
Monday, September 18, 2017

How to get up in the morning

People began calling me at eight this morning. I don’t recall the first, and would have to sort through my brain to recall the second.  Laura owes the first. Awake enough from the call, I was stripping down to shower, and thought “I didn’t hear her leave!” Sure enough, she hadn’t, two hours before.

It’s Homecoming this week, and today was Pajama Day (oh the games they play). I was pulling on yesterday’s jeans when she was in the door, and I left in my nightshirt, too, to drive her to school.  I remember, the first call was the drug store; the new synthroid script is ready.

My thyroid numbers continue to drop like a stone. I did new blood work last Friday afternoon. The new numbers were on my “chart” on Saturday, and my first thought was “Oh, shit.” I seriously cannot afford to lose any more weight, and the operative word is “afford.”  I’m from a size 12 to 8 over the last six months. Jeans are out of sight expensive, and I need to go look into 6. They’re like fifty dollars a pair and two pair are the absolute minimum, and etcetcetc.

At cards this afternoon, I complimented one of the women on her new bag. She responded since she has to wear the same shoes every day of her life, she would compensate with bags. I know I miss four inch heels, but since the Maytag suits forced me into trousers back in the eighties, I have not owned a dress.

When I joined the staff of my township, I did survey my closet. Jeans, jeans, occasional chinos. I thought it over, and decided if my jeans had a well pressed crease, a nice jacket and a nice blouse, they should pass anyone’s inspection. Four inch heels would have been mighty fine, too, but out of balance. Haha.

The next-to-last call was the neuro nurse practitioner. I thought we’d agreed  last week, there would not be another MRI of my brain when all they are missing from the one taken by, gasp, a competitor hospital, is the written report. Pick up the phone, please. I’d also resolved to my satisfaction the EEG tomorrow would settle the seizure question once and for all, and she need not renew the Keppra.

However, she’d had a talk with Dr. You Know Who (I had no idea) and his opinion was that two catastrophic brain events warranted continuing the anti-seizure medicine. Case closed.  I suggested I could just skip the EEG tomorrow, since the case was closed. “Oh, no. You need to have that!”

The last phone call:  the body shop. My car is in the line and work is happening. I can call Ken any time to see how it’s coming. Hurrah. I went to play cards.


  1. If you call me before 8 in the morning it had better be a death in the family or some other calamity. I wish my thyroid medicine would make me lose weight, the higher the dosage the more I gain.

  2. Got any thrift shops in your area? That would be my first port of call for clothes I may conceivably shrink out of in the near future What a series of hoops they are having you jump through. You must be exhausted.

    1. Thanks. I buy the same brand, over and over. The rest aren't dark blue enough and don't fit the same.

  3. I did not absorb synthroid well, even when my endo had me getting up at 4am to take it so it would not interfere with anything else! So I was switched to Tirosint, a capsule with the same ingredients. My numbers got into the desired range. Some people find this expensive, but my medicare and advantage plan keep it in the $75.00 for three months range. The first six months when they were trying to get this figured out, I could barely walk across the living room without having to rest. I hope it gets fixed for you....Also, I agree about the thrift shops. Village Thrift is the one my daughters use. You are such an inspiration! Be well. Never give up hope.

  4. You really are having a cow of a time. I hope the medical mayhem at least gets sorted.
    And yes, I would go down the Thrift Shop path too, at least until your weight stabilises. It might be worth putting up with less than ideal jeans for a few months.

  5. Hari OM
    Perhaps you can 'take a tuck' in the existing jeans? Or Jan can for you? Or even Laura - fashion being her thaaang! Or a belt. or, as others have said, go the thrift and give a pass to jeans till things take an upsize. Random thoughts. Take or leave 'em. YAM xx

    1. Thanks, all. I hope the new dose, plus lots of ice cream, gets makes my jeans fit again. Or, it will be a new set, not thrift store.

