
Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Another spring break

Recently I asked Laura where she might like to go on a vacation, and she said “Four Corners.”

“Do you know where that is?”

“Arizona and New Mexico, and Colorado and Utah.”

“How would we get there?”

“Oh, we’d drive.”

I didn’t find that any less worthy than my own burning desire to visit famous locations when I was her age. But, having already visited most of the country by then, I knew about hours of driving and countless Burma Shave signs between home and a destination.

Laura has been close to nowhere in her life. The actual gap in understanding, I think, is not the lack of sights seen, but the lack of sense of the vastness of this country. So, I proposed a trip to Texas over spring vacation.  We’ll drive. Two days down, two days back, five pleasant days between.

I enjoy driving, Laura is a good passenger. I’m OK with her sharing some driving, but she was reluctant at the suggestion. “How will I know where to drive?” I think when we’re committed, she’ll ‘get it’. My sister and I drove over two thirds of this country, from Bangor, Maine to Austin, Texas. Wonderful memories.

“Aunt Janice says I’ll be so amazed, watching spring unfold all the way down to Dallas,” mused the kid. I remember a van full of children, some her age, coining the phrase ‘rock sap’ to dismiss the ice hanging from the sides of blasted rock along Ohio interstate. We were on the way to Dallas that time.

After our six inches of snow last night, spring will be a pleasant change. This time last year it was near spring in Ohio, and definitely spring and cherry blossoms in DC. We can dismiss the balance of that trip; it certainly did not leave either granddaughters involved with a distaste for travel.

I need to get a good cooler tomorrow. “We borrowed Aunt Beth’s last year.” I am not adverse to stopping for meals, but I am adverse to fast food. I stopped the mail for next week. I told the maintenance men we’ll be gone. And, Toby is booked into the spa for the week. Another opportunity to socialize himself, or lie haughtily in his doorway, paws crossed, and cross words for any cat who wants to touch noses or butt heads.


  1. It will be a fun trip for both of you. Drive carefully and stay off buses.

  2. Toby says, "You call that a spa??" :D

    Sounds like a plan. I echo Emma: drive carefully and avoid buses.

  3. Echoing Emma AND jenny_o. I hope your both have a wonderful time.
    If Toby is anything like Jazz you will pay for your treachery when you return.

  4. Even though you've driven thousands of miles at a time before, this will still be a wonderful new experience for you and Laura to share. Have a great time :)

  5. Traveling mercies to you both, and great joy!

  6. Have a wonderful vacation.You are a brave grandmother.

  7. Oh it will be fun to go to Texas. I have friends who just left Dallas for LA. Previously they had been in London. They were happy to get to Dallas where it was much warmer than London. You and Laura will enjoy the travels.

  8. another spring break....can someone mend it please!!

  9. I love your spirit. Have a great time watching Spring unfold! -Jenn

  10. Hari OM
    Hooorrraahhh. It is so good that you can embrace this journey together - be safe and enjoy!!! YAM xx

  11. Wonderful! Have fun and drive safely...and take lots of pictures!

  12. When I was a kid none of my friends went anywhere on Spring Break. Maybe because I didn't have a cool grandmother like you to take me. Pleasant journeys.

  13. You are an adventurous soul, Joanne. I am not a lover of driving on busy highways so, again, I admire your spirit.

  14. Sounds like a great trip.

    Yes to the cooler, and no to too many restaurant meals. We bought a cheap Styrofoam cooler when we went to AZ and then left it for the next person.

  15. Have a safe trip. Yes carry a cooler, hate fast food. Denny's is good for breakfast, love Mom and Pop places. Hope Texas is warm, we're still cool which is unusual this time of year.

  16. I heartily endorse the 4 corners trip. There are so many fascinating places in the general vicinity....Mesa Verde, 1st mesa, Canyon de Chelly, just to name a few. And this is a good time of year, the temps are not too high. Cary and I visited there 4 times, once met a Navajo man, last name Begay (the Navajo equivalent of 'Smith') who lived in the Canyon...he invited us to his hogan and gave us a tour of the land that had been in his family for 200 years. Great memories.

  17. Texas just itself is a huge state to travel. I've been to 4 corners. The place itself is not much but within the area near it you find canyons, lakes, arches, and even an ancient cliff dwelling place. Have a fun trip.

  18. This sounds wonderful. Might I suggest paper maps as a way of suggesting distance? If Laaura is addicted to her phone, a Trip Tic from AAA can be downloaded to her phone. All those little historic references are still there. Sort of slip 4 Corners in there too.\
    Yes, we always take a cooler.

  19. Oh, I'd love to go on a trip like that!

  20. Toby might have preferred to go with you. Hope you have a terrific time.

  21. we've been having great weather this week so I hope it continues.

  22. The cooler will be good for lunch but I'm addicted to eating breakfast in local cafes and diners. It sets you up for the day.
    Local accents and bits of gossip are the best part of any trip.

  23. Sounds like a pleasant vacation. If I kept driving over here in Hawaii, I would end up in the ocean.

  24. Ah Four corners Joanne. How well I remember visiting there and photographing the farmer straddled with two hands and two feet so that he was in all four at once.
    Enjoly your break.

  25. I have never been to the four corners, but I hope to someday. Our country is so vast, and there is almost too much to see!

  26. I hope you both have a lovely holiday and the weather is good for travelling

  27. Dear Joanne, when is spring break for Laura? Right now? If so, I'm hoping the two of you had a good drive down to Texas, that you are enjoying yourselves now, and that the trip home will be uneventful. Peace.

  28. Here's hoping to a good spring break trip!!

  29. nothing better than a good road trip, when I was a child we traveled to arkansas from california to visit relatives and from east coast to other locations, I have found memories of those travels and the time in the car is good for in depth conversations, to this day Gary and I love driving somewhere and talking as we go. Have a good trip
