
Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Cat comfort

Toby, the cat, cares more for Laura than for me. He sleeps in her bed at night, at her shoulders. If she shuts him out, he sleeps outside her door.  I saved his four week old life, six years ago, and spend fifty dollars at the vet for an antibiotic shot because I cannot get him to swallow the pills. Does that count? No.

My recent life changes find me in bed, asleep, far more than the old days. Sleeping off anesthesia, sleeping off surgery, sleeping off drugs. I get through as much day as possible, then fall in bed, in a stupor, until I get up for the next appointment. This week has been a crummy sleep week, and I’ve hit the bed too often.

Toby quickly nosed out my inert body; someone asleep in the day apparently is a good deal. The first time I felt a warm cat body along my side and a kitty head on my shoulder, I thought “how nice,” and gave him a couple of sleepy eyed back scratches before I went back to sleep.

I woke up stroking his cheek, which turned out to be his hind feet.  “You old faker,” I announced as I sat up, and he rolled into the vacated middle of the bed.

Today has been another day of sleeping between being awake. I just counted my calendar: I’ve had an obligation to discharge eleven of the fourteen days this month. That included today, when I had to take Laura to work at ten and retrieve her at four. I was mostly asleep, around 10:30, when I felt Toby snuggle up. “How nice; he’s put his head on my leg,” I thought, before I slept some more.


  1. He wants to comfort you because he knows you are out of sorts...or he just wants someone warm in the daytime to sleep on.

    I know he is a cat, but let's lets go with the first premise anyway.

  2. He's your guardian angel and appreciates you more than you realized (I'm a dreamer). I love to sleep with Penelope cuddled against my back. That warm little body feels so good.


  3. Do cats sense when we need them? Dogs do. The sleeping will heal you, Joanne. You must need it!

  4. Cheek/foot/head/butt, it's all furry so it's all good, right? hah ... at least he's keeping you company, and that's good to see.

    I echo Marie - you must need the sleep. And it will help heal you but it's hard to "hurry up and wait" for an active person such as you.

  5. cats know, I have seen so many examples of this over the years. rest and relax and smell some lavender I highly recommend it.

  6. Obviously your body needs you to sleep so it can heal. Rest well.

  7. I am glad Toby gives you some comfort. And, yes, you must need the sleep. I am glad you are able to sleep.

  8. There is something so comforting about sleeping with a kitty. Don't know why, but it's so true, do they heal us?

  9. Nothing sweeter than the sweet weight of a cat on your body. Unlike dogs, they seem to mold to whatever they sleep with.

  10. He is earning his keep by providing "cat therapy". We had a cat who was never happier than when someone was home sick from work or school. -Jenn

  11. It is lovely to have the company of a purring cat and he likes your company too.

  12. Good for Laura for having a job! Great that you are able to nap during the day to continue to help your body to heal and that you have occasionally a snuggle mate!


  13. I'm glad Toby is being a good companion now. You deserve it!

  14. The little cat I rescued from my niece loves Jess more than me. He does go on my bed but after I've got up so he can sit washing himself.
    Glad you have Toby to snooze with x

  15. Hari OM
    Ahhhh Toby boy, coming good in time of need. It's a tricky time, finding the balance for healing versus lethargy... sending Love and Vibes! YAM xx

  16. It's sweet that Toby is keeping you company now that you need it. He probably senses that you are not quite yourself and of course there is the added attraction of a warmed bed.

  17. Phooey to people who give cats a bad rap - nobody cuddles better.

  18. Take comfort in the fact that Toby is choosing to snuggle with you now; being a cat that will probably change.

  19. In the 1990's I was sick for over a year and my sweet black and white kitty was constantly with me, cuddled up close, making me settle down and feel calmer and more hopeful. Seems like your Toby is a cat of similar nature.

    1. I was thinking as I wrote this that the last cat who was attached to me, almost surgically, was my black and white, Pasha. She had a tiny, perfect Hitler mustach, which she flaunted because she was good.

  20. Being second must sting, but he looks mighty happy perched there - killing two birds with one stone.

  21. The sleep is surely healing you! I like cats, to look at, but am so allergic to them I can't have one. Dogs for me. And I'm allergic to lots of them too, but not all.

  22. "... someone asleep in the day apparently is a good deal" I think this is definitely what a cat thinks. All 3 of mine are still sharing my bed during the day since surgery and when I get up, one of them slips into my warm vacant spot. Cats are great comfort givers and just petting one as you lie there calms a person. And sleep is healing, Joanne, so sleep away until your strength returns. As we age, apparently it takes longer than I realized.

  23. I've caught up on your posts while I was gone. remind me not to get slung to the back of a bus and stopped by a metal box. having my own issues right now thank you very much.

  24. I'm sorry. One foot in front of the other. Just think if we were cats.

  25. What a cute, loving cat! He is such a comfort to you.

  26. Your body obviously needs all that sleep Joanne, so go with it, cat or no cat.

  27. I am glad to read you are resting. Too many changes. Nice to know the cat and the granddaughter are a constant in your life.

  28. I am so glad you have the cat to offer you a bit of comfort!
