. It did resemble pulling teeth.

Now it’s in her room, and if the door is open, I can see it. She confided her best friend has bedroom furniture the same color. Last night, over a warm burger and hot chocolate, I suggested we paint her bed frame the same color. It’s a good and classic frame; my grandmother bought it for me, maybe 1945. The silence was long, long, long. I waited for her to figure out how to say “No.”

“OK!” I could sleep on the floor a couple of nights and it can dry while we are on vacation in New England!”

She’ll be on the floor more than a couple of nights. Lots of sanding involved.

On her door. "The colors are wonderful!"


  1. Replies
    1. She does. And still stores clothes on the floor.

  2. Such a wonderful child, Joanne. A gem!

  3. Never knowing my grandparents (or any relatives other than immediate family) I can't tell you how much these posts mean to me.
    And love that you have Laura and she has you.

  4. She sounds like such a neat kid. She doesn't even seem to want you to spend money on her.

  5. I think it is quite refreshing to find a kid who considers that something "costs too much"! Now, if we expect the kids to pay for it themselves, maybe.........

    Looks like a really nice chest. Those colors are wonderful.

    Also wonderful that your grandmother bought the bed for you, and now you have bought a chest for your granddaughter. If only we could expect the quality to be the same!!!!

  6. So, in the last pic, you have a very abnormal EKG trace, several 't' waves, elevated 'p' wave, and the different cardiac arteries misrepresented as to direction.
    Just feeling a mite picky tonight, sorry.

    1. She got it in the mail from a college recruiting her. Probably an art school. I'm chuckling too much to make a more snappy reply.

  7. The kind of kid you love to do things for.

  8. Hari OM
    Well snap! My bed and chest are white also! Lovely... and I notice your hair is looking full again! "They" are promising us maybe 10'C over the Bonny Land on Sunday. Won't hold my breath. YAM xx

  9. She made a nice choice - looks elegant. I'm glad you could convince her that she deserves it. Actions speak louder than words, and your actions are telling her what she needs to hear.

  10. I have a daughter like that, too-she would never ask for anything and sometimes I wasn't as observant as I wish I'd been. And she's the oldest. The youngest has no issues with that:-) The dresser is lovely but I like your blue sweater even more.

  11. Is that your full head of hair you're showing us, all grown in and no hint of shaving? That looks like a great dresser (the term I would use instead of chest, or maybe chest of drawers). -Jenn

    1. Yes, all my hair. But that damn part is from the crainiotomy. The part annoys me.

  12. The chest is beautiful and with her bed in the same colour the room will look very nice. Is the anatomic image on her door? The colours are very bright and eye catching.

  13. I'm glad she is amenable to getting some new furniture and revamping her bed. It'll look marvellous. Your hair looks good too. It has really grown.

  14. The last picture is from Rourke's World of Science Encyklopedia.The chest is beautiful.

  15. I like her chest of drawers.

  16. Laura made a good choice, classic and elegant. it should serve her well for quite some time. and you're right, this month is whizzing by.

  17. It's even better buying for people who ask for nothing.

  18. Yes, she is a tough one. A delightful dresser choice tho. You are a great lady tho.

  19. Beautiful dresser and a wonderful post of time spent together. Hi Joanne. My name is Jan. When I visit Lon's blog I see you there. Just thought I would drop by and say hello. I love how you have a list of "Characters"...great idea.

    Have a lovely weekend~

  20. That's a really beautiful dresser!

    You and Laura sure do seem good for one another, Laura seems like such a kindhearted person just like you!

  21. What a great girl she is and you are Super Gran X

  22. My youngest child never had a problem asking for things. Of course she was the only girl with three big brothers ready to give her whatever I couldn't.

  23. That is such a pretty chest of drawers. She is such a sweet kid.

  24. Laura is such a sweetheart and you are just the most wonderful grandmother. The chest is lovely, and yes, I can imagine the work it's going to take to paint the bed. I remember what stripping was like.
