
Sunday, November 12, 2017

Flying weekend

We went to the Weathervane Playhouse yesterday to see Laura's pick, Talking With... It's an old play by Jane Martin--1982. I was as interested in Laura's reaction to such old character topics as in the play itself. Nothing happened on stage we couldn't talk about later. I think we'll see the Billie Holiday play in January.

I thought we'd go to Spaghetti Warehouse after the play. Not because Cisco makes such great food, but because it's a first time experience.  The entire square block of Akron that was the B.F. Goodrich Company has been renovated. For an Akron native, it's wonderful. For a fifteen year old, little bit naif, it's a big eye experience.

The Spaghetti Warehouse restaurant was the warehouse portion of Goodrich. Right next door is the plant, now renovated for business and medical offices. We go into the plant to reach some of Laura's Children's Hospital therapists. 

I thought I knew the best way from Weathervane to Spaghetti Warehouse, but I asked Google, nevertheless. As we followed the map, I could only think how my mother would laugh. Google took us directly there, up the valley, into downtown and over to Goodrich. I'm addicted to Google Maps.

An Irish Whiskey sign over our table, and the Union Statio sign across the way reflected.

In other weekend news, Laura earned her badge and staff, and put up the tree. Never too early, I am told.


  1. That is one happy young lady!
    Good to see things with someone of another generation...we have young friends and they come up with reactions that stimulate us and make us probe our own views.

  2. Yay Laura. And you.
    Our tree won't go up for quite some time.

  3. It sounds like a lovely day. Congratulations Laura.

  4. Well done, Laura. Happy young woman and a Google Maps happy Grandma.

  5. An interesting outing! And if you're going to be away over Christmas, why, yes - the tree should be enjoyed for as long beforehand as possible :)

  6. It sounds like you and Laura had a fabulous outing! I like the tree too. Like last year I only plan to put up some lights and garlands on the mantle and bookshelves, a bell at the door and a mini tree on my table.

  7. wow a tree up already. Good to hear google maps worked well for you. We have a had a few bad experiences with it.

  8. Everyone should go to a Spaghetti Warehouse at least once in their life.

  9. We're going to NYC at the end of the month, so I'll be putting up my tree late. Yeah Laura.

  10. Congratulations to Laura! My husband and I only did this once, in 2006. The next year he died. But I am so happy we earned our staffs together. I've been once to the Spaghetti Warehouse, but a long time ago! It sounds like a fun evening together. I should go to Weathervane more often. They are really very good, and really near. Well, your tree is lovely....We don't put our tree up until very close to Christmas. We used to only do it on Christmas Eve as per Hungarian traditions, but I am beyond that amount of work! Be well!

  11. Tree looks great; too early for me though :)

    Congrats to Laura for earning the badge and staff. Job well done!


  12. So glad all is going well with you and Laura👍🏻Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  13. Hari OM
    CONGRATS TO LAURA!!! Well-earned. As was the spaghetti and the trip to the play, I am sure. I also had a trip to theatre last week which was all unexpected and even more fun for that. As for the tree - so pretty - mine has always gone up on First Advent Sunday and comes done on January 6th. Six weeks is more than enough for me. ... and you know I's a hyoooojj fan of the G-maps!!! YAM xx

  14. tree before thanksgiving, oh my; good for Laura

  15. Laura looks beautiful and happy.

  16. What a nice weekend you and Laura had. The theater is usually a grand experience and a wonderful memory for you and Laura to share.

  17. It looks like an intriguing place.

  18. Sounds like fun. I have never been to a Spaghetti Warehouse. I definitely feel like I've missed out.

  19. A proper Night Out , it sounds lovely .
    If I put the tree up now , it'd be bald before December !

  20. Sounds like a fun weekend! Congrats to Laura on earning her badge and staff. We have a similar chain of restaurants in Canada called the Old Spaghetti Factory, decorated in similar fashion, and you never go away hungry from one! I go there maybe once or twice a year when I need to carb load, LOL.

  21. if nothing else in your life has earned you a gold star it is your rescue of Laura.

  22. My Christmas tree goes up at Christmas. Nuff said!

  23. Love, love, love the photo of Laura. Never too early or too late for a tree. I have one in my office that I didn't put away after Christmas 2016. I like the little, twinkling lights.


  24. That's a pretty Christmas tree. We have a small blue tree, but have not decided whether or not to put it on our table.

  25. I love the happy photo of Laura with her staff. Christmas trees aren't allowed to go up in my home until my daughter's November birthday has passed. It's not such a big deal now, but as a child, she refused to share her birthday with another celebration and that has just carried on, so none of us puts a tree up until December. I'll just have a mini tree way up high where Lola can't get to it.

  26. I've seen so many Christmas trees up already this year. I won't put mine up until after Thanksgiving!
