
Sunday, July 30, 2017

Ain’t nothing in the world like a blue eyed girl…

Summer isn’t half over. It must be the band quirk. Practice has begun, and then it will get worse—football!

We were grocery shopping before Laura went to band camp. I came across the kid who has no use for real music snapping her fingers and singing to Jerry Lee on the loudspeaker.

“I thought you didn’t know any music like that,” I teased.

“It’s new!”

“It’s not!”

“Well, it’s a new cover!”

“Whose new cover?”

“Well, it has a good beat! We’re playing it this year.”

“Whose version?”

“You know…’nothing in the world like a long haired girl…’”

Too bad the keyboard doesn’t march.


  1. Everything that is old is new again. Except us.

  2. Isn't it funny when they find some "new" music.

  3. You'll get her up to speed yet, Joanne :)

  4. Oh, yeah....Now I can't stop sing this in my mind.
    This "new" song.

  5. The old song had nothing like a BIG EYED girl.

    1. Chantilly Lace... by the Big Bopper, yes?

  6. Yes, what goes around, comes back around... eventually. If it's the same tune as the Big Bopper sang with Chantilly Lace, I'm sure it will be great.

  7. I wish I had seen him sing that way back when, but then I'd really be old and I'll just have to watch it on youtube.

  8. Cute story. At least the younger set is getting introduced to the musicians of yore. That's a great picture of Jerry Lee Lewis.

  9. Now there's a song I haven't thought of in decades. I remember I used to like it. A lot of "new" stuff is actually just new bands doing "old" stuff, but the younger set think it's all new, and to them, it is.

  10. It makes me smile to see the kids listening to the music we listened to as teens thinking it's new.

  11. My youngest brother is 15 years younger than me. One day when he was about 12 he came to me excitedly waving a new album he had discovered. It was a new group. They were great and he knew I would like them too. The album was My Generation by The Who. He was all of 3 years old when it came out.

  12. I see comments on classic rock songs on youtube all the time that relates the song to a recent movie or video game.

  13. Didn't J.L-L. marry a 14 year-old girl?

  14. Fascinating! Had to look him up. In fashion we see the same phenomenon.

  15. A wiggle and a walk and a giggle and a talk made the world go round. Ain't nothing in the world. Like a big eyed girl to make me act so funny make me spend my ...

  16. Love this song! I am glad the band is finding ways to play old music in a new way!
