
Thursday, August 24, 2017

Docs in a row

It will be an unparalleled pleasure to push the whole big red bus affair through the gate and see how it rolls. The attorney (we’ll call him Taz, for cause) is in charge of thinking through the pain and suffering, lost employment, pension, all that stuff settlement, and I have been in charge of listing all the docs, as I was the one referred to, and sort of obliged to go, at minimum, to a doc of my choice with the same credentials.

Today was the last doc, the one who performed the abject failure radio ablation of several C’s a while back. In fact, it was his nurse I wanted to see, but as it has been two years since that procedure, no Amy without the doc, too. I had no idea of the protocol, and booked the appointment with his nurse weeks ago, Tuesday last being her first opening.

Some scheduler picking through the records found my violation of procedure and called me to reschedule the whole affair until sometime in September. I pulled off the road, pitched my finest aggrieved patient performance ever, and was magically rescheduled for today, with Amy and the Doc. Now the drug store is working on getting insurance to OK the dissolve in the cheek version of a pain patch they already pay for. Amy, the head pharmacist, is working on that one.

When Dougie Howser and the guy from NCIS, the DC neurosurgeons, took away my Celebrex, they changed my life. My physical therapist and I have agreed we’ve hit the wall on balance training until I have the pain controlled, so here we go, again. Or, as my neurologist told me, “Those neurosurgeons, they hate blood!”

So, when Medicare goes picking through the pile, looking for charge backs, all my docs are in a row.

Here’s a little story about Taz. He rides his bicycle to work six miles each way, every day, he says. He is a law abiding cyclist, and would never ride the fine line between lanes of stopped traffic, clearing side view mirrors by inches. That’s what his friend, Taz, does. Five months of conversations and I’m having a clear mental image of Taz.

I must remember to ask if that suit hangs in the office closet, because he rides to work in and spends his day in jeans and an anti-Trump tee shirt.


  1. Never trust a one of us, we're all either criminals, assholes, or timid little fuckers.
    Cheers, my friend, good luck. Call me if you need help.

    1. And you know, all I want is my life back. About once a month I realize it will never happen; the rest of the time I dump the fat little bus driver into your string of pejoratives.

  2. Yea for getting Taz on board! Good luck.

  3. Yes, good luck, Joanne. My niece, her husband and my best friend are the smartest and nicest people you could ever meet and are also attorneys. Really care about people and the world and are great parents. I am hoping for some progress soon dear.

  4. We went through all that 15 years ago. It was not easy. I know it was the right thing because of all the repercussions of the accident.

    1. I hope you're not feeling my pain, and just cheering Taz on.

  5. Sue, sue,sue. You can't get your life back but maybe you can afford a new one.

  6. I hope it will be a speedy process to get your life back and won't drag on for a long period of time.


  7. I hope everything goes along smoothly and you get a good settlement. It won't give you back what you've lost, but it will help make your future somewhat easier.

  8. All the best with the legal thing. You deserve to have something good out of it all.

  9. You deserve only good Joanne and i hope that will be so.

  10. Is that little animal as cute/vicious* (*delete as appropriate) as it looks?

    1. It's a carnivore, and has the teeth to prove it.

    2. Hari OM
      Tom, it's a Tasmanian Devil. ... &*> Yxx

    3. Ah... I thought I recognised it...

  11. Taz sounds fascinating.

    I hope this process is quick Joanne, though I fear it will be a slow one.

  12. Hari OM
    I like Taz... both versions of him, cuz they will serve you best together! YAM xx

  13. Here's hoping for everything to go smoothly. You know it won't be fast!

  14. What is that strange animal in the photograph?
    Good luck.

    1. It's a Tasmanian Devil, now found in the wild only in the Tasmanian State, an island.

  15. The way the law drags on and on is really hard to deal with. Glad you have Taz on board and I hope that it goes well for you.

  16. Legal pain - not as bad as physical pain but pretty close.

  17. Dear Joanne, I hope all this will work itself out. You are surely doing your part. Peace.

  18. Anyone who spends his day in an anti-Trump t-shirt has my faith.


  19. I hope he is as tenacious and vicious as need be. the red bus needs to pay big time.

  20. Hooray for Taz. And Tasmanian Devils.

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