
Tuesday, November 7, 2017

I voted today

I hope you voted, too. Sadly, we cannot vote out crazed shooters, bullying and death. All separate topics.

We are reduced to railing against shooters. Literally, screaming in the wind and flailing arms. There is no solution. It’s all old news.

Bullies are closer to home. My granddaughter’s struggle against bullies began sixteen years ago, when she became the displacement baby. It reduced her to the status of everyone’s punching bag. By her own will she has stood up, come back, been heard, become a real person.

Yesterday afternoon she had an Instagram message: “You’re being targeted.” Are you sick? I am. It’s in the hands of the police. If there is a connection, this blog will be wiped clean.

I have a gentleman friend I may have mentioned. He used to sell road equipment, before he retired few years ago. He called on the road guys, who were out to lunch one day, so we went out, instead. He was a pretty new widower.

We’ve met for lunch once a month or so, ever since. He could solve any problem. Tires low? “You unscrew the caps; I’ll inflate them;” with his electric tire pump. We solved world problems over apple dumplings (me) and the special of the day (him).

I realized I hadn’t heard in a bit. I called. No answer, voice mail full. I texted. No reply, until last weekend. A shaky teenaged voice fished about a bit to verify my name, then blurted “Grandpa told me to call you. He was sick and he died.”

There's more; that's enough.

Just fuck. 


  1. Whatever happened to that phenomenon ----- a "light at the end of the tunnel"? It seems that we are NEVER going to see it! I'm so sorry about your friend, Joanne. And the issue about Laura. Does she know who sent that message? You two don't need crap like that. I hope you get to the bottom of it. I don't see how your blog could cause it, unless somebody is very jealous of the happy light
    around her on here. Hugs to you.

  2. Fuck, fucketty, fuck.
    I am so sorry. On both counts.

  3. It is always at the most vulnerable times. I hear my grown kids talking about how bad Facebook et al are. Can't imagine it for teens. Big hug Joanne.

  4. Hari OM
    What the...?! What does that even mean?!! F***wits hiding behind buttons thinking they can say anything. Hope the polis can track 'em and jack 'em... and that it is just the play of instagram . Please Lord, this blog has too much Love and Life to be the source of that idiocy.

    So sorry to you had to get the news of your friend by having to chase it. Condolence and Love from me to you. YAM xx

  5. Oh Lord......poor Laura. And poor you. I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your friend.

  6. "Just fuck" is right. I'm so sorry for your loss. And I hope the Laura thing works out OK. When it rains, it pours.

  7. I read your post earlier today and wanted to comment. I still don't know what to write. So big bear hugs for you and Laura❣️Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  8. I'm so sorry on all counts, Joanne. Some days (weeks, months, years?) life sucks big time. I don't know what else to say except that I'm thinking of you, and hope you catch a break soon. I'm glad Laura has you in her life - and you, her.

  9. Joanne, I'm so sorry for the loss of your good friend and the Instagram nasty. It's all vile. Sending internet hugs to you and Laura.

  10. It's a sick Damon world we're living in. Be strong and Laura will be too.

  11. In my little corner in the world thinking of you and wish for you and Laura better days to come.

  12. i'm so sorry, so sorry for everything.

  13. I know that weird feeling about a friend being MIL. Thankfully mine had a happier ending, but you have my sympathy.
    I hope Laura turns off her device and gets some resolution.

  14. I am so sorry, Joanne, on all levels. Sometimes the world sucks! Take care!

  15. Oh Joanne, stuff seems to be dished up to you all the time until you run the risk of choking on it. I wish I could be nearer to you to reassure what I already know. All things - they say - must pass.

  16. :( :( :(
    there just doesn't seem to be any end to the bad happenings.
    Some would say "the Lord is testing you". To them I say, enough already Joanne passed that exam years ago. I sincerely hope that better things are coming your way soon.

  17. That's life and you know it well Joanne, not that that makes it any better.x

  18. What an awful way to learn of a friend's death - although what's a good way?
    Ugly happenings. So sorry, Joanne. You deserve - really, really deserve - better.

