
Saturday, May 27, 2017

Mandevillas and more...summer is here

Laura and I went flower shopping today.
Groceries can wait until tomorrow.
Housecleaning, ditto.

White mandevilla.

Pink mandevilla

Red mandevilla.
Yellow mandevilla, accompanied by a purple dahlia.

A sunflower. Before long I can go face to face to take pictures.

The front garden not too long ago. I'm still trying to get all the plants located and arranged. Those balloon flowers will get a bit more contained tomorrow. The plant under the bench is Stella de Oro. It was getting too big back in the crocus. Now I know what it is, where it is, and how big I intend to see it grow.

I asked the transplanter if she liked it under the bench.
Long pause.
"Well, technically, it's not my garden."
I took that as a "No."


  1. I love Mandevillas, no matter the color, however, the red is the most dramatic.

  2. Love those flowers.

  3. LOVE the mandebillas. Rain has driven me inside, but I hope that my spring garden will look as good as yours. Such a tactful transplanter...

  4. Love the Mandevillas, must get some.

  5. All of your plants are colourful and lovely, but the dahlia has a special place in my affection. I haven't seen one in person for decades. They were a staple at our local exhibition each fall. I wonder if our nursery might have them if I go earlier than the final sales!

  6. You put so much work into your pretty yard. You will have it the way you want it in no time.

  7. Pssst, I wouldn't have it under the bench either. That's the place to stash the spare books and cushions when relaxing and looking at the garden.
    I spotted pink mandevillas hanging on someone's porch yesterday, and was able to tell my friend "those are mandevillas" and I only know that because of your blog :)

  8. I've never grown mandevillas, I have tried but the died very quickly maybe to humid here in summer.

  9. I like mandevillas so much, here they are in full bloom.I've never seen the yellow one.

  10. It will be lovely to watch the sunflower grow x

    1. Won't that be fun. It will be taller than me in the fall, and I hope chickadees find all the seeds.

  11. I have seen mandevilla, but never planted it before. I'm going to the plant store today...

  12. I must grow some Mandevillas someday. My daughter always has a lovely one beside her back door. I never knew there were yellow ones. Laura is a good helper. And if she lives with you, this garden is one that should give her pleasure every day.

  13. I didn't realize mandevillas came in so many colors. is the bench for use or decoration? and groceries and housecleaning always come after flowers. in fact many things come before housecleaning around here.

    1. That bench is for decoration and dogs to pee on. I have the same bench on my little deck, and today I'm making cushions for it. Yesterday two pillows jumped up at me, and then a rug. Woo hoo.
      PS--Older boys (high school) who don't know dogs pea on the bench often sit on it and punch the snot out of each other to impress Laura.

    2. This brings me a memory that makes me laugh. Years ago my nephew walked out of the cottage and saw the chives growing at the edge of the porch. "I love chives" he said, and grabbed a bunch and shoved it in his mouth before I could tell him that was the favorite peeing spot of many dogs.

  14. Mandevilla is a completely new plant to me. My favourite nursery does not have it, but Amazon UK does! I think it might do quite well in France...

    1. I like the reliability. I make sure they're watered; they make sure they bloom.

    2. I like the reliability. I make sure they're watered; they make sure they bloom.

  15. Such an exciting time - the planting season. I need to get a Mandevilla. A pink one. Why not?

  16. I too love mandevillas! ... especially the white and pink climbing ones. They remind me of my home town New Orleans. And I do also like sunflowers (and daisies)...
