
Wednesday, July 12, 2017

This week, to date

I took Laura to a 10:30 therapy appointment this morning, with a doctor notoriously late for every appointment.

I asked the receptionist if the doctor was on schedule because I had a 1:30 appointment with the physical therapist, not to be missed. The message was passed on, the doctor said if her ten o’clock got any later, she’d take us, instead. She did. I don’t think the ten o’clock ever showed up. Laura is doing quite well.

I read in the news that young Trump holds two smoking guns, and daddy is reprehensible but not impeachable.

Came home, ate lunch, meandered along to my 1:30 appointment. Jen, the regular receptionist, is on maternity leave. Jen is gold; the three women who replaced her are difficult. When the door was not closed behind me Jen would say “Hi, Joanne. I’ll tell Rhonda you’re here.” These three stare at the screen, have me spell my last name three times. Today the receptionist informed me, “I have you for tomorrow.

The paper schedule is in last week’s trash. No matter. I have tomorrow free, too, except taking Laura to work at the porcelain gallery. I’ll probably go up the road to the library and ask the trustee who works there what the hell is going on. I was in the building Monday to see a professional who works there. I’ve never said a proper good bye to the road guys, so I stopped to do so.

Amazingly the combo to the garage door is unchanged. I heard the guys’ voices, and started in, to be met by she who is always difficult. “What do you want!” “I came to say a proper good bye to the guys,” I chirped, and walked down the hall. They were slumped down in their chairs and neither made eye contact. Obviously bad time, so I backed out and left.

My cane always was too long, but no matter when I used it for a rudder. These days it must be a cane. I attempted to lead Laura down memory lane, alighting on the saw we bought last fall. She was adamant we do not have one, so I sent her to the shed to find it on blind faith. I have not been in the shed since last January, but I’m sure a new lawn mower and a weed wacker could not totally obscure the saw. They didn’t. That job was harder than expected, but done. The cane is bent oak, and a bit tough.

In the mail today I have an offer to update my income, as I have not done since obtaining that credit card, and I would receive a credit increase. That really is funny.

Mr. Next Door recently sold his unit with the lovely red metal roof to Miss Next  Door, who has a lovely big dog named Titus.  Befriending Titus seemed a smart move, so I did. Titus often is outdoors, on a chain, on the other side of the house. Or else he’s half over the sofa in the window across from my bedroom. That makes Toby nuts, and he bounces off walls, howling. Titus rolls his eyes, but refuses to yawn.

Every day it has rained and rained. The grass is still wet and cannot be mowed. Laura doesn’t mind.


  1. Hari OM
    OH but that last shot shows a bit of promise... I feel sorry for Titus, that's a look of a desire for company and fun. Time to forget town hall - rejoice in Laura's "doing well" and having the flexibility on appointments... YAM xx

  2. Thank God all is well. To hell with the rest.

  3. I like this post, every day's life , but there is always more.

  4. If the receptionist has you for tomorrow, then does that mean you are her lunch or her supper?


  5. The dog in the window is adorable.

  6. My doctor has new nurses, one I like, one I'd like to smack.

  7. So far you have had a full week sometimes frustrating sometimes rewarding.

  8. "She who is difficult" - what a bitch! I am glad you left that behind. Poor guys though as they have to stay there and take it.

  9. A mixed bag. I hope tomorrow's therapy goes really well, and am glad that you no longer have to deal with the difficult one on a regular basis..

  10. To get in to see my doctor (usually three weeks from whenever I call), I must get past the gatekeeper on the phone. It is like I am personally inconveniencing her by asking for an appointment. She even asks why I need to see him. She isn't a nurse, she is a receptionist although not that receptive. I do not need to describe my particular ailment to her. That's what I do with my doctor.

    But I digress. All your rain has a benefit - your flowers will grow and you won't have to water them. -Jenn

  11. Life can be frustrating but you soldier on as you do. Thank goodness you are away from the difficult one. Some people make it their business to make things miserable or others.

  12. "What do you want?" Errrr ... to be treated with respect, perhaps ... Do let us know what you find out!

    Glad to hear Laura is doing well. And pooh on the appointment day -- I arrived a day early for my first appointment with the new hairdresser. It happens.

    Everything is lovely and green there. And that dog looks hilarious sprawled on the back of the sofa. Do you feed him dog treats to keep on his good side?

  13. Joanne, I don't know how you ever got it all done. You sound so busy now. The garden looks good and rain is good this time of year. It is so hot, I am out watering every day and can't do that except early in the morning or late in the evening. I don't do hot.

  14. Titus looks like a big sweetheart, poor Toby getting all riled up over him. He'll settle down eventually.
    I hate receptionists who are too busy to be nice, to even say hello, they're not a good advertisement for the company they work for.
    I'm glad to hear you're getting around okay, the cane will be a big help. I have my mother's old cane, waiting in a corner for when I need one. I need to get a rubber tip for it, but it's an old narrow cane and most available tips don't fit it.
    The pink mandevilla is gorgeous.

  15. Refreshing to hear Laura is doing quite well! Times have changes, but I worked in doctor offices years ago. If a patient showed up the "wrong day", we worked them in and saw them.


  16. Donald Junior is a 'high quality person,' apparently. A chip off the old block, I expect. Everything continues as normal, so the credit card companies are back to upping everyone's limits.

  17. I'm glad to hear Laura is doing well. I was concerned about her while you were laid up, who was caring for her, hoping it wasn't her mother. as for the bitch, well, what a bitch. you're gone so you'd think she wouldn't be so rude but then that's just probably who she is. wonder what was up with the road guys. I wish we would get some rain. I'm tired of watering the yard for an hour every day, one day the back yard, one day the front yard, one day the shop yard. and you definitely want to make friends with the dog that lives next door.

  18. I see no charm in a dog who can put a baby's head in its mouth, so I made damn sure not to ignore Titus when he appeared.

  19. Your life feels very busy! And you are doing well with it. Is Laura working at Elements or someplace else? I don't think of them as a porcelain gallery.

    1. Yes, Elements. Both Steve and Deb Bures are recognized as premier porcelain artists in this country. They carry so many artists in their gallery; outside of the big markets there is little room for talented people. Elements is a blessing to everyone.

    2. It's a great place to find special gifts...I remember Steve's mother who was a librarian in Richfield when I first moved there in '75.She recommended some interesting writers to me. My daughter Alice and I commissioned a potato and an onion "bin" from Steve for my younger daughter when she moved to Pennsylvania. What treasures!

  20. Dear Joanne, it is so good to read this posting and know that you are really achieving emotional balance again. That March fall took so much out of you and I know how long it takes to recuperate and you seem to have done it well. To have kept your sense of humor and your sense of the ridiculous is a marvel. Take care of yourself; be gracious to yourself. Peace.

  21. I can always rely on you for a laugh. The bit about Laura not minding about the wet grass made me chuckle. I get it completely.

  22. I would like to look out my window and see a dog relaxing both my neighbours keep their blinds down all the time they live in caves.
