
Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Lovely week detoured

I had a breakfast engagement this morning, with a friend. She had a one p.m. appointment, so we not only settled on 9:30 for breakfast, I set my alarm for 7:30.  My feet encountered cat, who waited impatiently for his spot in the agenda. Mr. Cat amuses me. He knew his bowl was empty; he knows nothing happens to the bowl until the tall person is dressed. Why doesn’t he leave some bits to the side and not have an empty bowl? Why can’t he sit by the bowl and wait? It’s not like I even have coffee before cat.

Lynn’s husband called at eight, so setting the alarm was a smart move. Lynn was sick all night and would not be at breakfast. Not good, and may she be well, soon. Another friend in town had a cold I last knew had taken possession of her chest. I have to stop and see her today, be sure she’s wearing wool socks and the cold is better.

This week, commencing with the snow days last Thursday and Friday, has been full of teen age girls occupying half the house and all of Laura’s bedroom. Meredith was long term; her mom is out of town on a business trip, until tonight. Mom is in for a surprise. Meredith tagged along for shopping, and looks over Laura’s shoulder at the cooking, but I doubt she’ll engage with those back at home.

Meredith also tagged along to the Venture Crew meeting last night. She left with a completed membership application for her mother to sign. In her defense, she was recruited on coming through the door. Crew wants three more members to rise in the qualifications standards. Don’t ask, I haven’t a clue. Some other adult with children drives Laura to half the meetings. The last I knew, they were practicing knots and building outdoor shelters in the basement of the Methodist church.

The operative word is shelter. Note, tent is not mentioned.

Last night the members discussed February elections (Laura volunteered to be secretary), and began reviewing requirements for this weekend’s Polar Bear camp out. “Meredith, I am so sorry,” I said to the teenage guest by me, with a sheaf of paperwork in her hand. “No, it’s OK. I love this stuff!”

I did know Polar Bear weekend was approaching, as if waking to sub zero every morning for a month were not enough. I checked Weather Channel yesterday, to see how miserable the weather might be and wonder if Laura’s enthusiasm might dwindle, after these several months of preparation.

Saturday and Sunday, forty degrees. Go figure.

From the Washington Post this morning: The 2018 election season kicked off Tuesday with an upset in rural Wisconsin, where Democrats flipped a state Senate seat that had been held by Republicans since the start of the century. 

Just one foot in front of the other. I think of Paul Ryon's pile of post cards on the end of his drive, and smile.


  1. Sounds like Laura is learning some useful skills. Your cat is delightful,,,,,and smart. We had one who sat in the bedroom doorway and continually cleared his throat until someone (read me) got up and fed him.

  2. Polar Bear weekend sounds like chilly fun! And yes, your cat's milk mustache is very similar to HRH's!

  3. The cats get fed before anything else takes place in our household. We are the "staff."

  4. which century??? Hope the Polar Bear weekend goes well. I remember when my son's scout troop got snowed in while in tents and the rescuers had trouble getting to them through the snow!!

    1. The newest century. Good read:

  5. Hari OM
    Hiya Toby! puuurrrrsssssssss..

    As I am enduring polar bear days this week, I am thinking a weekend of it would not be so bad; I wrap warm. You be sure to look after yourself when visiting the unwell, Joanne. Don't need you succumbing to the 'lurgy'!!! &*> YAM xx

  6. I am sorry to say it Joanne but that photograph shouts CAT IN CHARGE OF HOUSEHOLD loud and clear. He is gorgeous and he knows it.

  7. a polite cat! whoever heard of that? I'm glad the weather will be more temperate for Laura's Polar Bear campout. I've camped out in the cold though no snow.

  8. Our cat all but pushes her bowl our of the cat room and down the hall to the kitchen.

  9. Cats rule. And yours sounds infinitely politer than Jazz.
    I hope your friend(s) are ok. And that you get your delayed breakfast outing soon.

  10. Toby is just keeping you on the straight and narrow. If he waited by the bowl, you might decide to do "just one more thing" before feeding him, and he can't risk that!

    Laura should have a great time with those temperatures. Our son went winter camping with boy scouts and spent a miserable night in minus 20C weather. He still complains about it!

  11. So many people are sick and It is best to stay away from them. I am mostly hibernating until the flu season is over.

    Good luck to Laura and her friends. I am sure they will have fun despite the cold. It will be a good memory for her.

  12. Keep well xx
    Toby's look says you looking at me?

  13. love the photo of your cat; we are colder than you are; we are staying home as much as we can to avoid getting the flu, too many folks have died from it, even young healthy ones

  14. 🙂 I’m not American and it makes me smile, Joanne.

  15. Sister in Columbus OH said it was 4 deg. only 4" of snow. Roads closed, and she was curled up with blanket. Mr. Cat is full of character. Polar camp is for the young in body and heart.

  16. Mothr has yet again refused to have a 'flu jab...on the grounds that it only works on the last 'flu and not the current one....and is gloomily doing a body count as those who did have one go down like nine pins.

  17. Think of Paul Ryan buried in postcards makes me smile, too. But Wisconsin? Really? I haven't been paying attention. That's fantastic. I'm glad Laura will only freeze a little bit this weekend.

    1. WI is closer to blue than Ohio. In the last GW election, it was Bush by a Buckeye; though he lost WI. But rural WI is just entrenched red, so this is a good win.

  18. You and Laura are both so much more busy than I am, yet I'm feeling quite washed out.
    So the republican/democrat change over is one good thing, let's hope for more.

  19. My cat punches me in the head whenever she wants food. When I had two cats, they used to do it in stereo. Hilarious.

  20. Polar Bear weekend - outside in the cold in shelters? Hopefully it will be a bonding experience for the group. But NOT bonding to the frozen icy ground.