  19. My municipality had nothing to vote on, so I stayed home :-)

  20. I'm sorry to hear of your friend's death. Please accept my condolences. It hurts to hear of the harassment of Laura. What is wrong with people anyway? We had local elections last week. I sure hope you and Laura have better days from now on.

  21. Life is such a crap shoot, isn't it?

  22. So so sorry for the nasty message to Laura, and for you learning about the death of a friend so abruptly. So so sorry for all the rotten stuff in the world. there does seem to be more at the moment...I did vote, though, and all my kids did too. You are due to get some good luck, now, right now.

  23. I'm so sorry about your friend. What a task that teenager had, too. About Laura, it's amazing the power that just the typed word(s) can have. The pen is mightier than the sword and all that. It's likely some weasily little twit trying to mess with her head. Idiot. -Jenn

  24. Hoping it is figured out with who sent the message to Laura; glad the police are involved. So sorry about your friend. Life is so short, we should value it and each other more.

    We didn't have anything to vote on today in my precinct, otherwise I would have been out there exercising my right to vote.


  25. sorry about the loss of your friend and the stalker of Laura, tis a crazy world for sure

  26. Good that you have gone to the Police as so many teens' lives ruined by on line bullies. Sad to hear about your friend x

  27. I'm so sorry for both of those things. Fuck, indeed.

  28. I am so glad that you called the police. You might also want to contact her school and let them know of this incident. We live in difficult times.

    My condolences on your loss of a dear friend.

  29. I know it can be hard, but people need to call friends and let them know. We have had deaths of more distant friends, but friends still, and had no contact. Sue had to call a neighbour by looking up addresses to find out about one friend who had passed away.

  30. Oh man, this all really sucks. I'm so sorry. :: hugs ::

  31. Oh dear, you've had a bad week. Sorry to hear about your friend's passing. And I hope your granddaughter is safe.

  32. Goddamn it all.
    Hope the cops do something. Love to Laura, and so very sorry to hear about your friend. xox

  33. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's death. Even though Laura's clearly a strong person, and good for her, she doesn't need harassment. I hope that all will soon be well for her.

  34. I am sorry for the loss of your friend...and furious at the targeting of Laura.
    We have a long term stalker...he has kept it up for twenty years and is untouchable...knows all the tricks and has all the right I am glad that the police are involved here.

  35. I'm sorry to hear of your loss and that you had to find out like this . He sounded charming .
    And sorry , too , to hear that Laura has been pestered by some unpleasant coward . May the culprit soon be caught .

  36. goddamn it. what the fuck is the matter with people. what the fuck has happened to our culture and society that all the nasty people have risen to the top. so was the message to Laura a warning from a friend or a threat? she should block any and all who do not stand by her. I don't understand these kids who get targeted and bullied on social media and don't block them, allow them to continue to post hate on their profiles. they think they have a victim in Laura. it's been a long road for her to shed that mentality. tell her I said that her response to anything anyone says to her that is less than friendly is 'get a life you useless piece of shit' and then go on about her business. don't argue, don't plead with them to leave her alone, just ignore them. dismiss them and ignore them and follow up with the authorities. maybe she needs to sucker punch them. I know, violence isn't the answer except when it is.

    I didn't vote. meant to but I am overwhelmed and besides the only thing on my ballot was 7 revisions to the state constitution. I would have voted against three, they all passed.

    and finally, so sorry to hear about your friend and lunch companion. that was me wondering about you who went silent and contacted Francis to find out what was what.

  37. Oh Joanne I am so sorry! Your ending 'Just Fuck' is so appropriate. I hope the bullying problems stops soon. It is just awful what this world is!

  38. Joanne, I'm so sorry. That is so sad.

  39. He thought about you even at the end. Such a loss of a good friend.

    Bullies should be put in stocks in school gym and tormented.

  40. Yes, I'm sick of it all too.

    I am so sorry about the loss of your friend and that you didn't get to say goodbye to him.
