
Friday, August 11, 2017

Summer in the Connecticut Western Reserve

Being without a job has some interest. I have more time to read and think through the news, though we all know I’m not so good at remembering and using it any more. Remember how excited we all were in January; we would shout Hell No and show the entire gang of fools how to function. Now it’s like being stuck in a sea of molasses. The president of the greatest nation on earth is shouting at the other side, “Fight tonight?”

Back home he taunts McConnell about unpassed legislation and pins the opioid epidemic on his predecessor. It’s a quagmire down there. The rating numbers tell him to go home and he brags on his prowess. “Fight tonight?” There simply will be overwhelming international cleanup, led by a military that knows its job. I can’t follow the president’s reasoning, so I don’t.

Fortunately for me, further down, there’s other news. Not good, but I can follow the gist of it. Taylor Swift really had her butt grabbed. Good for her for standing up. I expect she will win. The eclipse approaches, and we’re prepared.

In other events, the state of the climate news has been released. My childhood Northeastern Ohio climate no longer exists. All the seasons begin later. That’s not too awful. Three fourths of the years are milder. And wetter. At the old house last weekend, Kay’s brother from Texas stretched long on the sofa and announced he would exchange Ohio’s beautiful weather for Texas in a Dallas minute.

And I sympathized with him on returning to Hades and leaving Paradise behind. I didn’t set him straight, but I did remind him to vote every November. The D’s have a lot of work ahead, down there in Texas. And in forty nine other states.

Back at home, Laura has finally embraced my edict, there will be a vegetable with every meal. Given her natural inclination, every meal would be some variation of mac and cheese. In all fairness, she has produced lovely meals all summer, heavy on the vegetables. Last night we had chicken and asparagus stir fry, accompanied by mashed potatoes.

Yes, that’s a pat of butter in the middle. A little excessive, but good. Years ago I told my doctor, “I eat butter. Deal with it.” 


  1. Laura is a good cook. Good for her and you!

  2. Yum! Dinner looks good. Even though you've had some recent problems with the brain, you think a lot better and a lot clearer than a whole lotta people! Enjoy your weekend.

  3. You dinner looks lovely!

    Hubby has a friend who is a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat. For the past two decades he's been living in Texas. Not a good combination, which we hear about every time.

  4. I wish I could get my partner to follow your vegetable edict. He (and at least one of my brothers) believe that vegetables are the optional garnish you put on a plate to make the meat look better.

  5. That's about my allotment for butter, too. But that's quite a bit of asparagus. It's all about balance.
    And speaking of being unbalanced, who knew my duck and cover training from 4th grade would still come in handy?

  6. We've had idiots for president before, in fact probably half of them were, but this one really takes the cake.Meal looks good, the asparagus could use a little butter though.

  7. well, there's nothing I can do to prevent a nuclear event so I just hope the generals have cooler heads and will prevail over the Crybabyman. Now he's talking about a military option in Argentine! WTF! the man is just dying to push that button. he's incapable of creating anything so he does what all jealous people do, destroys what others have created. he's either blaming Obama or taking credit for what Obama did.

    and about that butter...I like it and I use a lot of it. the 'experts' after claiming for decades that butter is bad, have now decided the it is good, that the body needs that tasty fat. yay! I knew it all along.

    1. not Argentina. Venezuela. which he did not even know where it was. Gen. Kelly now brings an atlas to meetings.

    2. Yes, that's my Trump conclusion. If cool heads don't stop him, it will be one massive clean up.

    3. I just think he's throwing everything at the wall to make us look and not think about his taxes and Russia connection.

  8. Hari OM
    Asparagus........yuuuuummmmmmm..... buttery tatties ......yuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... *drool*... did someone mention polly has ticks???... YAM xx

  9. Potatoes without butter - well that just should never be.

  10. It looks delicious. And butter is good for you. It's the margarine that turns to plastic during digestion.

  11. I'm rooting for Taylor Swift myself. We all could eat more veggies; glad Laura is listening and incorporating them in the meal planning. The plate of food looked delicious!


  12. Far batter than my dinner for sure.

    Politics are off the table for me as I seem to lose control of my mouth these days and say things I should not. Counting the days till it's over.

  13. Dinner looks nice. I eat butter too and real cream. Life's too short for the substitutes that don't taste nearly as good.
    I've seen Trump on the TV news here, him and his "fire and fury" speech.

  14. Butter is what we eat, with everything.

  15. I love butter (in moderation) and I think it healthy (much more than margerine or other things) and "lecker" (yummy).

  16. I too love butter and use unsalted butter a lot. We did change to a Land o Lakes combination of Olive Oil and Butter that we like also. And Mac and cheese is good too. We don't eat this much, but did try some Hatch Pepper Mac and cheese this week. It was great!
    As for politics - not sure what will happen, but hope and pray that reason will prevail and that there are people in Washington DC that can keep things under control.

  17. Well, Laura did good and even a flourish for presentation. Wow. What a sweetie.

  18. I think Laura's doing great when you consider how old she is. I'll bet most high school kids couldn't put together a meal, night after night. As we've now discovered, fat is not the enemy, sugar is. So, as long as you don't put sugar on your potatoes, you'll be fine!! -Jenn

  19. It's good to learn to cook healthy meals. I use butter now too now that they say margarine isn't good for you.

    As for the state of our nation. Sigh.... It goes on and on.

  20. You can't follow the president's reasoning because he doesn't reason. Good for Laura with the veggies and the cooking. My son is 37 and still rejects vegetables.


  21. Looks delicious to me! And I've always eaten butter, no margarine....My grandfather was into health foods from about the time of WWI and he would never allow marg in his house and neither would my Mom.

  22. That meal looks delicious - kudos to Laura, and to you for larnin' her :) It's butter here, too, although I usually restrict it to my two slices of toast in the mornings. But sometimes on a baked potato, I must ...
