
Sunday, February 4, 2018

A filler blog

I must leave in half an hour and retrieve Laura from a sleepover of young women who boycotted the annual Sadie Hawkins dance. She has not missed a high school dance since she started, and last year went with the young man Tom, I believe, compared to an undertaker. 

This year the little gang decided boys are not worth it, and didn’t go. At ten dollars a ticket, that’s sixty or seventy dollars not in the school’s social budget. Plus ten each for any boys left behind. It’s good to learn all the ways to protest things you want to complain of.

In the absence of the cook, I took my neighbor to dinner last night, to a family style restaurant. We were surprised by the number of young couples, suits, ties, short dresses, corsages. Of course, Sadie Hawkins. They were sweet to look at. 

There is a long hall to enter the restaurant, and on the way out it was lined with folks leaving a birthday party. The guests of honor seemed to be the very old couple using walkers. It was a slow exit, and Cathy and I just greeted and chatted with all the folks lining the hall. I could have been them; I took my cane for the long walk from the parking lot.

I finished off the evening falling into YouTube songs. I think I jumped in from some blog posting. It knows my preferences, of course, and the sidebar was lined with the good guys. I amused myself with Green Fields of France, by every group who ever sang it, and finished up with an hour of “The Highway Men.”

Remember Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings and Kris Kristofferson, bringing edge to country music. I always admired the way Cash put his power behind that group, to support strong music. I saw them in person a couple of times. I’ve seen Nelson since, in the Bob Dylan tours.  Willie would rip off his red bandanna and throw it into the audience at the end. A young friend always stood at the edge of the stage, but never scored a red bandanna.

Kitchen puttering this morning, I see my orchid is sending out another blossom shoot, which certainly will be in flower in March, as it has been for the last ten years. 

The windowsill is maxed.  Alberta's redbird and pie bird have been
there since we moved in, together with the butterfly and Marty Froelich's vase. The egg separator and the tea jar are new.

The snow is new. It began overnight, and we're in for some inches of it this week.

The flowers need a larger vase. I'll look for one next week.


  1. I didn't even know that Sadie Hawkins dances were still held. I thought they would have died out long ago!

  2. judging by this all my post are 'filler' blogs. things are so different for teens now. when I was a teen, girls waited to be asked out and you went on a car date where the boy picked you up, sometimes a double date. girls with no boyfriend were losers.I don't think either of my kids ever went of a 'date'. they did group outings, boys and girls together. good for Laura and her friends, understanding early that boys aren't worth it. during my teen years, they spent the whole time trying to get in your pants anyway.

    I think I'm going to get an orchid and see if I have success with it.

    1. If it's convenient, once a week water at the sink and let it drain. Or, throw in an ice cube once a week. My youngest granddaughter gave me this when she was four r five. She was 14 in January. Every year it sends out a stalk with buds. I also read, when the old stalks are dead, trim them back to about 2". I did that today. Ten years of stalks.

  3. They probably had way more fun without the boys...just sayin'.

  4. Good for the girls! Who needs the guys to have fun anyway?

  5. That orchid is interesting Joanne. I have never had much success with them.

  6. Hari OM
    I must go check dad's orchids now... I love that bouquet in the red mug on the check table. Yay to a girl's night in. YAM xx

  7. You enjoyed a nice normal day. What a good feeling.

  8. The orchid I haven't managed to kill hasn't sent out any shoots. I can't even remember what color it is. Though no snow, it is so cold and windy today. I am not going out when it is this cold.

  9. A good day - and now it's socked away not only in your memory banks but here on the blog too.

    I can't keep orchids alive. But that's nothing new; I can't keep any other plants alive either. I'm impressed yours has bloomed every year for TEN YEARS!

  10. Your window sill looks very pretty, the flowers in the red mug too. Your dinner outing sounds lovely, pretty young people, happy older people to chat with. My mum used to try and grow orchids, I don't think she succeeded, at least I don't remember her bragging about any.

  11. I'm impressed you have kept that orchid for 10 years so far.

  12. Great that your orchids flower so reliably! I had neglected mine for a while, but hope, after I followed the advice of an Hamburgian friend (he waters + feeds them every fortnight in a bucket for half an hour) that mine will bloom this year too.

    1. I fed my last two years ago, when I repotted it. For the first time I repotted it in porous wood, not dirt. It's so strange; it's like the orchid is a parasite on a tree. I should get some fertilizer. I don't know why it is so faithful about blooming, but I do like it for doing it.

  13. Sadie Hawkins! I can't believe girls are still waiting to be asked out by a boys! Sadie Hawkins wouldn't have any meaning if that weren't the case.

  14. A great telling of a great day!
    In 70s when I was in college, there was a Sadie Hawkins race, where the girls tried to catch the boys, who slowed down enough to be caught. then there was the dance.
    If orchids can survive neglect, I should get one.

  15. I loved all the stars you mentioned. I have only seen Johnny Cash. Would love to see Willy!! My orchids are all repotted. None of them have bloomed recently! Sob!
