
Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Minors on the town

Good to their word, the girls called Aunt Beth, while grandma drifted through bead land. I have no idea what made the sound I fixed on, but it made the dreams work out. The doctors kept me unconscious for four days. In that time I had a right craniotomy for subdural hematoma evacuation of my encounter with the grill.

I can say this: if someone volunteers to perform my very own craniotomy, I’d probably decline. But, the most pain, post-procedure, was the little slice into a groin artery to thread a drain to my brain to evacuate two hematomas, a nice big one from the sudden stop against the grill, and a smaller one just a couple of months old that I bet a sudden stop against my own cupboard door left. The surgery left me unable to talk or walk, but the nice surgeons drifted in every few hours to tell me I was doing a good job, before sending me back to beads and park rangers.

My daughter Beth came to claim the girls, and her husband Bill came to drive home my car. When they called her, Beth told them to Uber back to the motel, order in a pizza, and not create a disturbance. Oh, yes, and order a new room key with the best story they could muster. Beth checked them periodically, and was satisfied all was well. At least the phone was answered, as expected.

The very next day the girls expressed their disappointment at missing the Jefferson memorial and the tidal basin boats by grandmas’ sudden stop. Good for them! Beth took them back to view the marble they missed, before heading back to Ohio, the next morning.

As they left the hotel the next morning, the girls suggested a quick trip to Starbucks, across the road,  and Beth led the expedition. Before the doors closed behind them, the wait staff were out from behind the counters. “There you are! We’ve been talking about you! How’s your grandma? We’re so worried about her.”

“Grandma will be just fine,” Caroline announced. “Mom’s taking us home and coming back for grandma.” Thirteen year old minds deal beautifully with time and place. Beth exited behind a latte and a chocolate with double whipped cream, smiling.

Grandma did leave, a couple of weeks later, though not discharged. It was a fine adventure, and I doubt my grandchildren will realize it for several more years.


  1. As I think I have said before, "You are amazing❣" Linda@Wetcreek Blog

  2. I knew you were made of strong stuff, but holy cow!

  3. Hari OM
    Oh for the love of petrus Joanne... I hope there's some comeback on the bus authorities... as for the young 'uns, they'll know soon enough that healing takes longer, the longer one walks the earth! YAM xx

  4. Yes, what an amazing story. So glad to know that it has a happy ending.

  5. That was way more adventure than you needed! I'm glad to see you back posting and hope you truly are feeling good, or at least pretty close. Wow!

  6. I realize this is the abridged version of the story and I am sure you went through hell. To be in a hospital for two weeks is a long time in today's medical world. Thankfully, you are writing again and I take it that you are improving with each passing day. It is so good to have you back.

    I am not surprised that you discharged yourself.

  7. Oh Joanne, horrible in every way, except you are recovering. What a terrible accident and yes, I can just imagine the rest of the story. Hugs and kisses and you are a karmic wonder - in the best sense.

  8. Whoa! What can I say? Glad you are recovering.

  9. WOW!!, you are one tough lady. Glad you're on the mend.

  10. Oh my! You have been through a lot. You are amazing. Here's hoping your healing is swift and complete.

  11. "Grandma will be just fine." I am truly hoping that sums it up! Continue to take good care of yourself. -Jenn

  12. You left without being discharged?? Definitely not something I would do with a head injury. You go back for checkups? Or to your local doctor or hospital for checks for a while?
    I'm SO relieved you are alright.
    I didn't understand the reference to clicking beads in the previous post, but didn't like to ask, but you've explained that now.
    I'm glad the girls are so capable, also that Aunt Beth took them to see the monument. Nice to know the wait staff at Starbucks was also concerned and caring.

  13. wow that's serious surgery. All the best on a complete recovery.

  14. Thank goodness you are as tough as you are, but that was a lot to take...This was a bit too much adventure. That bus driver should certainly make sure all passengers are seated before zooming off that way. I'm sure it will take time to recover. Be well!

  15. Wow. Turns out what REALLY DID HAPPEN is worse than my imagination could conjure up while you were not posting. I'll bet the clicking noise made by the machines in the hospital room are what made you think of beads clacking together. I hate to be redundant and say you are amazing, Not only do you hang in there and survive scary episodes----you are able to describe what went on in your head while you were surviving, I am so glad to know you made it home and are able to be talking to us!! 💐💐💐💐 And those girls were chips off the old block!

  16. Oh my gosh! I just sit here and continue to be amazed. I am so glad that you are okay! It helps to be tough grandma!! Continue to take care!!

  17. That's what I expected when you mentioned you hit your head. Seems like you were under the care of some very good doctors. Neat that the girls obeyed and followed instructions. I'm thinking maybe you had a bit of a stay at a rehab hospital? I am glad you are updating us with what happened, but it sounds like a terrible thing to have to go through.


  18. You have given us a new definition for tough and determined. And I thought the version we knew was awe inspiring.
    Like River I am a tad concerned that you signed yourself out of hospital, and hope (so much) that you have access to follow up care.

  19. Please keep getting better Joanne. So sorry about all that happened. Thinking of you x

  20. You are amazing,be well and thank you so much for sharing.

  21. I had no idea about this until the previous post. I am so glad you are recovering well, Joanne.

  22. Quite an adventure. You are so fortunate, Joanne. I am happy you came through so well. You are a strong person to be sure!

  23. A fine adventure, indeed! I'm glad you are well enough now to tell the tale. How long will it take for you to fully recover?

  24. Joanne! holy. fucking. cow. It's a good thing you're a tough old bird.

  25. I am in shock. Thank God you are such a touch "Cup on the Bus". I've been away from blogland for a few weeks and don't expect things like this to happen. Those girls of yours are quite phenomenal -- they get it from their Grandma, for sure.

  26. I am not sure 'adventure is quite the right word to cover it Joanne. Go careful now.

  27. Dear Joanne, last evening I spilled something sticky on one of the dishcloths you wove and sent to me and suddenly thought of you and your blog. I've just begun blogging again and I'm still trying to find the bloggers I used to follow--you being one of them.

    So today, here I am discovering you, the bus, the grill, and the evacuation of the hematoma. It worked out, but oh it seemed to me to be so scary. So iffy. There's some reason why you are able to write this posting and to form the words and to know the letters. There's some reason you are going to be here for those grandchildren who will ultimately appreciate the thin line between wellness and tragedy. I am so relieved that you are okay.


  28. And now we get the finer details, which show your fine adventure to have been even more perilous than we already knew ... again, I'm assuming you are recovering nicely since you are able to post quite coherently, but holy cow, Joanne, you know how to make a memorable trip ...
