
Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Yesterday yields tomorrow, which is today

For the first time in six years, Laura was sent home from school yesterday. I could tell you, for not wearing enough clothes, but that's not the real picture. 

Leftover picture of Laura's cheesecake. 
I bought her a spring form pan several cheese cakes ago.

The phone rang at 8 a.m., when I am barely considering being up. The kid was sick, and number nine to be sent home, before first bell. When I picked her up, she was wearing those stupid leggins.  Possibly the fleece lined pair, otherwise, they're thin. A summer tee. The plaid blanket she received for her birthday. No coat. Less than twenty degrees out. Apparently delirious when she left, but was reprimanded for thin thinking, nevertheless.

Laura went back to bed until supper time, and so did I. In case I was catching something. After supper, Kay came over and, in her inimitable way, made my day.

She wants to make a quilt for her mother for Christmas. Math equals 25-12=13 days, if she gets up early to wrap it. Or, a day on the plane to Texas. Whatever. She thinks she and Laura can construct and quilt it in two evenings and one weekend. She might as well be a daughter of mine!

Today I started putting together the pinwheels. I'm not strong enough to rotary cut them, but I can sew them this far and then work on the cut pieces. 

It is snowing something fierce, too. I have to get Laura after school to stop at her sponsor's house (academic year abroad) to get her paperwork signed. No, my steps are not shoveled, my car not cleared. I think I'll start at 2 to leave by 2:30. I need to engage a snow shoveler.

12:30. I have ninety minutes to sew some more blocks.


  1. That’s quite a task to get done before Christmas. However with the help from your household, she has a shot at it.

  2. What is it with kids not wanting to wear warm clothes! I've always felt the cold and wore layers upon layers.
    Good luck with the quilt.

  3. I'm so pleased that coats and woolly bobble hats are very fashionable here keeping folk warm x

  4. Teenagers! They never want to wear coats.

  5. I live quite near a comprehensive school Joanne and you rarely see a teenager in a coat, whatever the weather.

  6. Hari OM
    Deary me; you all take lots of hot drinks and plenty lemon... you know the drill!!! Lovely project to keep the hands busy till Christmas. Luv ya both. Stay well. YAM xx

  7. oh my cheesecake, springform pans are really worth their cost. The wellness formula helps you get well quicker or stave off an illness - get them at the healthfood store, they are herbs and vitamins all rolled into one caplet. smell terrible but really work.

  8. Oh poor Laura. I hope she is feeling a bit better. I hope that quilt gets finished on time. Talk about adding stress to the holiday. Most people have no idea what goes in to making things like quilts, sewing or knit and crochet work. BTW, I was hoping you would recognize the towels you sent me and you did. I use them but take care so they will last me a long time.

  9. I have never been sent home from school for not wearing enough clothes, so I am envious. I would have gone there naked if I thought that this would be the outcome.

  10. No blank spaces in your day. Tomorrow is a funny thing isn't it? Every time you get there you find out it's today.

  11. Making a quilt in such a short time fills me with awe.
    And what is it about warm clothing? It seems to be a very optional extra for teenagers the world over.
    I hope Laura recovers quickly and keeps her germs to herself.

  12. Silly girl....will she recover in time to help out with the quilt? Sounds like quite a challenge.
    I can't imagine the possibility of not wearing enough or suitable clothes to school...we had a winter uniform which might have done well for the Antarctic...

  13. that brand new coat that she picked out and would have no other she left at home but she took a quilt? hope she recovers soon and the quilt gets made. quite ambitious in the time allowance.

    1. I think she was too sick to leave home Monday, and couldn't make decent decisions, like going back to bed.
      She, Kay and I worked on the quilt tonight. Quite the production line, and it's doable, even losing one night to band concert and part of a day to visiting with her mother.

  14. I once watched a woman make a quilt on a TV program and it looked harder than rocket science.

    1. It is, so be sure you appreciate every one you sleep under.

  15. I hope you made it, Joanne, and I hope Laura is feeling better. Are you okay?

    1. Is it snowing in RI, too? We're several inches deep and my lovely new suede sneakers are still drying out. Still snowing, but at least I will wear my old sneaks out to clean off the car to go to breakfast with a friend. Yeah for breakfast with a friend.

    2. Yeah for breakfast period, but breakfast with a friend? Super yeah. It did snow in RI on Saturday-we got about six inches of snow. Now, it's mostly melted although I hear we might get some tonight and it is very cold. Hope this doesn't mean we are in for a really bad winter.

  16. That indestructible feeling the young have drives those of us who have matured completely crazy. If she survives it she will wonder why her children do the same thing.

  17. I can't imagine starting a quilt at this point in December for a Christmas gift!!

    Hope Laura feels better soon and that you, Joanne, don't come down with the plague.

  18. It's all part of the teenage break for freedom !

  19. I hope it all goes well for you and Laura this holiday season.

  20. Homemade quilts in my opinion are the best quilts of all!

  21. I love home made quilts and hope this one gets finished in time for Christmas. At least the pattern is a simple one.
    Hope you are both feeling better and are dressed warmly.
