
Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Completely unexpected

When did something last come your way, from the blue? Unexpected. Joyful. Lifts the load a bit.

My life has been so full of children and associated problems for the last five or six years, I don’t know myself from them, at times. Three are down to one. Hamilton studying computer programming at Tri-C in Cleveland, where he also manages a Chipotle. Emily is studying computer programming at Hiram. Laura and I just rub along.

Beautiful day
Most of us remember the wall of craziness Laura encountered two years ago, during middle school. I couldn’t stop it; I couldn’t turn it around. In desperation, I just left it behind and started over. Laura was hospitalized for about three months, in lessening degrees of stricture, until we settled into a routine of seeing a counselor every other week and a psychiatrist every month. And, that’s the way it’s been for way over a year. We just do it.

Must arrive before school buses are two deep
Yesterday was the usual appointment with the counselor who walked this long path with us. I leave the house promptly at 2:30, to get in line at school to get her at three, to forge back through the inadequate infrastructure of Hudson to arrive at Children’s Hospital for our four o’clock appointment with her counselor. Get the ticket in the parking deck, through all the doors, down all the halls, check in and wait. Yesterday I forgot to get my knitting, but I took the Akron Beacon Journal from the wall pocket. I’ve stretched it into an hour more than once.

Not bad
I wanted to put together a Halloween post yesterday, and put Laura in charge of  pictures as we drove to the freeway. There’s one! Too late. Oh, well. There’s one.  We missed it. But, she did learn to zoom the lens, and took a picture of the crumbling bricks she has admired for a while.

Bona fide Halloween
When we checked in, Stephanie, the receptionist with red hair I wish I had, and I made our December appointments. A matter of honor with me, Laura does not miss school for doctor appointments. I own four p.m. appointments as far as they are open in her counselor’s calendar. The counselor came out for Laura, and asked if I had any issues to come in about. As usual I replied if there was anything, I was sure Laura would mention it.

Must capture holes in foundation
I read almost every column of that paper, because it did have to last an hour. I’d just opened up to and folded back Dear Abby and the funnies, when the counselor actually tapped my shoulder to get my attention. Would I please join them? Save the incident this summer, when Laura was being consumed by her phone, I cannot recall the interior of that office.

The gist of the summons: she and Laura think Laura has her affairs nicely in hand, and they would like to cut back to one meeting a month, in case something needs tidied up. I’m not surprised, but what an unexpected, pleasing announcement. Wow. How nice. We stopped by Stephanie’s desk and cancelled all our second meetings of the month already on the books, including the fresh December appointment.

Stephanie reprinted our schedule. “You are wasting paper,” Laura admonished. “I know,” said Stephanie, “but no mistakes this way.”


  1. That's some good news for sure.

  2. That is wonderful, Joanne. I'm so glad. Good for Laura.

    And it's good to hear about what Hamilton and Emily are doing as well.

    Interesting photos!

  3. It is good news indeed! Good for Laura and her siblings. Thank you, angel grandmother!

  4. You deserve good news. Glad things are moving along so well.

  5. Super news! Well done to Laura and to you and to the counsellor. It must really feel like a load has been lifted :-)

  6. Joanne, how absolutely wonderful to hear that your load has been lightened! And to know that all three kids are doing well. I am especially happy to know that Emily is back at Hiram. A big hug and "congratulations!" to Laura.

  7. Hari OM

  8. That is wonderful. I am so happy to read of Laura’s progress.

  9. Good news, for both Laura and you. I'm glad.

  10. Great news about all your grandchildren, but especially Laura! I am doing a happy dance!

  11. Wonderful. I knew Laura would get things in order. She will go far in life. I hope she gets ice cream.

  12. Great news. Dealing with counseling with a child you love is no easy thing. Having been there, I know what a big step this is.

  13. Truly wonderful news. Really wonderful. A day I suspect initially you thought may never come.

  14. Good to hear Hamilton and Emily are still pursuing their education and Hamilton seems successful as a manager! That's great news. Even better news with Laura doing so well her appointments are reduced! She continues to bloom!


  15. Nice to hear about the kids doing. Keep going!

  16. It's really nice to hear that Laura is doing so well :)
    The house pictures are lovely.

  17. Good for Laura and you. For about the first time in almost a decade we are not seeing our grands regularly as they now get on the school bus near their place. When I say regularly, I mean in a daily sense. We still do family dinner once a week.

  18. The immaculately cared-for white house with its crumbling foundations must be a metaphor for something.

  19. glad you got her the help she needed

  20. excellent news. one giant step forward, yes you may.

    what a sweet cottage, bona fide Halloween.

  21. Good news and you have a large part of it being so dedicated to the children.

  22. Great news. Always good to know they are getting better!

  23. Give her a big hug from me (if she is a hug kind of girl) - I am so pleased for you both. You are both getting there and should be proud of yourselves,

  24. Playing catch up and so glad to be here again.
    You needed some great news. So glad it came in this form!

  25. Laura has made so much progress! Praise God!

    White house with crumbling foundation--scary metaphor there.

  26. I'm always happy to hear something good has happened for you and Laura!