  6. I'd suggest thrift store except it can be quite tiring to sort through the items, and although the smaller sizes, like you're looking for, are generally in bigger supply than large sizes, there is still a wide variance in styles and you might not find what you wanted anyway. Would Laura be willing to have a look for you? Get her to scrutinize what you're wearing or even take the name and style number from the tag to match up.

    The bigger issue, of course, being your thyroid misbehaving ...

    Aren't medical issues FUN? *insert sarcasm emoticon here*

    1. O, Jenny, I love how you all are sending me down the road to Village Thrift. I cannot bear to set foot in the doors; the stuff they dry clean in makes me ill.
      I think I'll add new jeans to the Big Red Bus bill.

  7. All comments above would be my own. Being proactive in testing health issues is the battle and you are a warrior.

  8. Eight in the morning is too early for anything but emergenccy calls.

  9. Better to say on Keppra than to get a seizure and not be able to drive according to some state laws. Even in my youth I couldn't do 4 inch heels and certainly not now if I don't want any broken bones. I turn off my ringer a lot to avoid calls early in the morning.


  10. That's a lot of calls all in one morning. I'd be going back to bed after that.
    I see you have a couple of spammers.

  11. I gave up heels long ago and I don't miss them. I like my feet firmly on the floor. Jeans are absurdly expensive!

  12. I don't ever remember wearing 4" heels; but until I retired, I handled 2" quite well. I still have some in my closet believing, for some crazy reason, that I just might have a reason to wear them again. Now I know that will never happen, but it makes me feel good to believe that lie.

    Jeans are very personal and the fit and the way we feel in them is important. My husband has been wearing the same brand and style since he was in his 20's. His body has changed quite a bit and the sizes of those 505s have moved upwards. He would never ever consider another jean or another color no matter what I suggest. He likes what he likes, and there is no reason to change.

  13. they do love their tests don't they? I have declined taking medication for osteoporosis and cholesterol because I don't think that's necessarily the right approach. pills are too easy for the doctors and the patients. and why are jeans so expensive? when all other clothes are so cheap, there is no reason except to screw the purchaser.

    1. The reason they are expensive is as sad as the fact they are expensive. Climate change is wiping out cotton.

  14. I'm a jeans gal too Joanne. Wal Mart has them pretty cheap especially during the off season. Try next spring or summer and stock up. My husband lives off 7 cartons of liquid food per day - kind of like Boost. A couple per day will help you hold on to some weight. If only I could lose some.

    1. Thanks, Donna. I can't deal with the taste of any liquid food I've tried. I'll stick with ice cream. Hershey's chocolate peanut butter.

  15. Think of all the money some people spend to try to lose weight. I hope you can keep some on.


  16. I have lots of pounds I can give you and wouldn't miss them at all darn that hypo thyroid. I wear the same old shoes every day (Dr. Scholls closed toe ugly black but good arch support for previous plantar fascitis); no longer carry a purse, and I get black pants with elastic waist at wally world, I think they are about $12 and they have a pocket for my wallet which is all I carry, simplicity is my almost 15 year mantra in the wearables dept. When I lived in California the cancer society had an upscale thrift store with really nice clothes, maybe they have one near you, or a consignment shop, bargains can be had at those places and often the clothes look like they've never been worn. Nuts are fattening and good for you; try some of those.

  17. The heels would not be my preference ever. Jeans are perfect. Something like Boost would probably help, Joanne.

  18. What brand jeans? I can't find any without spandex.

    1. Gloria Vanderbuilt or Lee. Spandex is here to stay.

  19. thrift/charity/op shops often get new clothes...and if it fits, even if its been dry cleaned, wash it!
    I can't stick dry cleaning smells ether

  20. Being 5'10" tall I have never been into 4 inch heels. And I don't know anyone walks in them anyway. So much to deal with medically! Exasperating to say the least. Stay on the seizure meds!! It is to your benefit.

  21. I am a visitor from Elephant's Child. No reason to spend $50 for a pair of jeans. I dropped a lot of weight this year also and bought very nice clothes in thrift stores, some of which never were worn. $3- $5 is the range I pay for very nice jeans.
