
Tuesday, February 20, 2018

National School Walkout

Laura went to school today, and her other agenda was to determine who of her teachers might join the National School Walkout on March 14th, and which of her friends. The answer tonight is two teachers who aren’t “afraid”, and three of her friends. So far. I know one of the teachers, and emailed to her the link to a national register of school walkouts.

In Ohio we’ve suffered nine incidents with twenty injuries and five fatalities, in the last thirty years. Guns are the second leading cause of death by injury in Ohio and in the nation. But guns don’t seem to be dominating the conversations I’m privy to. However, the Parkland shooting seems not to be fading from the news.

I hope the Parkland youngsters can sustain the momentum, to the ballot box. I hope enough parents and grandparents get behind them. They need applauded. They need financed. They need us at their rallies, holding signs and shouting. At their back.

These kids, and those of us who support them, are the reality that will change minds in America about gun laws. Let’s get behind this.


  1. Good for Laura and the others! I heard on the news today that George Clooney and his wife Amal Alamuddin have donated half a million bucks to the National School Walkout to help with organizing it.

  2. I hope this works. Yay for the students! And yay for the teachers who take a stand.

  3. they may not change any minds but they will create change. the more shootings that occur in this country the more people affected who will not forget and eventually that swell will overcome those bought by the NRA.

  4. These kids are inspiring, and I hope they can stay the course for the long haul.

  5. These kids are wonderful! Get behind them indeed!

  6. I am less hopeful on the gun front. No one can outspend the NRA. :(

  7. Hari Om
    For what it is worth, my prayers are with all who fight this fight... YAM xx

  8. The kids from Parkland have me in awe. They are showing a strength that I admire immensely. Laura is also a hero for taking action. Maybe some of the lawmakers will realize that these are future voters and they need to take action to secure their votes.

    1. This comment brings to mind a line from the song Summertime Blues: "I'd like to help you son, but you're too young to vote"
      If only politicians thought beyond those of voting age to the voters of the future.

  9. I believe guns cause more problems then what they solve!

  10. I hope the walkout is well attended and hope it brings a wake up call of some sort towards banning of guns or at least better gun control.

  11. I believe in them and will support them in any way possible. Their voices must be listened to or there is no hope.

  12. It's great that the youngsters are taking this initiative on gun control and saying enough is enough. How many more innocent children have to be slaughtered before the politicians do their job and take some effective action?

  13. I hear that Trump has promised to outlaw 'bump-stock' converters. A little concession made by arrangement with the NRA, i SUPPOSE.

  14. Behind every gun killing is drug taking first.

    1. or alcohol. That is actually the drug of choice for most macho, gun-toting, freakazoids in the U.S.

  15. I hope the young ones can accomplish what we couldn't.

  16. really hoping the time is finally right for things to change.
