
Thursday, July 27, 2017

Nothing to do; all day to do it

Laura is at band camp this week. After an unusual and stressful summer, it's good for her to return to a routine she loves and the friends she loves--The Geeks. Remember when we loved school and homework and friends, and knew we would never be elected homecoming queen.

I've had one thing to do each day this week, plus water the flowers every morning. This afternoon I must take out the trash.

I'm always mentally rearranging the flowers. I love this purple flower. (Lupine?)  I'm thinking I'll spread it out along the entire front of the skirting. Make the bees exponentially happy.

There are weeds my weeder will not part with; they may be milkweed varieties (in her dreams).

Next year I'll plant a row of hollyhocks in front of the purple lupine. 

The sedum is on the verge of blooming. I have another sedum in the full sun, not doing so well. I'll make a decision come fall.

And the butterfly bush just stays happy and pink and blousey.  I need to plant several, to thicken up the group.

So you don't conclude my life is just trash disposal, I generally have one appointment a day to keep. I told Dana and Rhonda it's time to resume balance work. When one of them put me on the rocker board six weeks ago, I think I clawed Rhonda's shirt getting off. Tuesday I kicked the rocker board to the curb and walked the squishy "lily pads" without my cane (which Rhonda would not return!). Since then I generally forget to leave home with it. I think we'll just keep up balancing.


  1. I think that first flower is called obedient plant because if you push the individual flowers to one side or the other, they will stay in that position until they slowly move back to face the sun. good for Laura that she is back with her tribe and good on you for nailing the balance. but of course you would.

  2. I don't think it is larkspur either. It is looking pretty. Weeds are the bane of my existence.

  3. The flowers are doing well and so are you without the cane!

  4. Your flowers are beautiful... and there are lots of so called *weeds* that I like too, Joanne.
    And I think *balance* is something even us without head injuries have a problem with as we age (not sure why).

    1. Our centre of gravity shifts as things begin to sag?

  5. Excellent progress on the balancing front, Joanne. Your flowers are looking very good. Have a good week without your wingman (wingwoman?). Who is cooking your suppers?!

    1. TV dinners. I'll put the last one out in the trash tonight; pickup tomorrow; she'll never know.

  6. Love the top picture of the sculpture with the flowers - Lupines or whatever they are - they're lovely

  7. Dear Joanne, it's so wonderful to learn that day by day you are advancing into the life you once knew. Of course, you will be changed because of all you've learned of life in the past four months.

    As to doing one thing a day--I'm all for it. I did the same thing after my operation in March. I'm not up to two or three a day! Whooppee! Soon you'll surpass me because you have such determination and fortitude. God for it! Peace.

  8. I couldn't ever think your life is trash disposal. I never loved school and homework and friends, but I certainly knew I would never be elected the queen of anything. That was for cheerleaders.


  9. Glad Laura is off doing Lau things. If you're doing g one thing a day you're ahead of me.

  10. Not a lupine. They bloom in late spring/early summer and are bigger and loopier than the one you show. I also vote for obedient plant.

  11. If you are going without your stick Joanne, do watch your step
    I love the flowers, especially the sedum which attracts bees and butterflies once it is out.

  12. Hari OM
    Entirely wrong leaf Joanne; they are almost certainly willowherb cultivar (can't enlarge the piccie to check the flower, but the stem/leaf/stature and floral grouping all speak to it). Your garden brightly grows!!! YAM xx

  13. Your garden looks so good after so short a time. Fantastic that you kicked the cane"habit"! Congratulations.

  14. all day to do nothing - isn't relaxing something?

  15. Ha, ha, you made me laugh several times today with your post. You have an interesting way with words. So many good ones, "nothing to do and all day to do it" and "remember when we loved school and homework and friends, and knew we would never be elected homecoming queen".

    Your garden is looking quite lovely and it's nice you have plans to enhance it further.

  16. Soon it will be back to school, band practice, and all the other activities that will keep you busy. Enjoy your time off.

  17. Absolutely, positively obedient plant (quite wrongly named because they do not stay in one spot in your garden, but send forth runners under the ground to pop up in other locations close by). However, it is fun to pivot the individual blossoms to where you want them, which is why they are called obedient plant. They put on a nice show late July, early August.

    Well done with your balancing. I know it must seem to you that this is all taking forever, but for someone who just reads snippets of your life, it seems like your road to recovery has been amazingly quick! -Jenn

  18. Hooray on the balance front. Mine is totally unreliable so I am even more impressed.
    Loving your garden too.
    My sedum thrives in full sun.

  19. I've got nothing to do and all day to do it and I still never get it done.

  20. Laura might not end up being Homehoming Queen, but she will grow up to be a strong lady because she learned from the best, her grandmother. You have done well, Joanne, in what is important in life. BTW, your flowers are lovely.

  21. Such pretty colorful flowers, whatever you decide to grow :) I'm sure Laura is having a blast at band camp. I'm sure life might change a bit once school restarts so enjoy the "nothing" days when you can!


  22. Good idea to keep up the balance work. I love your garden now with everything blooming. I should get some sedum, I had a couple of tiny ones that disappeared, probably they're giving joy to another gardener. I really like that metal petal spike. Good for Laura to have time to reconnect with her friends now too.

  23. Sounds like you had a break and Laura had a break.

  24. "A vacation is having nothing to do and all day to do it in." - Robert Orben quotes from

  25. I have lots to do and all day not to do it, not a lupin, the leaves are not lupine for sure, looks like some type of bulb since the stalks go straight up ? my hollyhocks gave up the ghost after two years, the one I had in california lasted the whole time I lived there 5 years and going strong, I made the mistake of planting a ground cover sedum in a pot, it's taking over the whole thing, I need to get it in the ground, good for you walking without a cane, but for safety sake I think I'd take one along, I've seen those new ones that can balance without holding onto them; if I need a cane in the future I may invest in one.

  26. Congratulations on the balance . My physio says firmly that it's always possible to improve it ... by which she means that it's one's duty to do so ( awful woman!)
    Hollyhocks are capricious , they'll only come up when they feel like it , but are well worth tempting ...
