
Friday, November 17, 2017

Clay feet

Went to bed sick to my stomach, or my mind, last night. Slept badly. Al Franken, too. I feel like we’re in a virtual three dimension tic tac toe game, pitching men through space. Who’s in charge? What’s going on. What is the point? The biggest offender holds the biggest office in the world, and nothing has changed.

I’ve reached the point of “so what.” Until the biggest boil is lanced, nothing has changed. We struggle against more power than can be overcome. It’s good we are taking sexual assault seriously. If more abusers step up to the mic over time, and confess, good. But until the biggest bully is gone, there will be no mic drop.

Bullying starts at home. I wish every parent understood that. Treating children as less than people, shaming, confidence destruction are bullying. Sibling against sibling; child against playmates. It can be stopped at home and it will never spread like binder weed and crab grass.

We’ve excoriated Bill Clinton; we’ve called out every third movie mogul; it’s time to let go. Reserve a right to shun or prosecute every old offense that comes to light. But, we need to stop, cut, move forward the business of this country. And that does include removing President Pussy Grabber.

The world has not ended since January 20th. A lot of sleazy legislation has been passed. A lot of stupid world deals have been made. More wildlife has died. The oceans are rising. We’ve learned to mobilize and prepare to keep making change. We can outlast Pence. We can keep on voting more intelligent people into office.

That’s all. Calm down. Keep calm and carry on.  


  1. I hope women now continue to speak out against all those who feel entitled to make use of their bodies without consent. Silence on this issue is partially what allows it to carry on and women are now powerful enough to have a voice, finally! I hope that voice only grows stronger.

    1. Of course we must continue to speak. But, we cannot be frozen in place, listening. Congress must put forth a plan for moving on.

  2. well spoken.
    we all have to work in hope and positivity

  3. We are slowly learning to respect each other but it is a very slow process and a lot of men in power are just idiots and there is no other way to describe them we should wake up to this and remove them.

  4. You always give perspective to situations, Joanne.

    Have a great weekend.

  5. I'm of the mind folks are innocent until proven guilty and I am a little suspect of accusations coming out just before elections and yet the media said hardly a thing when clinton was accused. Franken was well known and Weinstein, not that that excuses either or any; not sure about Moore or Trump besides which Trump 'said' he would do this or that, no proof he actually did it, kind of like a wife saying I'll kill him referring to her husband when she is mad at him but would she actually do it, probably not. I had several men try to accost me when I was young but I put them in their place, did I not get a promotion, probably so, maybe not, but I said no and I guess I was just lucky enough not to have been taken advantage of when I was sleeping or otherwise indisposed, still in all, in the long run I think this is good it's all coming out since apparently the whole congress has been complicit in too many shenanigans and the tax payers paying compensation to those accosted, so much corruption is very demoralizing and disheartening to be sure and we sure shouldn't be paying compensation to those accosted rather than the person who actually did the crime. they need to pay for their transgressions monetarily or otherwise.

    1. The proof that Trump has no respect for women comes from the women who spoke out to say that he grabbed and groped them, kissed them without their permission, and spoke to them in inappropriate ways. When he owned pageants, numerous women said he walked in on them while they were changing. Being the owner or the boss doesn't entitle a man to behave in these says. Moreover, what kind of a man describes his daughter in sexual terms and says he'd have sex with her if she weren't his daughter?

    2. Excuse me. That should be "these ways" and not "these says."

    3. not sure about Trump or Moore? You don't believe the many women who have come forward? in the case of Moore it was well known he had a penchant for underage girls in his town and as for Trump he admitted it! he didn't say he could, he said he did. sexual predators will have more than one victim. Franken has had one woman come forward and there's some info that the picture was staged and she was not asleep but participating, plus she is a Trump supporter. as for Clinton, the media was all over it every time he was accused and he got far more scrutiny than Trump.

  6. I always admire your common sense perspective and willingness to put it out there.

  7. Some of the Republicans who are speaking out against Roy Moore refuse to denounce Trump's behavior. Get the asshole at the top of the heap and let it all come tumbling down.


  8. There's been a lot of misbehavior and worse from men (and sometimes women) in positions of power over the years. I do wish that women would be careful to give accurate descriptions of what has been done, however, so as to not undermine the credibility of their sisters' stories. In the Franken incident, for example, the woman says he groped her while she was sleeping, but the picture, at least, shows him pretending to do it; it does not appear that he actually touched her. Does that make what he did right? No. But overstating what was done makes the public wary of believing all women, which is extremely damaging when there has been actual assault.

    1. I've read that the photographer claims it was set up, that she wasn't asleep but participating. it's also come out that she is a Trump supporter, not that who she supports politically should be a measure of truth and perhaps he did kiss her more forcefully than she would have liked. I am suspicious of this particular incident because predators have more than one victim. One stupid act in a lifetime shouldn't bring a person down especially when they own it and apologize but predators, like Trump and Moore, need to be cut off at the knees.

  9. I am with you! The main man needs to go! Then clean house, but first get rid of Trump.

  10. It is so hard to keep calm but it is good advice.

  11. These men acted like they did because they thought they could. Not so anymore. Many thought that the Woman’s March was a one day phenomenon, but instead it was a catalyst. Women went home and planned, and ran for office and won. Now they are speaking out against past offenses and those in power are shaking in their boots. I have confidence that change is brewing and maybe, just maybe, things will work out. Perhaps this country needed a wake-up call, and I can hear some bells ringing and they aren’t on mute anymore.

  12. We need to speak out - as we have done for far too many years. And action needs to be taken.
    Lancing the boil would be an excellent start, but it is a global phenomena which has been allowed to go on for far too long.

  13. Keep calm and carry on is something I've always managed to do, but this year has tried my patience more than usual.

  14. We've drawn a line in the sand when it comes to acceptable behavior. Beyond that, let the chips fall as they may.

  15. well said as usual. keep calm, carry on, but be very vocal and very loud.

    1. Yes, and call every senator Monday and tell them to defeat the tax change legislation.

  16. Totally agree with everything you said. But I've quit watching all but the local news. I just can't take any more of the horrible syrup that is flowing over the outside world. As Ellen said above me there, keep calm and carry on and be very vocal in areas where your voice means something.

  17. I am very suspect of the entire Franken Story. I just don't believe her. And if it is true he apologized and she needs to move on. I've had worse happen to me and never labeled it sexual harassment. I think part of the problem is the times we are living in where we want to find dirt on everyone. As for Bill Clinton. ...what he did was a private acts between him and very willing intern. He's paid his dues. I don't know why it is still being brought up!

  18. Yes. We. Can....

    And I am someone else that thinks this Franken thing is not quite the truth.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. It would be nice if all, especially those at the top, were held to the same standard. The GOP set pretty high standards for Clinton and Franken (not that they shouldn't) but a very low bar for their own. So low it's buried.
